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Everything posted by THAIPHUKET

  1. Very kind but I'm interested in having maximum 3- 4 publications English and tennis . Netflix More for my brain is Overkill. THE SET BOX seems to be antiquated. I don't mind paying but is TRUE necessary? Advantage?
  2. Thanks, first I want to find the source of the problem. Naive question: I assume blockers come in many different names how do I find my ad blocker?
  3. When looking for a product and if I find a website I get this result This site can’t be reached www.googleadservices.com Android PIXEL 7 Any suggestion?
  4. Thanks K. Clearance for the hint. Will test it. I also asked how much is the price for just replacing the screen=1200b .
  5. Screen is broken, part of is black. As if ink had been spilled over screen. That part does not react to touches Tab itself seems to work fine. Repairman says he needs my pin. I said NO! will every other shop also ask for the pin to do the job?.
  6. Understood but even switching the language setting in the gboard does not have a reliable effect. Can you please try it and tell me what is your experience that would be very helpful
  7. Sorry should have been clearer Instead of True Vision and it's black box, Which TV set up makes sense to you ... Cheers
  8. Needs are limited English news & a few really good TV stations/ channels. Englisch English your comments/ suggestions will help to narrow down the options
  9. Using Chrome Gmail on Pixel. English predominantly and German. In the past it was no problem to switch in between these two languages in the same message. Recently, accuracy in both languages seems to be lacking. At will, although this email is English only, and obviously not of adult content, it switched by itself into German lecken, Sometimes, when dictating a while whole paragraph, I notice that the printed result comes out totally barbell in the opposite language. What seems to work if I want to use English& German Trend m terms in the same message I will dictate before the switch= GERMAN GERMAN or ENGLISH ENGLISH Question: WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE?
  10. Forgot to activate the follow button
  11. Life devoid of exercise can lead to a stiff left ventricle, the heart muscle responsible for pushing blood packed with oxygen to the entire body. Left ventricle stiffening is one of many factors that contribute toward risk of heart failure. Is the degree of stifiness of the Left ventricle measurable? Counter measure is movement. The risk if trying to catch up. How to know how much is too much. No muscle ache in the heart
  12. So the Edge is a prerequisite? Sticky on Pixel Wouldn't do it?
  13. Screen broken. But fully functioning. Where can I wait to get an replacement? Approx. Cost?
  14. Just like a book and a note pad on its side I like an app to take notes on whatever and in whichever program by simply swiping the whole screen to the side. No clicks. One simple swipe back and force. No interruptions of the thought process. Doable?
  15. Brick wall probably 40 years old, no idea how they look inside, Can you hang something heavy and how?
  16. Working with windows 11 using mainly Chrome etc, non-MSF . Problem: When sending my videos the recipient (Apple), before viewing, he must give personal data and , truly obnoxious, acres to all his photos. How to avoid such demand?
  17. You are right, NOW CNX resident. Any pilates recommendation?
  18. My trainer moved. Please PN me if you can recommend an experienced trainer. Very much appreciated
  19. With selfie stick do you use? Bluetooth? Anti Vibration? Where was it bought?
  20. For a gout test I'm looking private laboratory. No hospital, simple results I can interpret myself
  21. For a gout test I'm looking private laboratory. No hospital, simple results can interpret myself
  22. As usual: Sheryl= to the point!
  23. Was glad not to have to follow these health issues closely. But after we a bit too remissive about the flu here? Better to vacc up? What about a COVID refresher? I got my 3rd in spring, Against which variant are the Thais less protected? What brand to prefer?
  24. Since the whole system is blocked, i e. Can't get to T-manager. Perhaps I can trick it by trying to kill whatever is running via Android mobile. Do you see any risk ? What to avoid?
  25. I tried before & failed. See screenshot. It shows the startup page of windows hello. My PC Is Huawei laptop. Op system W11. I can't get beyond this overlay from Hello to reach Google Chrome. That is my op system exclusively, since almost ever. No matter what I with my limited knowledge try . It doesn't work. Can't reach a single file. Who can help?
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