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Everything posted by THAIPHUKET

  1. Hi Nicky, I asked tripleCats Khun Noo to do the job. It will require quite some adjustments of the frame https://photos.app.goo.gl/Bgs8GnGyeipUuf6J8
  2. Don't drink, don't smoke. Not too fat. But no place, at least not on mobile Pixel 7, to make a comment
  3. Your suggestion is certainly good enough to try, Anyhow, can you tell me roughly what difference I can expect? That will be very helpful. Pico CNX
  4. This is my life saver 2 gear hub https://images.app.goo.gl/ppQA2GYV2cXnP6NaA For my handicap trike. The gears don't gripp anymore. Who can help?
  5. My origin is Germany. There should be some insurers even for that age. To self-insure the risk of an unscheduled Stop over in a strange country I would not want to to incurr
  6. Travel insurance probably for longer because it won't be easier as I get older. Which insurer are you using? Thailand- Europe plus some regional flights. Frequency: not so often What to look out for?
  7. I just know what you mean. I used to live for a couple of years in the village and ever so often we went having a picking duck.
  8. Sound enticing, I trust the duck is always to your satisfaction.
  9. Oranges are so much more tasty. What is the reason that mainly mandarins are offered here and oranges are hard to get. If oranges are sold at macro, the quantity is big and difficult to eat in a short time before they get mushy
  10. I'm yawning for good a Peking Duck. The Jia Tong Heng Restaurant got the most and the best reviews. But this may be more a function of the bus loads of tourists. The duck skin is ok but the meat seems to get stretched with other ingredients. Anyhow, what are the best times to have a Peking Duck.? What are your preferred places for Chinese Meals quality wise and perhaps also a bit more cozy?
  11. I prefer oranges ส้ม but all what I see are mandarins. ส้มเขียวหวาน is it me?
  12. Thank you your observation no cut back in services is good enough
  13. If I want them as a safety measure, could several Visa cards issued at limit of 1000b each whatever for emergencies?
  14. Does the German consulate in Chiang Mai still provide certifications of documents or income. When are normal opening times?
  15. For cost efficiency can a foreign Visa Card be replaced by a domestic charge card? For charges of minor domestic service fees?
  16. So you take off where flying Emirates via?
  17. Treetops, that's been my way.. You confirm my past decisions. What for you the deciding issue? As to airline Qatar that was staple diet so to speak, Emirates only once, years ago. Seats were too narrow in the shoulder and I'm certainly not large. Any observation about handicaps? I do not expect you to even notice!
  18. Nice, but for 2a bit too heavy
  19. Business Class Airline? I'm in wheelchair. Considerate serving a must obliged!
  20. Thanks for reply. My question shows that I do not know if for a microphone surround noise is the same as vocal noises. I only need to cut out loud voices around me.
  21. Needed: to cut out voices What Android Bluetooth does the job? I can't dictate concentrated. Mic with earphonei s perfect Hoping for constructive suggestions
  22. For the sake of completeness I'm using a pixel 7 mobile never had problems before this dictating , since about 3 or 4 weeks
  23. I should add , I'm very dependent on dictating, Fußhütten reasons for second reasons The last second sentence shows exactly what happens. It should read= for unknown reasons it produces only garbage. This paragraph required many correction.. von anderen reasons in switches Sandy in the German and produces garbage
  24. Using Android mobile voice to dictate somehow I totally screwed it up. Probably my own doing because believing that Google is not also using AI I was switching languages English German very often trying to use commands such as move English move German only English German RESULT TOTALLY GARBLED . Kiste selber ist die Salbe ist die Salbe I dictated it's desirable it's desirable is Kiste selber ist die Salbe ist die Salbe I MM DON'T RECOGNIZE WHAT I DICTATED.. MY QUESTION. how can I use Bluetooth microphone and make sure that it only contacts MS voice to text? .
  25. I know, and I wanted to compliment you on your brevity With a ???? which I forgot
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