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Posts posted by Utley

  1. Very strange timing for the army to enforce martial law.

    The talks are deadlocked but they have been for months now so I wonder why now?

    Maybe suteps threat for his last final push to get a million on the streets which was just another hollow threat however the reds reaction of heading to bangkok might have swayed them to act but why now?

    Quite clearly the bias is once again been shown by the army shutting the red tv channel while the yellow channels are free to operate .

    The reaction from the reds is going to be interesting as sutep has been allowed free reign in bangkok for 6 months now and all his allies or what he thought were allies in the end did not back so it upped the ante once again.

    I don't know why the military moved now as I don't see what's going to achieve in the long run instead of making a bad situation worse.

    The people of Thailand once again see democracy hijacked.!

    My guess is that the behind the scenes the power brokers are playing out the third act; the script of which you and I and most Thais are unaware. BTW - the army probably has a commanding seat at the power broker's table and may very well be the ones directing the play.

  2. what a BS article on Thai nationalism which teaches Thais from a young age they are superior in every way when, in fact, I can't think of any scientific, artistic, technological or medical world-class contributions from Thailand... and, no, Pattaya Walking Street doesn't count

    I believe the Thais invented the condom size "extra extra small". But then I could be wrong........

    • Like 1
  3. "Thailand is rare among developing countries in never having been colonised and is the only country in Southeast Asia with this unique status."

    And this is significant..............why?

    The reason why no one colonised Thailand is, nobody wanted too!

    Technically, it was because nobody needed to. Thailand has always held a very malleable position in the world.

    "Malleable" - a polite term meaning no back bone.

  4. When I studied US history in school, I never learned about President Roosevelt's executive order 9066 of 1942, which incarcerated innocent Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast.

    For the record, when I studied US history in the '90s my teacher taught all about this.

    Also for the record, this black mark on America's history has been well documented. The U.S. is one of the few countries in the world that airs its dirty laundry in public in order to encourage self reflection and learn from its mistakes. Not the only country, but one of the few.

  5. have an election - get on with it for the sake of the Thai people.

    That would mean automatic victory for Thaksin, and back to business as usual... whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

    That is the problem with democracy, the people vote for the wrong leaders. Only way to prevent democracy is to have reform before elections to ensure the people vote for the selected Party.

    If Thailand really wants democracy then they need to disband the PTP. PTP wins every election becausr they intimidate, threaten and harass any other party that goes north to campaign. Sibve this is where the electorate majority live these people are bombarded with only what the PTP tell them. So of course the PTP will win again and again. So until their are free and fair elections and the PTP start allowing others to campaign in their stronghold then every election is fixed and Thaksins group will be the winners

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Do you put any thought into what you say before you speak?

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    1. Because they tend to be Muslim and not Buddhist.

    2. Because they are traditionally part of Indonesia and not part of the Thai culture. The British arbitrarily annexed them to the Kingdom of Siam in exchange for taking away much of what is today Cambodia.

    Check your facts. Cambodia was a French colony not British. You may be thinking of the exchanges of territory that went on in the deep South between British Malaya and Siam. The British tended to negotiate with the Siamese, and brought a lot of useful technology to the region, for example. surveying and mapping. The French were much more confrontational, including blockading Bangkok to take territory to add to what is now Laos and Cambodia. Read Thongchai Winichakul's excellent book, "Siam Mapped" for more info. It's available at the Siam Society.

    Cambodia was a major power in the region ~1000 years ago, but was gradually beaten back by the Siamese as this nation gained strength and unity, mainly due to the rise of Ayuthaya as a center of trade. Siam pushed the border with Cambodia back as that empire collapsed. Some of that was recovered (by the French) and returned to Cambodia. Siem Reap and Battambang used to be in Siam.

    In my lame defense I never said that Cambodia was a British colony - only that they agreed that the French could have it rather than the Kingdom of Siam. As compensation, Siam got what is now Thailand's southern provinces.

  7. 1. Because they tend to be Muslim and not Buddhist.

    2. Because they are traditionally part of Indonesia and not part of the Thai culture. The British arbitrarily annexed them to the Kingdom of Siam in exchange for taking away much of what is today Cambodia.

    You learn something new everyday, there was I unaware that Cambodia had been a British colony, for some reason I always thought of it as a French colony.

    My understanding is that the western portion of what is now Cambodia was once part of the Kingdom of Siam. In an unwritten agreement with the French, the British colonized Burma while the French colonized Vietnam and what is now Cambodia; both countries used Thailand as a buffer zone. To compensate the Kingdom of Siam for the loss of their "Cambodian" territories, they gave Siam a portion of Malaysia which is now Southern Thailand.

    • Like 1
  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Fifth girl from the left - is that Suth*p in drag?

    Always one idiot isn;t there.....facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif alt=facepalm.gif width=24 height=18>

    No, it's Chalerm's disguise. giggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif alt=giggle.gif width=20 height=25>

    I count two idiots; the original poster (me) and the one who responded (you).

    Glad to see you have finally come out of the closet!

  9. How to succeed in business - 3 rules made easy: SERVICE, SERVICE and SERVICE.

    For example; last week Wednesday we had a major thunderstorm in Chai Nat that included very high winds and even hail. The power went out for about 3 hours as expected.

    The very next morning CAT called us and asked if our Wifi Internet was still working and if the speed was OK! Yes - they called us; absolutely amazing service!

    I have never had a company in the U.S. call me to ask if everything was OK. Kudos mahk mahk to Cat. You have set the bar very high for your competitors.

    • Like 1
  10. The real question here is:

    Did the dad knowingly hire an underage girl or did he hire a girl who turned out to be under age?

    Big difference.


    Big difference

    Ignorance is no defence, not that stops people celebrating their ignorance...

    They're not the ones promoting kiddie fiddling are they?

    Seems to me that people on this thread have been burned by divorce proceedings and spewing their angst out on this decision.

    Clearly the dad saying "don't tell your mum" doesn't give a hint that he knew he was doing something wrong - and yet they rush to his defence.

    I am not justifying the man's actions, only criticising the sloppy reporting.

    While he never did, If my father took me to a brothel in Detroit when I was 14 to pop my cherry with some over-the-hill hooker, I imagine that the first thing out of his mouth would be "Don't tell your mother!"

    Oh - and don't jump to conclusions; I have never been divorced.

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