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Posts posted by kmj

  1. Hello,

    Does anyone know where I can buy a point of sale printer in Hua Hin or Cha Am?

    Thanks in advance.


    Please don't recommend I try Lazada as i have tried to buy one from them that they say was in stock, I paid through familymart and now in the long drawn out process of getting my money back as they say the printer is out of stock, but that's another story...

  2. A neighbour was pressed by his Chiang Rai wife to attend an uncle's funeral some years back. He told me he was sickened and surprised to see one of the family call one of the family dogs and casually slit it's throat to throw on the barbecue. He hasn't been back since. Barbarians!bah.gif

    Its a cultural difference no different from them probably being disgusted that you eat beef.

    It is meat and that is all there is to it.

    Do you not find it equally disturbing that everything that you like to feast on has to lose its life to feed you?

    No I am not a veggie, I am a meat lover, I just don't sit in judgement of others.

    Well an expected response from someone who uses that swivel eyed loon as his avatar.

    Oh CULTURE! That hoary old chestnut dusted and put forward as a , haha, valid intelligent argument for the barbarism of tribal peoples from the truly ignorant. It used to be the culture to bind young girls' feet ensuring a lifetime's inability to walk. That okay with you? It still is the culture to marry pre pubescent girls in some countries, after they'd had their genitals mutilated. Ok with that? How about the breeding and slaughtering of tigers to enable some old man to get his dick up [sic]. There are just SIX White Rhinos left on the planet, - Chinese medicine. The Japanese are still defending their culture of slaughtering whales and dolphins under the guise of 'science'. How we doing so far? huh.png

    As to my eating habits I am a lifelong vegetarian. I would not condone the suffering of another sentient creature for my supposed enjoyment. And no, I don't wear leather either, so let's not go there.

    BTW 'Meat Lover' Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you. After your pulmonary embolism laugh.png

    The last sentence is pure myth...

  3. I read the same story, someone ran to Big C to get a new testing kit. What the heck are they doing and my GOD !!!! did they have to make public that they found semen in her anal cavity. The poor family !!

    Aside from anything else, not publicising this information helps to.make absolutely sure you catch the right perp.

    I really do wish they would teach these idiots to shut up.

    And that goes for all news agencies and websites that carry it just for a few more clicks, things are getting low...

  4. yanyk, the sad truth is that no gift is appreciated unless it is cold hard cash. Sorry, but that's the reality, and it's been slammed in my face many a time. The little gestures that you and I might regard as expressions of warmth and friendliness do not always mean anything here (I say "not always" because some Thais do appreciate your token gestures for what they are, bless them). You obviously have a good heart - please don't be disparaged.

    From my experience food is normally pretty much appreciated, when we have people visiting buying fresh seafood and bbq on the beach always goes down well

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