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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. 4 hours ago, tigermoth said:

    Agreed. Al Jazeera was the only news channel worth watch between British and American channels. Unfortunately Thailand has stoppoed it and all I have left is BBC. The USA channels just keep emitting garbage.

    ON TMN Cable Pattaya, Al Jazeera is still available. I would like to see RT, CCTV intl. and CNBC as well.

  2. 3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    What the story doesn't tell us and that the video doesn't show, is the context of how the word was used.

    There is a big difference to the word being overheard in conversation, as in "When I fly I am always scared of a bomb.", and jumping to your feet and screaming "BOMB!"


    Easy. When you fly, don't talk about bombs, ISIS and all that shit. Easy as that. And if you have a tourrete syndrome, please get a medical certification and let the cabin crew know it.


    3 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    So they must have hacked the Georgia election also because you lost that in this week. When you loose 2020 you will still blame the Russians instead of taking ownership of your failed policies and candidates. By the way I am not an American, just someone thats amused by the Democrats total lack of accountability for their failures. 

    So true. The Democrats and Trump-haters are like headless chickens. Only whining and blaming. 555

  4. Just now, oldhippy said:

    It is the moderate muslims that should wake up.

    A little more social control and a little less feeling of entitlement would go a long way.


    The true liberals (not the zombie fake leftists), alt-right (not the fake extreme right nazis) and moderate muslims should march together. This is the majority. But by now, either you are a leftist or a nazi. Nothing between anymore. That's the narrative by our gov and media which not allows an open fair debate.

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