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Posts posted by Utley

  1. “These requirements are not in place to make life difficult for foreigners,” he said. “They are in place to protect Thai workers. For example, if a company can pay foreigners a low salary – below the legal minimum – then they may prefer to hire foreigners over Thais."

    A country that has a 2% unemployment rate needs laws to protect the jobs of it's citizens from foreigners? Hmmm...What is wrong with this picture?

  2. Why are you surprised that The lady wasn't ready to meet them yet". This is a typical tactic when dealing with the police here in Thailand. The Red Bull heir who ran over a cop was not ready to meet with the police........The teenager who caused the accident that killed 9 people in Bangkok was not ready to meet with the police yet..Cheralems son who shot a cop was not ready to meet with the police,.... the former miss Thailands son who plowed into a group of pedestrians at a bus stop in a case of road rage was not ready to meet with the police

    This is the way Thailand works and after 11 years here I am surprised that you don't know that already. I'm not saying that is it right, just that this is the way it is

    I agree 100% with this statement but the real point is that you, as a foreigner, are not part of the "Thai System" and "not being ready to meet with the police" is not an option for you. Your only viable option is to make a small contribution to the police drinking fund as quickly as possible and get on with your life. The longer you wait the larger the contribution.

    Why would I do that when they are not asking for any money, I'm having no problem with the police, yes initially they mentioned to my wife about what happens when Farangs are in the wrong but I have never said anywhere that they HAD asked me for it. They are now aware of all the details and all agree that no fault lay with me (as I mentioned earlier) In fact they told me to go to a certain repair shop to get a quotation for the repairs....but up to me where I want to have it repaired. When I have the quotation we will meet the lady at the police station. but that will never happen, I will get it fixed myself and hopefully be on my way...I have no desire to ask her for money, she works on a building site about 300 mtrs from my house so she's no million heiress. GB

    Making a small donation will close the matter.

  3. Why are you surprised that The lady wasn't ready to meet them yet". This is a typical tactic when dealing with the police here in Thailand. The Red Bull heir who ran over a cop was not ready to meet with the police........The teenager who caused the accident that killed 9 people in Bangkok was not ready to meet with the police yet..Cheralems son who shot a cop was not ready to meet with the police,.... the former miss Thailands son who plowed into a group of pedestrians at a bus stop in a case of road rage was not ready to meet with the police

    This is the way Thailand works and after 11 years here I am surprised that you don't know that already. I'm not saying that is it right, just that this is the way it is

    I agree 100% with this statement but the real point is that you, as a foreigner, are not part of the "Thai System" and "not being ready to meet with the police" is not an option for you. Your only viable option is to make a small contribution to the police drinking fund as quickly as possible and get on with your life. The longer you wait the larger the contribution.

  4. In response to a question whether the Russian leader had ever broken his word, the former US president replied, "Never. He had never reneged on a personal agreement with me".

    Since their presidencies only overlapped by a few months, the question that should be asked is "Did Putin ever make a personal agreement with you - Slick Willy?"

    If he had never made one then of course he didn't renege.

  5. A group of expats play golf every Monday and Friday around 9:30 A.M. at the Jiraprawat Golf Course (15° 39.778'N 100° 7.486'E). We play for the fun of it; every once in awhile we actually connect with the golf ball. Newcomers are always welcome.

  6. "After holding discussions with foreign investors, Anuwat Ruamsuke, assistant managing director at Phatra Securities, said most of them were concerned about the Thai economic slowdown, the possibility that the government's Bt2-trillion infrastructure mega-project could be delayed, and the political situation."

    "There should be no concern over outflows of Bt100 billion in capital, as it is a short-term pattern," Anuwat said."

    Yes, a short term pattern that will be repeated over and over and over and over again - as long as there are votes to be bought and tea money to be made.

  7. I have been using TOT in Chai Nat for about 8 years; first the satellite Ipstar and more recently their Wi-Net. Their Wi-Net went down about 4 weeks ago for no apparent reason. TOT's response after numerous contacts by myself and wife was "Too bad, we are busy; it is your problem not ours." (paraphrase - not a direct quote)

    Just be aware that TOT is a government operation and customer service is not one of their priorities.

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