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Posts posted by kmj

  1. A forum in which only one part of a very complex issue can be aired makes it a complete farce. Worthless. As for Amsterdam, it is folly to try to intimidate or pursue him. The only consequence of that will be to give him a much greater international audience.

    "A forum in which only one part of a very complex issue can be aired"

    Heay, look at the bright side. The part that can be aired is the truthful part that sides with restoring true democracy to Thailand.

    SeeEvery cloud has a silver lining!

    Chin up, son.

    Yes but shit, it's boring to read...

  2. Who cares what farang media say.

    They don't understand Thai problems.

    Besides, all foreign media are block in Thailand anyway.

    I hope the army will politely ask the farang media to stop reporting live from Thailand. Any news tapes can be mailed out, but must be censored and obtain the necessary news export approval from army first.

    555 mailed out, im watching live bbc now online with live reports from bkk... you never heard of skype?

  3. To be replaced 3 minutes later.

    Perhaps they should aim a bit higher up in the scheme of things. Suppose it's best not to start killing those who really are behind it though.

    So at least 4 were unarmed, no doubt the Thai security forces done up like Tom Clancy Special Ops are feeling an inch longer tonight haven taken down and executed a handful of unarmed peasant hilltribe kids.

    I don't think you shout 'can you put your hand up if you have a gun' when a group are shooting at you... job well done.

  4. Why is it the police have to wait for an accident to charge these drivers. If they'ed only get off there ass and charge all the rest of the idiot bus and mini van drivers.

    Charge people before they have committed a crime? With what exactly?

    Have you received a Darwin Award lately?

    do you understand what the Darwin award is?

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks all, I took Swissie advice and now have a nice place on sports village 10,000 per month no agents just with a local driving around and making call to direct owners smile.png

    n.b. same location through an agency wanted 18,000 per month

  6. It amazes me how these news bulletins skip around the truth of the matter, which is simply...."Thai's do NOT know how to drive either defensively or offensively.

    I've lived in China, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the list goes on for Asian countries I've either lived in, driven in and / or visited for an extended amount of time. If you're a savvy foreigner, with a half-way decent map and some intestinal fortitude, renting a motorbike is the only way to go while in a foreign country. But, while I've lived or stayed in many countries in Asia and driven in most of them, Thailand is without a doubt the most dangerous to drive in.

    Two very obvious points are:

    1. The Thai police don't care, in most instances, when you are driving outside of major cities. I've been in, visited, and driven in many, many small towns here in the South of Thailand and all are the same. If there was a major emergency, and you needed a Thai policeman, you'd be flat out of luck. But, if there was a big event serving food, beer and Thai whiskey, suddenly you'd see the whole dam_n police force out in full view.

    I've seen Thai driver's execute the most daring, stupid, dangerous stunts, all of which are obviously against the law, and do so RIGHT IN FRONT of a Thai cop....but there is no reaction. Thai cops simply do not do their job, so this alone increases the death rate. I live near a lazy curve in one of the main roads near my house, and in eight years I've counted seventeen accidents, four of which were fatal. As in any country, coming into a turn, the mid-line yellow traffic line turns solid and anyone with half a brain knows, YOU DO NOT....EVER....PASS ON A SOLID YELLOW LINE. But, I suppose there's an exception for Thai drivers, since most do. They do, and very often they run someone off the road, or hit someone who is abiding by the simple law.

    Simply put, in Thailand, regarding traffic, forget about the safety factor of Thai police enforcing laws, because it will never happen....they are more interested in blackmailing local businesses into lining their pockets for fake protection, or pulling fake road stops in order to collect money for their local beer night.

    ....Oh, and the traffic? Ha! expect anything and everything! People driving on the wrong side of the road, individuals entering a main road, turning into traffic without even looking, motorcyclists swinging across four lanes of traffic in order to get to the wrong side of the road in the opposing lane....It's just freaking crazy. Oh, and if you drive like you drove in your own, first world, industrialized nation, which is the proper way to drive, you will most likely become a statistic here.

    Everybody touts how easy and laid back the Thai's are.....Mai pen rai......sabai, sabai....BUT, just try passing a Thai in traffic, or somehow maneuvering yourself IN FRONT OF A THAI DRIVER....they will STOMP on their accelerator and risk life and limb in order to pass you and get in front of you!....

    Thai's are the absolute WORST drivers in all of Asia, in my opinion, and since Thailand is so corrupt, most either get a license via cheating on the test or just paying somebody for a license....or, the other scenario.....never have owned a license or a registration....why? Well, because the police don't care and don't or rarely check.

    My two centavos!


    You want to try driving through Indonesia if you think the Thais have the worst driving habits in Asia...

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