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Posts posted by ayayay

  1. we all love money and some of us might well consider doing questionable things in the pursuit of it. However, these stories of Thai people willing to injure maim and even murder farang's to steal their money and posessions sickens me to the core. What's wrong with these people? .

    Keep calling yourself "farang", and they will more likely see you as something different, and that makes you an an even easier target of scams, and killings.

  2. There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

    He must have done something wrong in the past....

    "I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason" - well it depends what you mean by 'a reason' doesn't it ? Random aggression, theft, or a score to settle have resulted in Farangs have been beaten, robbed, chased, half-killed, about 20 times to my knowledge in the space of 3 years in the small city in Isaan where i live. Attacks on long-term farangs are way more common than any official figures indicate - i am absolutely sure of that from local, personal knowledge. And yes, sometimes it is virtually 'without a reason'. One small anecdote : i was walking along a riverside promenade with my lady one evening, and a young Thai nearly crashed into us by riding a m'cycle too close at about 30 kph - also narrowly missing all the toddlers, parents and grannies who take the air every evening. I shouted OI ! in my best sarf lonun tone, and the Thai teen screeched to a halt and started posing up with all the signs he wanted a ruck. We carried on walking and he started his bike and joined a small gang of his mates at the middle of the promenade where there are some shops. We tried to ignore him but as we leaned on the railings looking at the river, he kept squaring up to us and doing a strange walking back and forth dance of aggression. I wouldn't have minded a one-on-one given the mood i was in, but of course if we'd made even the slightest move towards him, we'd have had the whole posse to deal with...so we took the more diplomatic option and walked into the shops and out the other side onto a main road. My lady was on edge for an hour afterwards. When i asked her why he reacted so badly to just being yelled at, she of course said : 'Loss of face'. Guess what ? My first thought - he deserves to lose some of it... So i'm afraid you don't know much about living in Thailand if you really believe that Thai teens wouldn't beat foreigners "for no reason" - depending of course on whether you mean a "justified reason", or some 'reason' created in their demented brains.

    Yes I agree , in almost all cases like this there is a reason. But it could be just one word and a 'Loss of face' , its enough to start a big fight .

    Someone compared thai teens with soi dogs, I agree

    Wow, some thais are like soi dogs?

    More thai people should come to this board and read what some of us think of them, maybe they would stop smiling once they found out, lol.

  3. He might make some goof definitely.

    actually Dutch people are most tactkless & out of turn ( worse than Brits ))

    Thai guys never attact without reason.

    Sadly not true, about 10 years ago at a birthday party in patong 2 people get into a fight about a mutual friend. They were "best friends",


    gets stabed over 20 times by the other 1 who was on yaba. Next day the culprit couldn't remember the incident but had to face murder charges.

    "best friend" didn't survive.

    "gets stabed over 20 times"

    "best friend" didn't survive.

    I am not surprised! :blink:

    Yeah, South Central is a dump...

  4. perhaps OP you are 'boring' to them....

    I can't say in my time as a single man living and working in Pattaya that I have been short of female company...in fact I had to be quite rude to get them to leave my house and very selective on who had my actual number and not my pay as you go throw away one...

    married man now so can't comment of late....but I had a great time with all the girls I met on a social network site, majority of them were BKK ladies and were up for installation if it was there!

    And you never ever opened the wallet? you are a "very hansom man" indeed!

  5. ^

    Sorry, I doubt about the veracity of this story.

    I'm a non native English speaker, 99% of the English people understand very well my English, I also understand very well the English spoken on the BBC, unfortunately I have often problems to understand the English spoken by English people here in Pattaya, problem I don't have with Americans.

    This is exactly the same thing with me, and the rest of us.

  6. I'm trying to work out if there is some hidden joke or something in your post that should be funny...... never had the problem myself. Where are you from?

    No hidden joke unless its on their part!. Im from south England. Got an estuary accent most people think i speak clearly maybe a bit quietly. Ill try talking louder when i say TWO

    You have a British accent. Thais are more familiar with American English.

    I speak fairly well, but have difficulties understand British English when spoken.

    "British English"??? Its just English, the Language originates from there.

    Reminds me of a conversation i heard in Loas last week at breakfast.

    American man says to Loatian man. "Wow you speak really good English! You dont sound like the English, they have an accent"

    Loatian man. "What? You have an accent, they ARE English!"

    No, everyone who knows about history knows its the Brits who stole the English language from the Americans. Duh...

    I know many British people are upset by the fact that American accent is so much more popular and common these days, but it does not change the fact, British English with its thick accent (just added it for fun), is for most people much more difficult to understand, than regular (ok, I just added that for fun too) English, that is American English.

  7. I'm trying to work out if there is some hidden joke or something in your post that should be funny...... never had the problem myself. Where are you from?

    No hidden joke unless its on their part!. Im from south England. Got an estuary accent most people think i speak clearly maybe a bit quietly. Ill try talking louder when i say TWO

    You have a British accent. Thais are more familiar with American English.

    I speak fairly well, but have difficulties understand British English when spoken.

  8. It should be "fares", not "fare". The BTS is not a flat fare system, where "fare" would be appropriate, but a system with a multiple-fare structure, where "fares" is appropriate.

    NNT should know that, but -- of course -- TIT.

    Oh should it ? Aren't you a grammar nazzi.

    In fact.. the TIT part seems to be just a manifestation of a deeper psychological problem.

    But this is TVF hey.

    TiT = Thaivisa is Thaivisa

  9. 1) No, about 200bht tops private hospital, free government hospital.

    2) TMI = too much information

    3) 5-6 weeks

    While we're on it.

    Morning after pills, good for up to 3-5 days after sex, 40bht at any Thai pharmacy (called Madonna)

    They bring on an instant period.

    thanks for info

  10. <I know there could not have been a baby yet (of course), and I know she did not try to make me believe it, but she said "she had to take it out", and that it costed her 6500 thb.>

    Of course there was a baby, if she is telling the truth. Just because it's only a few cells, it's still a human being in the making.

    <She also said she will not be able to work for 2 months, and not be able to have sex for 2 months (no she does not freelance, at least that is what she told me). And she will probably figure out some financial compensation for that.>

    If you believe that, I have a bridge for sale.

    Assuming you are saying that she already had an abortion, something that can be induced with pills at a very early stage, why on earth would she not be able to work? Even women with caesareans can look after their babies, and that's hard work.

    As for sex, are you sure she didn't have an hysterectomy?

    Yes, but if it is just a few cells, I would think the abortion procedure would be much less serious, than if it was already a little baby.

    About her saying that she would not be able to work, yes, I do not know, that is why I am asking...

  11. Pregnancy test at the hospital by blood test costs around 1500baht! She could have told you the truth.

    They normally give you a recipe and can ask a paper with the results.

    You should go to a private hospital and do the blood test with her. It only takes 1 or 2 hours!

    Ok, interesting, because everyone else was very quick to judge, (me included), thinking 1500 thb is way too expensive, and therefore a scam.

    I did ask her to take the receipt, so if she cant show me that, it will be more difficult to believe her.

    I can´t go now, as she has already done the abortion, or should I say "done the abortion".

  12. Here's the deal ayayay

    She goes down to the local police station and files a rape allegation against you.

    She tells the police where you live.

    She then writes a full report that would do Steinbeck proud and the police believe it.

    They tell her to go to the clinic and get an exam to get your DNA with a rape kit, even though they do not need any DNA or even any evidence. That's right! You heard me. No evidence. They can detain you over a lie-filled report outlining a rape whether you think it or not.

    It does not matter the timeline and the events that took place.

    It does not matter what you have to say or what you have as evidence.

    You will be home one day and a man with blue jeans will pull up and hand you a piece of paper asking you to come down to the police station for an "interview".

    When you show up, you will be finger printed and unless you have money, you will be put in jail. If this does happen, then make an excuse and whatever you do, do not go to the police station alone, or even go at all if you value your freedom and human rights.

    You will rot in a jail cell that smells like urine, vomit and alcohol until they figure you've had enough time to think about it. Then they will pull you into a room and tell you that she will not press charges if you can pay her a certain sum of money, and so on and so on...

    The rest is history.

    So, in summary, the deal is this... get her as happy as you can as fast as you can and flat out lie to her and tell her you love her and you've had a change of heart. Tell her you will be there for her. Buy her flowers... and then when all the evidence is flushed down the toilet and time goes by, get the hell out with some excuse that your father is sick back home or the buffalo broke its leg and you need to return home and plow the field. Make sure you act depressed and cry in front of her a few days before you tell her.

    In short, if she decides to, she can make you life the worst kind of hell imaginable. Provoking her to desperation or anger is the worst thing you could do at this point. You put yourself right out in the middle of the field with a big fat target on your chest and she and all her future accomplices are all standing on the line holding rifles.

    great postclap2.gif

    GTFO bcz thailand not for you post-4641-1156693976.gif

    Oh, Thailand is for certain people, but it is no different than living in Brazil. You just have to know where to step, where to sleep, and what to watch out for so you don't get bit by poisonous things. Ha ha. Thanks, but ayayay is in a very bad spot right now and he doesn't even realize it... yet? I just hope she is is dumb; really really dumb.

    Yes, that could be the worst case scenario, even though I doubt she would do it.

  13. 2 questions

    Given you're being asked to "re-imburse" your young lady after her deciding on the "solution" without any input from you whatsoever, does it make sense to even consider "reimbursement in full" in the first place?

    8k divided by 2 = 4k. Is that really such a large amount to move on? and:

    1) have a clear conscience knowing that whatever the story was, you've shared part of any responsibility, despite being given zero input into the decision

    2) hopefully learn from your mistakes (plural)

    3) give yourself the opportunity to say goodbye and find some "new friends"




    Yeah, I agree with this,

  14. Your call

    Pay and get rid of her (sorry dude, she just took you)

    Negotiate her down and then get rid of her(see above)

    or tell her no receipt, no dna test, no pay,

    and suffer with her whining and other troubles she may make

    then get rid of her.

    Basically get rid of her, think of it as an expensive lesson.

    Dont feel bad dude, it happens to all of us one way or another. Be glad you got this lesson early and relatively cheaply. My ex took me for more than you can make in years and years probably.sick.gif Sorry, i make that face when ever I think of her lol.

    Yeah, I feel somewhat bad, for many reasons, even though it is not over yet, I realize, this could have been a lot worse also. Thanks for positive words.

  15. OP, you are having unprotected sex with an occasional while you are uncut. How many things could possibly go wrong? Are you trying to win the Darwin award?

    Have yourself checked for STDs including HIV.

    Have yourself snipped. Buy some condoms.

    Now, if the girl was really pregnant by you, she would have asked for the money upfront. How did she front 8,000 b without even telling you, and then come asking for it? No, she would have asked for the money first and then you could have done your due diligence. But that would have spoiled her scam.

    It's a scam.

    She had been telling me on and off for about 2 weeks how she was very worried because she did not have her period, and I kept saying: Dont worry, there is no problem, and that she would soon have her period.

    Then finally I said, ok, go do a check up, how much does it cost? She said probably 1500 thb, I said, ok, give me the receipt when you come back.

  16. This woman is probably lying, but 6500 baht isn't out of line for one of the many private illegal abortion clinics. They'd also make her do a test there (ultrasound, but it is too early for that in this case) so it would cost a lot more than a home piss test.

    Home tests work after 3 weeks, that's 5 days before the first missed period or (3 weeks after last period).

    You can't get any earlier than that.


    But the clinics will not accept that and will force you to pay for their own test, which can be a lot more expensive depending on the clinic. These illegal private clinics gouge their prices.

    So you think 1500 thb is possible for doing a simple pregnancy test? Cause everyone else seems to think it is not possible.

  17. The OP asked if there is "some pill" that she could take this early in the pregnancy to end it. No, not at this stage. The "morning after" pill earned its nickname for a good reason.

    Blood tests are much more conclusive than the home urine pregnancy tests and I'd agree -- they should cost just a few hundred baht here. Heck, they're less than $50 at a clinic in the U.S., where all medical care is expensive. And yes, you'll have the results in a couple hours, at most.

    And speaking as someone who has had several miscarriages and D & C procedures, the recovery time is a couple weeks, max. (A D & C procedure is the same thing as an abortion.) The recovery is just as TommoPhysicist described -- it's like having a heavy period with maybe some harder cramping than normal, but it doesn't last for more than a week.

    This is probably TMI for most Thai Visa readers! But guys, you probably should develop some basic understanding of female body functions if you're going to be enjoying some of the more obvious features of the female body.

    Thanks, I was hoping for some female responses. so even a blood test for pregnancy should not cost a 1000 thb at the hospital right?

    What does TMI means?

    So she usually has her period around the 23rd, did not have any period at all last month, and the 4th this month, she went to "take it out". How many weeks of pregnancy is it in this case?

  18. Follow these simple steps.

    Step 1. Go to pharmacy and buy a couple of pregnancy tests. Cost maybe 200 baht.

    Step 2. Pee on the pregnancy test - important she pees, and not you

    Step 3. Check pregnancy test with results on box - there will be 2 options - positive (congratulations) or negative (phew)

    Step 4. If she is pregnant, get expert medical advice and make an informed decision and do things correctly and safely. Ignore myths.

    Step 5. If she is not pregnant, you know you have been scammed and it's time to move on.

    If she refuses step 1, 2 or 3, you have been scammed. Move on.

    Yeah, that is what I should have done, the problem is, she already said she "took it out". So there is no way I can check if she is pregnant or not.

    It's a scam! I have been through as similar experience and there wasn't any 2 month vacation. It was in another country where abortions are legal.

    The way I see it is she wants the 8000 plus her salary for the two months. Give her some walking papers, and find another place to hide the sausage.

    Yeah, that is what I thought as well, I totally agree.

  19. Follow these simple steps.

    Step 1. Go to pharmacy and buy a couple of pregnancy tests. Cost maybe 200 baht.

    Step 2. Pee on the pregnancy test - important she pees, and not you

    Step 3. Check pregnancy test with results on box - there will be 2 options - positive (congratulations) or negative (phew)

    Step 4. If she is pregnant, get expert medical advice and make an informed decision and do things correctly and safely. Ignore myths.

    Step 5. If she is not pregnant, you know you have been scammed and it's time to move on.

    If she refuses step 1, 2 or 3, you have been scammed. Move on.

    Yeah, that is what I should have done, the problem is, she already said she "took it out". So there is no way I can check if she is pregnant or not.

    Well if she has already had an abortion then you can just walk away if you think she is the type to scam. What can she do ? Hire a lawyer and go to court for money for an illegal abortion ?

    That is the problem, I do not know her that well, but to me, she seemed like she was not that kinda girl, and that was part of what I liked about her. But as I said, I do not honestly know her that well at all.

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