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Everything posted by THAIPHUKET

  1. Correction not installing Windows 11 but uninstalling W11
  2. Thks Crossy The hello overlay blocks anything. I cannot reach or click the chrome operating system..... I even thought of the installing Windows 11 completely but also afraid because I have no idea what that does or what I may lose. But as I said not even that I can do because of the overlay
  3. By the way is it windo2 that overlays my Chrome is from Windows HELLO I CERTAINLY DON'T WANT TO USE HELLO HOW TO ELIMINATE ?
  4. Metisdead Are you referring to my post where do you see any other language but English?
  5. To avoid misunderstandings; Chrome accepts my finger print but starts with the windows log in request
  6. Since decades system in t chrome... Using windows 11 Laptop Starting up and suddenly this Windows?? symbol suggesting different login. Doesn't respond to mouse, nothing I'm totally blocked . In the middle of some urgent work. . How to override the blockage?
  7. Perhaps Malt?
  8. These are some real choices! TKS for the inspiration!
  9. Well, why not!
  10. Constructive! Thks
  11. Any suggestion what to do except for eating well such as entertainment. Can be Thai only. I'd just enjoy the watching the laughers
  12. Rental Van , well maintained, clear windows, for 4, Comfortable. Where to rent?
  13. Group of 15, touring the North. All got COVID, unpleasant but tour continued for 2 weeks. I hear a fourth injection doesn't protect much. Any experience? I'd wish the government would release its stock of NOVAVAX
  14. Eating more fiber,etc no relief from days of constipation. Could be blockage. Had colonoscopy done decades ago. How does it work today, cost eg at RAM?
  15. Are there any other voices available for English to Thai? A man's voice would be preferable. Ist Google still the best for immediate verbal translation? I would pay if were worth it.
  16. Before Covid times Immigration control was at BKK before going on to CNX. is that still the case? Or can you go straight to the departure gate and passport control takes place at CNX?
  17. Had no itch at night. Red spots almost gone
  18. Thanks for your replies. I decided to be stubborn as well not only the symptoms. I used only Tiger cream. Itch declined. Still many red spots.
  19. Clearly is the most profound profound advice ever. Do you think it would cure brain tumors too?
  20. It's for occasional use. Where did you get good service and who has a selection. Mine would be for traveling, with car and plane.
  21. It's itchy and stubborn since 2-3. What could it be. Seems to be crawling under the skin and causing more of these still bumps
  22. The house is some 40 y old. First floor only used by rare visitors. Wooden flooring. Sounds from: m vibrations, like walking w bare feet. Wasted big space. Goal: Strength training room using VR and stretch bands. Any suggestion how to insulate upstairs noise-wise? How to insulate from vibrations?
  23. That's very helpful. I like Faststone and would like to stick with it.
  24. Thanks for patience ! Snips can be made from screenshots I do frequent screenshots on Pixel 3a- Android but also on PC windows 10 to save and use the copy and paste version in legal drafts documents. Saved as PGN-s. I can can see/read them in a string in on a picture- viewer, but not copy or sort. Which program will enable to do this? That's what I meant with: Park and I call snips up at the right time and paste in another program. I hope it's more clear now. Thanks for effort
  25. Got many snips to be inserted whenever, wherever. I can see and read one by one for selection in a picture viewer. (Fast/Stone Viewer) some picture viewer catch the whole snip including title & date. Others, like Fast Stone capture the info to but place title/date info somewhere in the screen. For example. FastStone Image Viewer Freewar vv:v. FS is ok but one can't copy and paste. Even if,the copy will not show the essentials together Date/ title+ image . Making the copy rather worthless. 2. Ideally an app would would eliminate all the program switching clicks and allow the snip to be swiped/drawn over to the target text. Too much dreaming?
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