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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 2 hours ago, fangless said:

    I can imagine the scams/scares that could be created with this system.  Give a false address and and an innocent person gets a positive HIV report!!

    If anything, that person would get a test kit that he doesn’t want/need, so it would be just a waste of money. 


    2 hours ago, fangless said:

    Given the state of IT security in general and that in Thailand in particular, this has all the hallmarks of data Protection problems.

    How? I could as well go to the Thai Red Cross Anonymous Clinic and fill-in someone else’s name there. How is this service less secure than any clinic or Organisation that’s using IT systems? 


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  2. 4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


      You just keep calling people liars all the time ................

    I was answering your question. Sorry if you don’t like the answer. 

    4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    lets talk about the bus again and have the same conversation that we've been having for four years now . 

      Your second reply will be " Its not 1.6 Billion, the UK gets a rebate"

    What do you suggest instead? Let’s forgive and move on and be friends? 

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  3. 44 minutes ago, vogie said:

    we do know the Scots wish because they told us.

    Wrong. You know what was the wish of the Scots in 2014. The electorate today is not the one of 2014, and their wish may have changed. So you don’t what their wish is. You’re living in the past. 


    The UK has not blocked any referendum, they were granted one in 2014.

    Again, you’re living in the past. According to your own PM, it is or would be blocking one. Good if not. Let’s see. 


    Why would the Brexiteers throw any abusive language

    Because they knew their only realistic chance to win the referendum was by doing it the Trump way, lies, disinformation, verbal abuse. Had Brexiteers been decent democratic people, no one would feel Schadenfreude; people would probably have wished you well (including me). But had Brexiteers been decent democratic people, they wouldn’t have won the referendum in the first place. 



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  4. 1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:


      Why are you so supportive of Scottish independence ?

    I’m not. It’s up to them. As I wrote before. 

    1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Do you see it as some king of revenge on England/UK , because we decided to leave you ?

    I don’t have an issue with England/UK. I also don’t mind if those who insult and lie reap what they sowed. 


    1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:

      We left you , you try to break us up .

    Who do you mean when you say “you”? You neither left me nor do I have any leverage to break you up. If you mean the EU, the same applies. 

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  5. 37 minutes ago, vogie said:

    So basically you are saying the only facts we have is that the Scots wish to remain in the UK.

    Nope, the facts you have is that the Scots voted (past tense) to remain in the UK, and that they may (vote to) leave the UK. You don’t know what “the Scots wish”, and you won’t know if you (UK) keep blocking a referendum. 

    37 minutes ago, vogie said:

    You are not going to believe this but there are many on here Euros as well as homegrown Brits who because they lost in the EU referendum, they would like to see the UK split up just out of spite, now I'm sure if you knew somebody like that, it is hoped that you would severely rebuke them.

    You are not going to believe this but I’m not one of those. I wouldn’t mind to see the UK split up because I think those who throw abusive language and lies (Brexiteers) deserve it. 

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  6. 35 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    For Brexit, the majority who voted wanted to Leave. We left. No second vote.

    Nope, you voted to remain. You kept moaning about it. You got a second vote. That turned out to be leave. 


    35 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    For Indyref, the majority who voted wanted to Remain. You remained. No second vote. That's Democracy in action.

    Up to the Scottish to decide whether to have another vote or not. Their fate ain’t your business. That’s democracy. 


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  7. 24 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    That's not the case the EU didn't want UK to leave in the first place.

    Even if that was true, it is up to each member state itself to leave or not. 


    24 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Four years on and still not free of EU doesn't that say at lest something to you to be fair.

    You are not an EU member anymore. You could have had it earlier. You could even have had it without the transition period. If anything, it says something about the UK. But certainly not that you’re “still not free”. 

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  8. On 11/29/2020 at 3:55 PM, Laughing Gravy said:

    So again the EU do hold the power on referendums.

    Would you mind showing me the specific law according to which a member state cannot hold a referendum without EU approval? Truth is, member states don’t even need a referendum for it. They can just trigger article 50 without one. It’s totally up to them as sovereign states: Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.


    You obviously didn’t do your homework, as so often is the case with brexiteers. 



    Go and ask the likes of Gina Mller.

    Gina Miller isn’t the EU. In fact, she’s one of yours. 



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