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Posts posted by kmj

  1. The USA have made no secrets who they support regarding Thailand and that is the red shirt terrorist movement the the Shiniwatra dynastic system.

    As usual the US get it totally wrong when meddling in other nation's politics. I am glad they are now being ganged upon by the rest of the world and I am going to really enjoy that country collapse into the dust in the coming years.

    Thailand had better get ready to become more involved with the Chinese, because the USA and the EU are about to be pulled apart and soon will have zero influence anywhere in the world.

    You watch too much fox news...

  2. According to the Reporters Without Borders press freedom ranking, Thailand comes 130th out of 180 countries - a little worse than Afghanistan, a little better than Zimbabwe, so obviously what the country needs is more censorship of the press.

    As there is zero tolerance at the moment hardly a surprising statistic.
    Well a little off base there as those figures were from several years ago.
    Unlike some I check my facts before posting.

    The figures are from 2014


    I stand corrected. That accepted the process of sending out questionnaires, compiling the data and website would almost certainly cover Responses from a period before the coup and therefore part of my original, flawed reasoning still applies.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Hell when you're wrong just hold your hand up and say so, don't bleat because you were correctly called out...

  3. The fact is its somewhat irrelevant whether the US bans products or not it will be the actual consumer who will decide whether to purchase Thai products or not because of the labour rights issues

    If consumers don't buy the product, retailers will not supply the product ergo its the same as "banning" the product

    I don't think Walmart customers would care...or even know what or where Thailand was!

    May be not walmart but 100,000 people are having a say to the big stores, social media can make them sit up and listen http://www.walkfree.org/thai-slavery/

    And here


  4. They should have put them to work not detained them in an attempt to start making up for the ones who left the country

    Thailand should be welcoming them with open arms, not locking them up, building need to be built, streets need to be swept, and the cost of maids is going through the roof

    Shame that the Thais can't do those jobs by themselves because they are all so well off and high educated

    Actually in light of all the Cambodians buggering off, I was going to write to the government and suggest they employ all the retired farangs and illegal "English teachers" and internet entrepreneurs who bleat on they are not allowed to work in Thailand to fill the void left by the Cambodians

    Let's face it the construction industry would get a lot safer as it would be manned by Western know it all's who would bring their superior western knowledge and skills to the table


    Well I know I feel loads safer after having the electrics installed in my house by someone who actually knew what they were doing and you can bet it wasn't a thai sparky...

  5. gentleman i require your attention.

    While i was reading this article i did notice this google ads. Its a petition against human trafficking in the fishery industry.

    It will just take a couple of minute to fill it.

    So today, you get the chance to do something.... SO DO IT!!



  6. well I hope the US government gets upset & pulls out of Thailand...

    oh by the way they can pack up the CIA "black site" they have here that they been having some"enhanced interrogation" interviews with some prisoners without a trial or any human rights,

    but maybe the Thai military shut that down already.

    555 CIA black site, don't tell me your'e ex CIA, time for your tablets...

    • Like 2
  7. The child was slapped a bit, but not beaten. True though, no reason to beat anyone for that matter. Although. poverty can promote horrible stressful conditions.

    Spectacular post you made, considering what you call yourself.



    The mother is forcing her infant to work, and punish him when job not done well enough in her eyes, and you call it "slapped a bit".

    I made a distinction and yes he was slapped a bit, not beaten.Maybe you're lucky not to know the difference.Secondly, we don't know all sides of the situation. In addition, the police should be probing poverty. Spectacular is what is said about how authorities/gov't for the most part, look at the symptoms..not the cause. Why? They will find that they it starts with them.

    Some idiots try to defend the indefensible, point in question....

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