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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 3 minutes ago, grumpy 4680 said:

          Scutty,  for years the British people wanted out of the EU, when finally the referendum was announced, 

    ( only because the government thought they would win a remain vote ) The people voted for OUT, that's the way democracy is supposed to work, and not having corrupt politicians working now to stay in, so why can't you accept that, as for the lies, all politicians lie.


    Democracies are supposed to work based on laws and people obeying laws. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    It seems to have gone without comment, but the Brexiteers here on TVF who are ardently against a second referendum clearly regard this EU election as ...... erm.... a... proxy second referendum.

    Even more so after EU citizens have been denied their right to participate. 


    What they fail to see is that it doesn’t help them with their cause. They need a majority in parliament, not more meaningless polls. 


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    18 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    So where on earth does 39bn 'owed' come from - bearing in mind the net uk payment to the eu is around 9bn per year?

    It was negotiated between the two parties I believe, as a quick fix to end that matter and move on to more urging topics that have to be negotiated.


    A future PM can scrap it, but then you’re simply back to square one.


    I would believe the UK, even more so if it was to leave without a deal, had more urging issues to work on and negotiate than haggling over these  numbers or even going through lengthy court procedures. But then Brexit Britain is always good for a laugh. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    WTO doesn't include the 39 Billion for Sweet FA that May's surrender treaty does. Clear enough?

    I never mentioned the term WTO. My question was whether you really believe that the EU won’t get the 39bn just because the deal fails. The outstanding contractual obligations will not just vanish. Apart from taking it to courts, the EU can just sit back and wait until you want to negotiate whatever you want from the EU. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, onemorebeer said:

    If a women is raped then she can take a medicine with name levonorgestrel, she can take it up to 72 hours after being raped, unprotected sex or if the condom simply cracked.

    Ever heard of trauma? 


    5 hours ago, onemorebeer said:

    killing humans is illegal and so should it be with humans inside a belly as well,the only exemptions for abortion if your life is in danger, period!

    Why should the one be an exemption and the other not? Your argument (ahem) was that killing humans is illegal, regardless of the circumstances. 


  6. “luxury condo” lol. There are no luxury condos in Bangkok. Wireless 98 maybe, but all the rest is shoeboxes stuffed with IKEA furniture. They just think they can charge you luxury prices for it because it’s new and looks nice on the surface. 


    At least I now understand why my condo installed a fingerprint reader (which fails to work 50% of the time, of course, and is driving everyone crazy). On top of my elevator keycard and my separate door keycard, that’s the third security measure now. Completely insane, especially after that door to the lifts was wide open for a year before they installed the fingerprint reader. And I’ll definitely not give them my fingerprints. 

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    There will be a 'peoples vote' on the day of the EU elections, the people that want to remain in the EU will vote for remain parties, and people that want leave will vote for leave parties. That day will be a great indication as to whether the electorates minds have changed.


    After telling everyone that “leave” means “no deal”, I wouldn’t be surprised if that became the new narrative of Brexiteers. And, of course, depending on the percentages, it’s up to Brexiteers to decide what a leave-party is and what a remain-party is. After all, they are the authority to tell people what they voted for ???? 

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  8. 19 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Sorry, you've got it all wrong again in your spaced out state. Had you been coherent after whatever you do on Sundays, you should have thought that when Theresa is ousted by her own party, a true Brexiteer will be required to save the UK from her Merkel/May surrender document.

    Nothing to do with parliament Fixed Terms, but everything to do with achieving a true Brexit. Neither Theresa or the Labour party have been able to overturn the democratic decision of the UK, which is still to Leave. 
    Why not try again tomorrow after a good night's sleep?

    Yah, I know you are hypocrites. At least you’re admitting it now. That’s an improvement! ???? 

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  9. 7 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

    Quite some Brits think they still can negociate ( read: command) others from their cannon boats.

    They are just parroting what their preferred Twitter accounts of internet memes tell them, despite not having a clue or being qualified. Like those fools who claim global warming is a hoax or you don’t have to vaccinate your kids. “Follow me to the light!” 


  10. 1 hour ago, Loiner said:

    Well no body is accepting that 'deal' either. She has to go now, without her Merkel/May Surrender Treaty being accepted. The premiership has got to be given to a Brexiteer PM to sort out her EU Remainer mess, preferably with No Deal unless it has some major advantages for the UK. 

    I think it’s great that Brexiteers finally seem to accept that a vote doesn’t have to be the final say because people may change their mind in the light of new information and want to decide differently. I think you now understand your Remainer-friends. 



    1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

    As usual Farage deflects, rudely interrupts, tries to bully and bluster and says nothing meaningful.

    To be fair, it’s a smart move to communicate on the Brexiteers’ intellectual level. That’s how you make uneducated fools to pay into your wallet. 



    1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

    You must remember that Brexiteers think Britannia still rules the waves!

    Living in cloud cuckoo land definitely is at the heart of the problem. Some people might argue a no-deal Brexit would be a good thing so those fools see and learn. No, they will always say “pink unicorns exist, it’s just your fault that you didn’t find me one.”


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