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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 4 hours ago, Loiner said:

    No I don’t have to choose anything more.

    Both at the same time doesn’t work, but maybe logic is not the strength of a Brexiteer. 


    4 hours ago, Loiner said:

    We in the UK chose to Leave, no question of making any deals.

    Yet still your Brexiteer friends keep blocking to leave because of a deal that they were never supposed to have a say in. 


    4 hours ago, Loiner said:

    even our own parliament cannot easily run roughshod over the UK people.

    ...and I appreciate that they keep blocking a no-deal Brexit (and effectively Brexit altogether). ???? 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Anyone who doesn’t advocate no deal doesn’t understand the UK.
    Anyone who insists that the referendum didn’t call for a deal, shows they don’t understand the referendum options, or how the Political elites or parliament are subverting democracy.

    I’m afraid you have to choose what is decisive. If it’s “the referendum options” there was no no-deal as a referendum option. If it’s to “understand the UK” everyone could claim his understanding is the right one. 


    Or you just accept that it’s over and you move on. Brexit ain’t gonna happen. 

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  3. 18 minutes ago, nev said:

    If the government are to telling you to remain you are better to vote the opposite way, They are only in it for what they can get for themselves and nothing about what the average folk will benefit from staying in the EU.

    The one doesn’t necessarily exclude the other, but I guess some Brexiteers would still prefer to shooting themselves in the foot if at least they can also shoot the government in the foot. Against the establishment! Viva la revolucion!

  4. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    The ordinary Joe like me knows nothing about UK law and politicians can/could tell porkies.....

    Brexiteers like to complain when people call them uneducated or ill informed. I appreciate that you are honest about it (and I mean that). 



    1 hour ago, transam said:


    Us ordinary Joe's were told the referendum result would be adhered too....Joe wants what we voted for....No question, no arguments, no back tracking.....

    ...it should be clear even for the “ordinary Joes” that laws only make sense as long as they apply to everyone, regardless of his or her knowledge of such laws. It would defeat the purpose of laws if one could just claim he didn’t know to circumvent it. 

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  5. 41 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Your colloquial English is coming on leaps and bounds since you started playing with the Britischers isn't it? Keep it up and soon they won't realise that your actually playing for the opposition team. Chuck in a few 'mates' and 'innits' and you'll have 'em thinking you are actually a home grown Remainer.

    Next time have a look at what I am replying to before wasting time on a comment like this. 

  6. Just now, transam said:

    Or false promise...Singular....Voters took that singular promise as fact....

    That’s the problem of the (some) voters then. It’s not that the UK’s laws are kept a secret. Every half-informed citizen should know his country’s constitution and laws, especially when it comes to big decisions like this. While I wholeheartedly agree that Cameron deserves blame for making false promises to his people, I do not have much sympathy with people not knowing the laws or overturning laws just because it suits their agenda. Imagine what a dangerous precedent it would create if a PM could just overturn the constitution. You don’t want Corbyn to do that.  

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    22 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

    I read this several times. But I don't have the clue what will be the change, as there is a deal with EU fixed and EU is not willing to re-negotiate. 

    The point is if UK people are voting to leave with a deal..... Would the Parliament/Tory perform and agree? 

    Or this turmoil is an endless story? 

    Remember a referendum is only an advice for the Govt 

    “Remember a referendum is only an advice for the Govt” That was true for the first referendum. You could hold a legally binding referendum though. Would require parliament to change the laws accordingly. So, in the end, it all comes back to the sovereign parliament. However, I am inclined to believe that even another non-binding referendum, if it is held now when people are informed better and the voting options are better defined and implementable, parliament would just go with it. 

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  8. 6 minutes ago, transam said:

    No, the referendum stated the vote outcome would be implemented....Do you not understand that...?

    1. Countries are governed by laws, not by leaflets or the promises someone makes. 


    2. The leaflet only talks about leaving the EU. It neither talks about not doing x or y after having left the EU. 


    3. The leaflet also doesn’t say anything about what will or should happen if parliament doesn’t agree on a or b. 

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