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Posts posted by kmj

  1. What are they worrying about. A little heat is something Yingluck better get used to. She does have a shadowy history with regards to her brothers affairs. Could Khun Yingluck become a sitting duck. Better she go back to her office with a view.

    She does have a shadowy history with regards to her brothers affairs.

    Is that true? Can you point me to the proof on this, I'd like to read it.

    See the post above for a start: http://www.thaivisa....ost__p__4469485

    Thank you, I have now read the whole Reuters article, so at this time she hasn't been accused or found guilty of anything, but there is still 4 weeks to go.

    <quote Reuters>

    Apichart Sukhagganond, chairman of Thailand's Election Commission, said Yingluck was qualified to run because she had not been convicted of a crime. However, complaints against any candidate could still be filed.

    </quote Reuters>

  2. What are they worrying about. A little heat is something Yingluck better get used to. She does have a shadowy history with regards to her brothers affairs. Could Khun Yingluck become a sitting duck. Better she go back to her office with a view.

    She does have a shadowy history with regards to her brothers affairs.

    Is that true? Can you point me to the proof on this, I'd like to read it.

  3. Here's a little app I just wrote in C# it just hooks into the keyboard and displays what ever you type in,

    just unzip it & run hit "start" when you want to see what is typed and "stop and clear" when you want to stop.

    <enter> or <return> also clears the output. It's 100% safe, hope it helps.

    Edit: can't seem to attach .zip file here, if any body wants a copy pm me.

  4. Really, I know, I live and work in Thailand and have for the past 3 years so I should be interested... But I'm not,

    TV just seems to full of election fever, especial the news alerts, so see you when the new party is in power, who ever it may be...

    Or maybe TV could start an election section apart from the general news threads...

  5. When Crawfords in Cha-am originally opened it was a breath of fresh air being somewhat more 'upmarket' than the rest.I'm sorry to hear that things have declined but in my observation (over twelve years) it is par for the course for most farang run businesses there.The difficulties with staff,police,tessaban etc seem to be the downfall of most.

    I hope things get better.

    It wont, an overbearing loadmouth drunk leased it a year ago and sank the place into the ground. The original owner is also said to be having financial problems and the place is currently closed and for sale, the end!

    You're a real keyboard warrior, read that as sniveling little coward, you had to register under another name to type this... I'm sure you had the balls to tell Darren this to his face 555

  6. Can anybody read? He was describing the stereotype farang and said it wasn't at all accurate for all of us. Actually, I think it's pretty accurate; about half of the farang here in Pattaya would fit that description!

    +1 555, this article has rattled a few cages... if it wasn't from a news article I would have shouted TROLL.

  7. Why don't they grow some balls ( the government )...

    Why don't you grow some first and show 'em how it's done.

    ... when gambling is found in a place like the Esplanade it usually means someone hasn't been making their payoffs.

    I didn't choose to be in government, I don't get paid to make these changes, so why don't you stop being one of the governments bitches...

  8. I am sorry but no one will convince me that a black op was done

    Osama was shot in the head

    and then buried at sea

    within 24 hours

    come on people -

    you dont hunt down the most wanted man in history and then do the above

    its a fairy tale


    what happened when Saddam was found




    even a video of the hanging

    PLUS pictures of his dead sons in living colour all shot up

    This time Ossama

    empty room

    some blood on the floor

    body gone

    sea burial

    come on this is the the biggest con yet

    Lets see if Osama releases another video, somehow I think it will be a very long wait...

  9. Hey any body wonder if the security has been steeped up in Kenya?If obama's relatives are under guard? If in fact they are all still there or are not all in the U.S. Cant but help wonder were the bomb's will start to fall first.

    I don't think AQ have a set of terrorist plans waiting for a special event like this, AQ could just as likely become a chicken with its head cut off,

  10. at least the Pakistani govt should be so kind and invite neutral observers to take samples for DNA testing. He alledgly lived there for years. There must be plenty around to confirm that he really was there.

    Honestly I don't take the respecting of Islamic burial rules and dropping a body in the ocean. This is a bit of cheap procedure and a destroying of evidence. Why?

    Fundamental Muslims went on murderous rampages because a cartoonist lampooned the prophet and the 'God' of their religion. Imagine what they would do if they believed the US was holding (and possibly desecrating) the corpse of someone they call the 'The Sheikh of Islam'. For all we know, he is on a slab, so he can be autopsied, fingerprinted, photoed, ... whatever. The important thing appears to be - Don't piss off the international Islamic community. Burial within 24 hours, or so they believe, and problem solved.

    Whether you agree with it or not, I am pretty sure the US is not the least bit interested in your perspective.

    No matter what the US does, there will be those who deride the government, no matter what Obama does, there will be those who deride him. It comes with the territory. I quite often find myself saying &lt;deleted&gt; when I read the news out of the US, but I am pretty certain that most Americans, and most US Gov't and policy types don't answer to me, making my opinions on the matter of little to no consequence.

    For all we know, he is on a slab, so he can be autopsied, fingerprinted, photoed, ... whatever

    if he was REALLY killed today, i suspect he is on a slab, the americans or anyone doesnt give a shit about his ' islamic ' rights and the 24 hr funeral, let alone dumping his body in the sea, just wouldnt happen !!!!

    Don't be an arse, If the US didn't keep to Islamic law this could be seen as a religious killing, it wasn't it was a terrorist leader killed for his actions, not because he was a Muslim, end of story .

  11. CNN reporting that Osama Bin Laden buried at sea. - CNN

    On brother that takes the cake

    10 years hunting him...(supposedly)

    Now less than xx hours after getting him dispose of the evidence

    You cannot make this stuff up.....even in the best movie it would not be believed

    It stretches credulity does it not? Just how stupid do they think we are? Never mind.

    I can understand your maybe questioning the US but why would the Pakistani Government confirm the kill.

  12. I

    Good - but wont make one bit of difference. There are hundreds willing to 'martyr' themselves in his place.

    Don't agree...Nazism pretty much died along with HItler...Italian and Spanish racism with Musolini and Franco. Individuals in history make a difference.

    This isn't a quiz with 'agree-disagree' tick the box. Hitler, Mussolini, Franco - are dead. So are Lenin, Stalin, Mao and many others.

    Look around. Is the world any better?

    Saddam, Osama, Obama - what difference does it make, really?

    The people die, their ideas live. More people will die. And back to normal life is returning...

    I'm really sorry for us all.:jap:

    Who knows what horrors we would have been living in if these people had lived.

    I don't need you feeling sorry for me thanks.

  13. anti aircraft is interesting, hopefully they will shoot one of the Thai jets down that just happens to be doing military exercizes in a conflict zone :whistling:

    Why would you want a Thai jet shot down? When a SAM hits a jet, usually the pilot is mortally wounded or severely burnt. The plane then crashes. If the jet was flying over a populated area, then the jet can take out civilians when it goes down and the ordinance explodes.

    How'd you like to be an evacuee worrying about sh*t like that?

    Have a heart, ok.


    In modern combat aircraft the warning system is sufficient that the pilot can eject in time. This is especially true with the primitive sam missiles the Khmer Roug-...I mean the Cambodian forces are using. So the only thing getting turned into swedish scrap would be that expensive flying toy.

    I don't get your point, even if the pilot ejects the plane is still scrap.

    Thailand's best fighters seem to be the 6 new Saab Gripen C/D fighters they bought last year and they won't want them shinny new planes turned in to Swedish scrap.

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