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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. How about active cooling from a cool river or stream coming from the mountains, would that work as an active cooling solution? It just so happens that we (errm, the Mrs.) has land on a stream that comes straight out of the mountains and feels freezing year round. I wonder if I could tube either air or water through that and then back into the house.. Not sure if that even exists, or what it's called. I think that might work for Thailand, but not sure how significant the savings would be because after all an air-conditioner is also just a big pump & fans.

    Then I wondered about wind towers, as designed in ancient Persia, but for that you kind of need cool winds first, which we don't have in Thailand and especially not in the hot season.

  2. I kind of wonder where all the yellow posters are who got all indignant at any comparison of Thaksin with iconic leaders struggling for democracy elsewhere, including Aung San Suu Kyi... :D

    Aside from that, I completely agree with her statement, which wasn't so much pro Thaksin as it was against military interference in democratic process. How anyone can argue against what she actually said is beyond me. ( Oh wait, "educated Westerners"... riiiiiggghttt.. :) )

  3. They sell The Nation don't they? Spew & Bile for you right there!

    (Actually there are a couple good books on Thaksin; If you read them you may actually learn something)

  4. You are a hardcore defender of red violence.

    Show me where I've defended violence. I haven't. But you and yours continue spreading lies.

    You have joined Thai Visa on April 18th this year - just five days ago - and already written 118 posts.

    Yeah, only 16,512 to go and he'll catch Jingthing. :) Read what he actually says instead of focusing on side issues like his name or rate of posting. It's a poor debating tactic to attack him personally when you just have a different point of view. Issues please, instead of personal flames!

  5. Latest news seems to be that some suspects were arrested. That'd be good news, assuming it was based on some evidence. Of course under martial law they can arrest pretty much anyone so it'll seem like something is being done.

    So far authorities have been very ineffecive finding terrorists launching grenades and protecting the public. Almost to the point where you wonder if they even want to find them. :)

  6. I think everyone should be welcome in all regional forums if you have something to say. If you are just here to diss Pattaya, as so many non-Pattaya people love to do for strange psychological reasons of their own, um, not so welcome.

    Agree completely...my post was not meant to diss Winnie...who's posts are always interesting wherever they appear :D

    It is rather funny, however, that the Pattaya sub-forum seems to get allot of posts from visitors residing in other areas of LOS...I guess our "extreme city" forum is more lively and interesting than some of these other more sedate cities and their forums :)

    Yes definitely. :D Pattaya is the place I visit most often when I'm not in Chiang Mai. It's just such a convenient hop from the airport to catch some sea views and the above mentioned resort atmosphere. And some bars of course, though I usually don't visit South Pattaya unless someone makes me.

    and ending up at the Pattaya Beer Garden for a view of the Bay at dusk and a drink.

    Is that the new bar center on Walking Street? Was rather nice, if a bit sterile. But nice sea views.

    EDIT: Woops, I guess Google is my friend: pattayabeergarden. Looks VERY nice, I'll definitely step by there. (So I guess I will be going to South Patters after all. :D ) When does it get going? I kind of like daytime venues.

  7. Also there are the mixed messages; Abhisit most definitely has his days where he is very reasonable, bordering common sense even. But then right the next day, some of the more rabid dogs around him, very much including his sprokesperson Thepthai and of course the old dinosaur Suthep then start their hawkish hate speech. If Abhisit would man up a little and show that he's in charge AND has a plan then I'd respect him a lot more.

    As a PM he's no worse than most though. (Note that the bar is not very high on that one. :) ) Before he became PM people had Obama like expectations of him. Obama (after a slow start) is beginning to deliver; I don't see this with the Abhisit government, which is very much Yet Another Weak Coalition government of the type that seems the norm in managed democracy.

  8. Define, visit the beach. I don't enjoy just sitting there and frying anymore (spending hours there). However, I like to walk around there, sit and have a soft drink on a bench, hang out for a half an hour (enjoying the breezes and people watching), etc. quite often.

    Yes, I completely agree with you. I hinted at this in the first poll option: "Almost everyday; if only a stroll along a beach or beach road; it's great."

    So, yes, enjoying the beach does NOT have to mean sitting in a deck chair or even swimming in it. Picking Jomtien or Beach Road for a morning stroll/jog and enjoying the views and the fresh air *definitely* counts. (If you don't look at the sea or it does nothing for you or you visit Beach Road primarily for other purposes then it does not count however. :) )

    Note that (almost) any kind of water sports or water related activity also counts.

  9. Excellent topic!!

    So if it did turn out to be 'Game Over' and you were forced to go home/west could you actually go?

    Well, with Thailand being 'home', it wouldn't so much be 'going home', it'd be 'going some place new'. This could be my country of origin, but to be honest it wouldn't be my first choice. If it HAD to be my country of origin then it would be possible; I could find a job, my mum would enjoy having us over while we source a house or apartment..

    Now, I'd be SEVERELY miserable there, though the prospect of going on Thailand forums and whining about why it was the right 'choice' and why Thailand has had it's day and why any Farang still there is delusional would make up for some. :)

    Or, I'd actually brag about having such an interesting job that even when my company hauls me off to some godforsaken sand pit, I'd claim the variety is a good thing and whine about the delusional people enjoying themselves in Thailand. :D

  10. When living somewhere long time I wonder if some of the main attractions actually remain attractions... I live in Chiang Mai myself and love the mountains, but it's only rarely that I actually drive up there. It'd probably be the same if I lived in Pattaya, though I LOVE Pattaya's attractions for short holiday visits.

    How about you?

  11. Note that likely not all trains stop at that station. You will need to check the timetable for some of the smaller local trains. Typically those timetabels aren't in English. Note that you can take your motorbike on the train, that might work.

  12. Where money came from is very much for governments to worry about as it could be money laundering or for terrorism.

    Right. Note that I'm not claiming that government doesn't want to know everything, I'm saying that *I* think it's none of their business when it comes to MY personal affairs, and will typically not volunteer any information for any reason.

  13. Sounds clear cut to me; Doppa would be right in the sense that it's illegal when the purpose or effect is 'ownership' (control) on the part of the foreigner. But with a statement that the funds (now) belong to the Thai partner, the Thai partner can legally purchase land.

    ( Fortunately I'm not married, AND I don't have money worth writing home about, so none of this really applies to me personally. :) Last time the missus bought land I did have the good sense to wait outside so as to not complicate or confuse things. (Even though the money of course didn't come from me but from various sources including (her) family and some constructions I don't really understand but seemed very much like filling one hole with another hole but like I said before, she's the financial brains in the family. :D )

    I can recommend anyone to not get married formally; I think marriage is between two people and really none of the government's business. (Neither Thai nor foreign). And where money for a land purchase comes from is REALLY none of the government's business. Like other's said, Thailand is pretty much at Third World level when it comes to laws right up to the constitution, so better not to place any kind of bet on things staying fair for Thai citizens with foreign partners.

  14. It doesn't seem to be clear-cut illegal. No Thai has ever gotten into trouble for exercising their right under the constitution to own land, no matter where the money came from. Trouble may only start when it's clearly a construction to circumvent the law, with a foreigner or foreign owned real estate company trying to control the land using a nominee. Keep in mind that the transfer of money may be very separate from the act of purchasing land. Unless there are laws that prevent married couples from controlling shared funds? :)

    Also, I actually get tax deducted based on the mortgage payments I make. That would not sync with it being illegal for a foreigner to help pay for a house. (Either that or not all government agencies agree with each other, or even different officials within the same agency, which also wouldn't surprise me one bit. This, After all, Remains Thailand. (TART). )

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