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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. When I disable the add-on NoScript, TV works again. But this extension I use for safety reason.


    26 minutes ago, Digitalbanana said:

    Yes, same here. Yesterday OK, today FF is not responding and locks up on Thai Visa forum. I have switched to Chrome til I find out what the problem is.

    Do you also have installed this add-on?

  2. So, you guys think there is no problem to get another SETV from Savannakhet with all the paperwork and my Visa history? No Visa exempts, no other Visa like ED and no remarks from there or other places.


    My current passport;

    1 METV

    2 SETV Vientiane

    1 SETV Savannakhet (not two as in the OP mentioned).


    I will bring Condo rental contract, Bank Statement of my Thai Bank and Outbound Bus Ticket.


    I didn't found some recent reports. Most are from Vientiane.


    Thank you.

  3. 3 hours ago, Fulwell53 said:

    Assange, Manning and Snowden shold be recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize for services to opening the eyes of the world to corrupt regimes in the ys, uk etc.

    Happy for assange that sweden have closed the door on this trumped up charge and charade.  Let's get on with prosecuting real criminals and warmongers like bush junior, blair and trump.

    And Seth Rich.

  4. 5 minutes ago, impulse said:

    I'm sensing a conspiracy between the UK, USA, Sweden and Ecuador, who will now shag him out of the Embassy because he "no longer needs sanctuary" now that those charges have been abandoned.


    The UK will scoop him up and he'll be on a flight to the USA in handcuffs and ankle chains faster than he can blink.


  5. 2 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

    True, but did you not also read about Nazi memorabilia being found in many military institutions.

    One of the few things I agreed with Trump pre election, was his promise to make so called allies pay for more of their own defence.

    As all countries should do. Self defence should be taken for granted by any nation.

    But it seems some nations, including Germany are quite happy to sacrifice their national identity.

    I hope Germany ousts this weak leader. I also hope they do not fall back on former Nazi indoctrination.

    von der leyon, looks like a make up dummy for Merkel. Her name shows her previous silver spoon ancestry. And does nothing to cover up her total incompetence.

    If the German populace cannot realise the rot that Germany has become, Merkel and von der leyon should be held up as just how low Germany is sinking. 

    Too late already.

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