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Everything posted by THAIPHUKET

  1. Probably the dog was dropped on us, about a week agoDecided to keep him, very friendly and quiet but very very shy. Medium sized. Female. Getting nervous because I've no idea how close she is to getting into heat. Vulva seems to be somewhat enlarged . That's what makes me nervous. Finding Cage how to get her into it without scaring her too much again. Seems to have been mistreated. Some trust in my wife, the feeder. Would not take a sniff from my hand keeps her distance. No Trace of aggression, running away Taking her for castration by someone who has more experience than just the a white coat. We live nearby Nakon Ping Hospital , transport should be quick to the right doctor for the procedure. Photo shows her coming just from a cooling swim in the.. Ping muddy
  2. For dictation only.. Android Bluetooth. Where would you go?
  3. Do I miss something? I'm looking for ready to use Velcro with buckle or clasp of different lengths and width and strengths. Where to find ?
  4. I'm a regular customer of Lazada but for some reason I didn't think of Velcro, thanks
  5. Where can I find it a variety of strong Velcro tapes? Preferably self adhesive. To stop my leg from slipping off the pedal? And other uses?
  6. Thanks for reply ....Parasite How much time to allow for deboarding KLM (departure Amsterdam via ZRH) transferring to DMK . How much time between the arrival and check ing she needs to be allowed for? Scheduled arrival BKK 9:30 Scheduled departure DMK to Buriram -BFV 13.00 When is it advisable to take a taxi rather than the bus?
  7. MAYBE TIGHT BECAUSE FLIGHTS ARE ONLY IN THE MORNING On May 6th arriving BKK from Europe 9:30 connect to DMK to Buriram. BFV How to plan for?
  8. What are the Health insurance requirements for expats on retirement Visa with yearly renewal. Any specific acceptability rules which an alien insurer must meet?
  9. Because the artistic possibilities with fashion jewelry are much greater, I'm looking for the right shop in who can help?
  10. Well, can't be blame for that comment. You are correct. My bad I didn't carefully proofread what what Google dictation had to typed. But I'm convinced that some of you solved the puzzle and interpreted "long" meaning to be strong enough for two people to stand on it. Thanks for the suggestion of the wooden grid, too slippery when wet, for my purposes. Still hoping for a metal grid suggestion.
  11. Clarifying question is appreciated. I'm talking about the gutter on the roof to to catch the rain before it destroys the the walls
  12. Brilliant suggestion. But it needs to be 5 cm above the floor. It there must be strong enough to support two people standing in front of the mirror long enough for a weight of 120 kg
  13. Grid for bathroom strong enough to walk on. Who does it?
  14. Had it done once and it was good. Lasted for over 10 years but now the gutters old and the man who did it too. Can you suggest someone?
  15. Thanks but I have no relation with that person and therefore I wouldn't want to go that far.
  16. Probably I have been overthinking and complicating the subject. Compared to the size of the wall the small spots probably can be visually patched up so from distance of 3 m you don't notice the repair. The layman speaking. Some bonding material combined with sand and the right color should do the trick. Probably two types of craftsmen needed to do the job 1. For mixing color and binding material 2. the person with skill and patience to apply the material so that it will last for some time? บางทีฉันอาจจะคิดมากและทำให้หัวข้อซับซ้อนขึ้น เมื่อเทียบกับขนาดของผนัง จุดเล็กๆ อาจจะมองเห็นได้ ดังนั้นจากระยะ 3 เมตร คุณจะไม่สังเกตเห็นการซ่อมแซม คนธรรมดาพูด. วัสดุประสานบางชนิดผสมกับทรายและสีที่เหมาะสมน่าจะช่วยได้ อาจมีช่างฝีมือสองประเภทที่จำเป็นในการทำงาน 1. สำหรับผสมสีและวัสดุเข้าเล่ม 2.ผู้ที่มีทักษะและความอดทนในการประยุกต์วัสดุให้คงอยู่ได้ระยะหนึ่ง?
  17. It's 100% too short.. . Anyhow for trying to be of help
  18. I want to help someone with a short leg. Step one: find the right orthopedist. Step two: find an experienced shoe maker. For budget reasons should be locals. Any suggestions?
  19. Is up North a workshop which does Temple repairs? Could you name one? ขึ้นอยู่เหนือการประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการการซ่อมแซมวัดใดบ้าง? คุณบอกชื่อได้ไหม
  20. perhaps this helps if you could ask one of the Thai people จะหาช่างฝีมือสำหรับงานนี้ในภาคเหนือของประเทศไทยได้อย่างไร? บ้านน่าจะอายุเกิน 40 ปี ซุ้มสวยงามควรค่าแก่การดูแล https://photos.app.goo.gl/Un9t1FgLNQhWK6ne6. ภาพถ่ายดูเหมือนจะบ่งบอกว่าผนังเป็นแบบโคลนและมีลายอิฐกดทับบนโคลน ทำให้ได้ภาพลักษณ์ของอิฐธรรมชาติอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ ภาพถ่ายรายละเอียดแสดงความเสียหายล่าสุดที่เกิดจากฝนตกหนัก คำถามคือ: จะปรับปรุงส่วนหน้าได้อย่างไร? และใครสามารถทำได้บ้าง https://photos.app.goo.gl/VNAJMmH1xvbW5Ld4A https://photos.app.goo.gl/Cjx1aEsk3hn2nTSt7
  21. House is probably over 40 years old. Beautiful facade worth maintaining. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Un9t1FgLNQhWK6ne6. The same brick pattern seems to suggest it was pressed on mud giving the impression of natural bricks. But these the detail photos showing recent drain damage. Reveal the extra material. How to and who can renovate the facade? https://photos.app.goo.gl/VNAJMmH1xvbW5Ld4A https://photos.app.goo.gl/Cjx1aEsk3hn2nTSt7
  22. It's only small job. For my leg brace a new 4cm wide, 30 cm long tape, with exactly placed Loop and Hook parts is required. Who can do it?
  23. I hope my pun with dictator was not too irritating. I've been ask why is this is so important to me? Fair question! Accident related problems with my both wrist s make typing difficult. Swiping is much more convenient and precise and the only real alternative to dictation. Testing in shops on non-active phones is useless. Perhaps better question: Which smaller sized brand screen allows smooth swiping throughout? I'll take it from there
  24. But almost never a typist. I want to share experience with other swipers. I'm using to my almost full satisfaction a pixel 7 phone and have no intention of replacing it with another, mobile. The goal is to overcome it s remaining weakness which is the screen is a little bit too of small. Really annoying. Is that the BACK key is annoying the close to the M key. At least for me it's almost impossible to hit either one of them without hitting both of them. Just tell me which mobile doesn't give you that problem. My idea is to buy a second hand one, use it for swiping and dictating exclusively and equally exclusively only for Bluetooth transmission between my other devices, P7 and PC laptop. What do you think?
  25. You suggestion is also much cheaper than a Rohloff, which is over 1000€. But since I don't plan anymore trips through South America or parts of Europe, this will do at my advanced age.
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