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Posts posted by Utley

  1. I used Pacific Health for two years; they were very good about cashing my checks. I provided them with a pre-health coverage exam letting them know that I was taking medication for high blood pressure.

    When I filed a claim in my third year they denied it citing my condition as "pre-existing". When I pursued the issued, they used the pre-health coverage exam as evidence that I had heart problems before the coverage began (i.e. high blood pressure).

    They knew about my "pre-existing condition" ahead of time and never said a word, happily collected their premiums and then denied me coverage when the time came. If that is the type of company with whom you want to deal, you have my blessings.

  2. If you are living in a small village you can teach English on an informal basis with the help of the village headman and maybe the local Temple. No one is going to report you if they endorse your activities.

    If you are in one of the larger Cities there are plenty of orphanages you can help out in. I know what the law says but you really don't need a work permit in practice.

    Agree. Or if you don't want to teach everyday you can go to most any public school and ask if you can

    come "visit" a classroom one or two afternoons a week....I often have lunch with a bunch of kids in the

    cafeteria at the public high....just sit at a table with a bunch of kids or walk around and try and get

    them to speak English with you. Go to the public school and ask to meet with the head of the English

    department and I would bet you will be invited to help out on a volunteer basis and there will be little or no concern about work permits. As said, nobody is going to report you unless you are some kind of

    pervert or piss all the thai teachers off.

    It only takes one pi**ed off Thai teacher to report you to immigration. That is why I stopped my volunteer work at the local school; not because I was reported but because I could be reported.

  3. Utley, I can partly understand what you are on about but, I would offer up an alternative … are the Thai people interested in actually learning English?

    My thoughts are generally NO.

    Indeed, why should they?

    Why would they wish or want to be on a Forbes list?

    There is a huge disconnect between your OP and your first post.

    So, what is your take-out message.

    Thailand needs better Universities so one can make it onto a list somewhere?


    That retired folk in Thailand can do something to pass their idle time by conversing with the natives in English?

    Not that the Thais don’t have an eye for the future.

    The Thai niece is currently learning Chinese … Thailand’s largest and growing potential trading partner.


    My take-out message is this. "Life is tough. It is even tougher if you are stupid!"

    If Thais want an easier life, one of the best ways to achieve it is through education. The Kingdom has a free, ready and untapped resource at its fingertips that it is not using; namely English speaking retirees.

  4. A good place for Thailand to start in regards to education reform (IMHO) would be to emphasize and facilitate the learning of conversational English. Thailand has a unique opportunity to do just that by tapping into its pool of native English speaking retirees living in the Kingdom. Many of the retirees would jump at the chance to teach conversational English on a volunteer basis in their local schools; however they are prevented from doing so by Thai immigration regulations.

    Foreigners, who want to work in Thailand, be it for financial remuneration or on a volunteer basis, need a work permit. Foreigners in Thailand on a non-immigrant O visa with an extension of stay based on retirement are prohibited from obtaining a work permit.

    A classic case of Catch-22; I am retired with time on my hands, English is my first language, I would love to help out my local Thai community – no I cannot because of immigration regulations. Can someone please explain the logic in that?

    I am serious so no troll responses please but rather constructive, informative comments. (I know, I am asking a lot.)

    The logic is thus, the purpose of your stay in Thailand is for retirement, hence the reason they don't want you working, if you really wanted to do this it could be done

    I know of quite a few guys in Thailand who are on "retirement " visa's who have done work in Thailand, by changing over to a b visa get their WP and once job is complete go back onto retirement visa

    I find your claim rather difficult to believe. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, the following is required for a Non-Immigrant B visa (note that the application has to be submitted to a Thai Consulate outside of Thailand):

    Non-Immigrant Visa Category “B” (Business Visa) is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom to work or to conduct business.
    (1) Foreigners who wish to work in Thailand must provide the following documents:
    - Passport or travel document with validity of not less than 6 months.
    - Completed visa application form.
    - Recent passport-sized photograph (4 x 6 cm) of the applicant taken within the past 6 months.
    - Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family).
    - Letter of approval from the Ministry of Labour. To obtain this letter, the applicant’s prospective employer in Thailand is required to submit Form WP3 at the Office of Foreign Workers Administration, Department of Employment, Ministry of Labour Tel. 02-2452745, or at the Provincial Employment Office in his or her respective province. More information is available at www.doe.go.th/workpermit/index.html
    - Copy of Work Permit issued by the Ministry of Labour and alien income tax or Por Ngor Dor 91 (only in the case where applicant has previously worked in Thailand).
    - Corporate documents of hiring company in Thailand such as:
    1) business registration and business license
    2) list of shareholders
    3) company profile
    4) details of business operation
    5) list of foreign workers stating names, nationalities and positions
    6) map indicating location of the company
    7) balance sheet, statement of Income Tax and Business Tax (Por Ngor Dor 50 and Por Ngor Dor 30 of the latest year)
    8) value-added tax registration (Por Por 20)
    - Document indicating the number of foreign tourists (for tourism business only), or document indicating export transactions issued by banks (for export business only).
    - An alien who receives a Non-Immigrant visa can work in Thailand once he or she is being granted a work permit. An alien in violation of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979) concerning taking up employment without work permit or the Royal Decree B.E. 2522 (1979) concerning holding employment in certain restricted occupations and professions shall be prosecuted and imprisoned or fined, or shall face both penalties.
    - It is recommended that the applicant should apply for visa at the Thai Embassy/ Consulate in the country where he/she has the residence
    Nobody in their right mind would jump through all those hoops just to help out at their local school.
  5. As published in Forbes, the following is a list of the top 6 Asian Universities:

    National University of Singapore - Singapore
    University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
    Seoul National University - South Korea
    Peking University - China
    University of Tokyo - Japan
    Tsinghua University - China
    You will notice that ASEAN member countries are noticeably absent from the list with the exception of Singapore.
    If Thailand is working toward a prosperous and productive future, this list should act as a wake-up call that the country most noted for its welcoming "vertical smiles" needs to work on education reform ASAP before history passes it by.
  6. We have 5 of the plug-in units purchased from Tesco. They work great and our home is mosquito free. You will need to replace the cartridges every 60 to 90 days.

    There are many different styles of "plug-in units." Can you be more specific with a name or photo?

    There is only one brand of mosquito plug-in at the Lotus we use and this is it:


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