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Posts posted by ayayay

  1. This is probably the most heinous crime, short of murder, that a person can do. It's sexual mutilation, causing severe injury and possibly death. Not to mention all the psychological issues that come along with losing your best friend. I see this as a hate crime against males. There are other, legal ways to deal with spouse abuse, or unfaithfulness. I hope she never gets out of jail. Sick to death of girls thinking the best way to deal with a man is to chop off pieces of his body, especially the best parts.

    What if she was sexually abused day in day out

    Would you not go crazy insane and want to cut that thing off too?..to a woman being the victim of sexual abuse im sure its not the 'best part' to her...probably the worst part.

    And what if she was not sexually abused?

    A person can go as crazy as he/she likes, if it goes so far to mutilate his/her lover, it is acceptable no matter what, you are insane. That person should be put in jail.

    And to all those who write misandric comments, and justify and make jokes at males being mutilated, get your head checked.

  2. We would love to try Burmese, Khmers, hell ANYONE! We are desperate like the OP. We up in Isaan if anyone knows of anyone.

    For what it's worth, I did post an ad on Thai Visa and did get one call from a woman in Bangkok who wanted a Bangkok area job.

    I think part of the problem is a general labor shortage and wage inflation. Thais have options and many pass on a crying baby with dirty diapers.

    This is also true. Thais are at this moment used to have many options as the unemployment rate is extremely low.

  3. i don't get why people who live here complain about high tuk tuk and taxi fares. i've never spent one baht on a taxi here. get a motorbike or car and drive yourself, its easy and cheap.

    Maybe because we are not all selfish and can actually realise that it would be a benefit for people other than ourselves?

    i never knew that driving my self around was selfish. you learn something new every day on TV.

    She never said it was...

  4. Was the deceased employed? And if so what was his job?

    The echo reports that he invited some chap back to his apartment. It's rather depressing to read that the fellow die because he was showed some kindness/hospitality to someone from his hometown. It would be interesting to know the additional circumstances of this case.

    Read this thread, the Inspector Clouseau's of TV have already provided more info and solved the case by mid afternoon

    Some of the comments on this thread are pathetic

    He did bring a few strangers and drug dealers into my apartment when we were together. You imagine the rest...

    So, do you know more specifically what happened?

  5. Was the deceased employed? And if so what was his job?

    The echo reports that he invited some chap back to his apartment. It's rather depressing to read that the fellow die because he was showed some kindness/hospitality to someone from his hometown. It would be interesting to know the additional circumstances of this case.

    I take it that you've never been to Liverpool

    So what is the deal about Liverpool?

  6. amykat, on 06 Jun 2013 - 23:11, said:

    She wasn't shopping, it seemed to me she was just keeping her distance purposely. I know not all Thai ladies do this. I have had this happen to me, with various people, including men. No matter how many times I expressed that walking behind me, was not okay with me, as in, I might want to actually TALK to them....like I am PAYING them to work for me, and would like to be able to TALK, and being near by me, might be an advantage in that case, they still continue to walk so far behind. Is this a sign they are pissed off? I think it is. Personally, I think it is a sign to other Thais, that "I am just working for this fool" but maybe I am wrong??

    Yes, I have seen it as well, I think, but I am not sure, that it really has to do with the fact that many Thais, they just view us as "white skin", or Farang. The meaning of farang, is for them, more than just the notion of white skin, it is rather the whole being. So different from regular humans, that we are considered an objec to the thais.

    Me personally, I try to avoid referring to myself as that object (farang), at least it will not encourage them to view me just as "farang", or white skin...

    And we all know where "white skin" usually find their Thai girl...

    After all, all farang, same same...

  7. If you are asking, can a white skinned person become a brownie, no, probably not.

    If you are asking if an American, Danish, or British person can get thai citizenship, yes, it is probably possible.

    And what has colour have to do with the price of milk my old son?

    Sent from my GT-I9300

    He asked if a white skinned person can become thai. Thais are obsessed with skin color rather than nationality.
  8. Maybe he meant Inflation?

    No , I meant competitive devaluation, though inflation achieves the same goal, with your own citizens as the victims. Inflation does have some benefits, though, making it easier to cut prices, salaries and benefits in real terms


    Yep, that was why I suggested you were actually talking about inflation...

  9. Hey Paangjang.....I appreciate the specificity of your numbers, and I think you've done well to crystallize the consensus of the other contributors, i.e. dividing the duties between two separate positions, at a total monthly cost of between 22k-30k baht.

    Thank you!



    Don´t offer anyone a salary of 20k a month. Unless they have many years of experience, and are well educated.
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