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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 4 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Only indicative therefore not important.

    The Withdrawal Act is still the law and doesn't need a deal.

    But do you really believe there exists a PM candidate who would actually take over the responsibility and put his name under a no-deal Brexit (and who would be voted in)? Unless most Brexiteers, those guys have something to lose. I would actually bet some money on this and donate it should I be wrong (I’m sure there would be a development fund to rebuild the UK after a no-deal suicide). 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    "So if 180 senior executives across a large number of UK financial firms"


    Cough.... From the OP "More than 60% of responses were from Britain and the United States, with the rest mainly from Hong Kong, Ireland, Singapore and Luxembourg."

    So pretty much from all the major financial hubs. Of course, a Brexiteer with his degree in supermarket shelves knows better than all those Johnny Foreigners. 

    • Haha 1

    38 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Imagine in years to come when future generations ask their parents, 'where is Britain' what will their answer be, 'you are living here son, but we cannot call it Britain anymore, we have to refer to it as The United States of Europe, but don't worry son, you can visit anywhere in Europe without a visa, now wasn't that worth losing our national identity for.

    “losing our national identity” ???? I’m surprised Brexiteers actually can spell that, they certainly couldn’t explain it. I’m certainly wondering what national identity I have lost during my time in the EU. Hope you’re not losing too much national identity by living in Thailand. Definitely make sure to heil the Union Jack twice a day and never eat anything else than fish and chips. 



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  4. 39 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


    Wrong - as you ought to be aware, there are people who will blindly/loyally continue to support the party of their choice....and probably the choice of their father before them.

    My question was why anyone who truly wants Brexit would not support the Brexit party but rather one of the main parties. No one has been able to answer my question, including yourself. Simply because it doesn’t make sense that someone who supports Brexit would not vote for Brexit but for what is father voted for. It makes as much sense as suggesting there could be remainers in the Brexit party vote just because their dad always voted for Farage. 


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  5. 51 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Tories and Labour are leave parties or still were at the last election and manifesto.

    There was one clear Brexit party. A single-topic, even named after it Brexit party. And you wanna tell us Brexiteers voted Tories or Labour instead, the two parties the same Brexiteers claim are “overturning” Brexit? The two parties that were over the last couple of weeks discussing a customs union? You don’t really believe your own nonsense, do you? 



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