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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I also like Mayflower.. I think I like it better than Mad Dog actually. (Won't compare with the 'true' Italians which are obviously better) But for a quick snack, I think Mayflower is good value for money. (it's on Loi Kroh in the middle of the bar zone near the moat)

  2. Personally I think the sneaking around part makes it more fun.

    Of course I respect people choosing not to drink; intoxicating substances are after all strongly advised against in Buddhism.

    It would be even better if it worked the other way around as well, i.e. everyone also respecting the people who wish to party as normal. Nirvana can wait. :)

    Either way I'll move my Friday's night's out to Thursday. Then hangover day moves from Saturday to Friday. Solved. :D

  3. Turns out the guy and girl were selling their motorbike. When my friend and this guy pulled up, he told them he wanted to buy the motorbike, and that his girlfriend was waiting in the car. He asked to test drive it while his girlfriend waited with them, and then he rode off with the bike, never to return.

    That story is too good to be true. :)

  4. Optician can refer to an oculist or lens grinder, not to an optometrist or ophthalmologist (eye surgeon-MD). Please understand the differences.

    Slow day at the office?

  5. Can anyone recommend a good optician in CM

    A quick search will surely give results :) Until then, I've been consistently happy with "Vision Centre" in Rajvitthi, between the moat and UN Irish Pub, on the same side of the street.

    / Priceless

    Yeah, I like that one as well. Not cheap, but a very solid optician with state of the art equipment.

  6. Crab Fried Rice at Daret's Guesthouse is very tasty. (Seriously; it's probably among the better ones in Chiang Mai) Washed down with one of their fruit shakes..

    Second one.. Im Pla Phao.. Same dish, crab fried rice. The key thing there however is that their spicy-salty-soury dipping sauce that they serve with their grilled fish is just PERFECT to go with the fried rice.

    The other thing I noticed is in Phuket they charge me ...

    Repeat 100 times:


    Just about anywhere outside of Patong and the resort beaches it's around 30 baht just the same.

  7. So.. that's not stolen from your hotel or guesthouse then.. That makes it less likely that it was stolen by the renter. The renter would know where your hotel is, but would not know that you like to hang out at Spotlight (or was it THC). :)

    If the renter steals it then the most obvious place to steal it from would be from a place where he knows you'll leave it parked overnight.

  8. Perhaps I am blind but can somebody please point out where this forum is sponsored by 'The Duke's' restaurants??? If it is, then I apologise for the following.

    Well, Ulysses is a sponsor, and I see nothing in the rules against sub-sponsoring. :)

    Seriously though, I do agree this site often goes way overboard in its iron fist approach to people posting harmless information or recommendations some/most of the time.

  9. I'd be interested to see his rental contract.

    No theft insurance included?

    25,000 for a an '05 moto? Seems like A LOT. What's a new one go for? 38K? 40K?

    Someone's making money here.

    Amazing Thailand.

    No it's not A LOT. It would have been better if you informed yourself on the price of second hand bikes before posting.

    Amazing Thai Visa posters.

  10. How about you state the bike's license plate here, then we'll keep an eye out if it magically returns to the rental shop?

    (When you make a police report it will include the bike's details as per the license registration booklet)

    And the name and location of the rental agency of course.

    In the mean time, cough up the 25K, it's a reasonable amount.

  11. I woke up last night feeling a little guilty at having appeared dismissive of Driver's Top 20 listing, and at expressing ridicule at some of his choices, particularly Aroon Rai but also Huang Phen and Jia Thong Heng. I do stand by that of course, but I now feel it was a bit easy to criticize without offering alternatives.

    Because if there is ONE cuisine that could potentially be 'world class' in Chiang Mai then it's obviously Northern Thai. I just don't think Aroon Rai and Huan Phen are it. Usually what happens with a promising Northern restaurant is that if it's any good at all it gets highlighted on Thai TV on one of those cooking / travel programmes, and very soon after that they put up the big signs saying "TV 3" and in the parking lot you only find cars with Bangkok license plates. They then add a live band and beer girls, which pretty much spells the beginning of the end.

    So without further ado, let me give my recommendation for what is currently the top Northern Thai restaurant in Chiang Mai. If your significant other is from the North, bring her/him there and you will reap more brownie points than you can ever imagine. Also some here who consider anyone appreciating something more elaborate than a burger or noodle soup as snobbish will be pleased, as the prices are VERY friendly. Most stuff is in the 40-60 baht range. No tablecloths either, just honest Northern fare like your mum in law would (should) make it.

    The place is called Huan Jai Yong (เฮือนใจ๋ยอง) and is on the NEW Sankamphaeng Road, quite a bit out of town. (Couple kms outside the outer ring, on the right hand side of the new Sankamphaeng road) Also, it's open only during the day 10am-4pm I believe). It's in an old wooden Northern style teak house, and they've added some smaller wooden structures around the garden. It's very popular.

    So it's a long way out of town, but a redeeming factor is that you probably pass the Oriental Dhara Dhevi and its excellent bakery/coffee/ice cream shop on the way back. 50 baht a scoop (++, but hey) but home made, so in my book that makes it a lot less snobbish than, say, Haagen Dasz. (not to mention more delicious, and I don't think Haagen Dasz bake and fold the cone wafer in front of you either). This should secure the brownie points from younger family members..


    Anyway, if I had to add another Northern food one then it'd probably be Ban Rai Yam Yen in the Sanpisuea area, though this is one with the TV3 signs, a band and beer girls.

    1. Le Grand Lanna

    2. Jia Thong Heng

    3. Le Coq D'Or

    4. Chedi

    5. Fujian

    6. The House

    7. Sala Mae Rim

    8. Mi Casa

    9. Da Naga

    10. Baan Tazala

    11. Huen Phen

    12. Le Crystal

    13. Kantary Hills

    14. Khun Nai Der Sai

    15. La Gritta

    16. Im Pla Phao

    17. Akaligo

    18. Paladd Tawanron

    19. Kitchen Hush

    20. Aroon Rai

  12. Just from looking around that doesn't seem to be the case.. Lots of places have beers that don't come from either Thaibev or Boon Rawd, and not just Heinken/Tiger either.

    Look at the selection available at No. 1 bar for example, also the tap beers. (Not to mention the atmosphere. :) )

  13. Yes, and that reminds me: CMU itself is also a great area. There's grassy areas around, and especially the Ang Kaew lake is suitable to bring a dog to run and swim. Ang Kaew is a right turn when entering CMU from the main gate on Huay Kaew. (So turn right at the first opportunity where the Red shrine/sala is. )

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