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Everything posted by THAIPHUKET

  1. I'm keenly aware of the LOSS OF FACE issue. That's why no names. In general let's put it this way: Age is an important factor for experience
  2. I should add that treatment at privat hospitals was not convincing. McKean is focused more in the elderly. Feel free to contact also via private message
  3. Can an old farang get qualified Physiotherapy
  4. Thanks for reply!
  5. I'm sure I'm not the only one who broke the Glass of an Android Tablet. Can you share how you got it fixed?
  6. Your replies are most helpful. To get a modern filter, what to look for? Who will install?
  7. Thanks for catching such detail which makes all the difference
  8. Thanks to all and sorry for not answering your very justified questions. Age of the rented house: over 30y, plumbing: old metal pipes, condition unknown, No problems in the last 15 years. That's all the landlord and we do know. Overall impression: good old fashion building quality.
  9. My bad. I saw your note only today, the subject is still acute. Your kindness is being appreciated
  10. https://photos.app.goo.gl/7Rnt5VzFZt23tPzd8 Looks like a fresh water filter. Not maintened in 20 y. How is it done and by whom? Water doesn't smell really pure.
  11. Galaxy Tab A 2019, glass broken. Where to repair ? Is it worth the expense?
  12. Sometimes one doesn't think of the closest option. The lady speaks fluent English with a good vocabulary. Very diligent student. Lives IN CNX. Which is the better long term Option EFL or ESL? Thanks for reply. Pico
  13. @Swiss 1960 as you i want quiet and operation. Yes we do do with one. Any solution how to provide for guest room cooling, Although in the rainy season less likely.
  14. How strong should it be. 2 person household, house got 2 medium sized Aircon. Normal household appliances, LED lamps? Any recommendations regarding the generator itself?
  15. House and pipes are 30y old. Worried that the new pump could be too strong and blow up the pipes. Upstairs only 2 bathrooms. How strong should the pump be? Any suggestion for a service?
  16. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMz0xR0R0bdla_rPBFr084WGLTHCn9P29nBFSK-xT2G8VSb5gJlBQSskyrdRK54OA?key=dmtrM2RXSC1Rek5wQzJjQ3NEUzRTcVVTNUdpN1Zn this filter?? has never been serviced. Should it? Suggestion of a Service?
  17. In case of a farang dying in a house, where the GF is the formal tenant, who certifies the natural death, a doc or the police? Background of my question: If the GF is the tenant, police should have no right to enter the house and to lock it up. Thus saving the lady unnecessary emotional pain. In adddition of her being the tenant, she would have a lawyer's certificate showing that all assets in the house are hers. Could that work? The goal is to have no stomping boots on the ground! Any alternative ideas?
  18. Is the only accessible help was to do a restart! IT didn't help
  19. Strange, when I uploaded this subject the notice came back Gateway not working try again later. But here it is , properly uploaded! Now I'm anxiously awaiting your solutions to my problem
  20. Pixel 3 was charging overnight. Before pulling the plug charge was showing only 30 % instead of 100%. Pulled the plug charge, went down to 3%. Recharge impossible + bymobile unusable. Can it be saved or am I royally ffffed¿
  21. RAM Hospital used to have a dermatologist with always a dermatology Bible on his desk and he would show you the appropriate section. I guess he has moved on. I'm looking for a Doc who is still curious enough to find solutions where CANESTEN und Zalain are not the answer. Any suggestions?
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