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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. That's from Coconuts and may indicate what he faces if he spoken guilty.


    The case echoes an incident in early February when Australian tourist Thomas Keating, 22, was charged with reckless driving causing death after an accident that resulted in the death of his girlfriend Emily Jayne Collie, 20. The two crashed their separate jet-skis into each other off Kata Beach in southern Phuket.

    Thomas Keating was handed down by court a two-year suspended jail sentence and fined THB5,000 for reckless driving causing death.

    According to Section 291 of the Criminal Code, the maximum punishment that Glass could face for reckless driving causing death is a ten-year jail term and/or a fine of THB20,000. However, in practice, such cases more routinely result in smaller fines and suspended sentences.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Nip said:

    All over the Internet this man has been exposed by people who knew him. I would suggest those who support him do a quick search. His videos for eg that detail how he rode his motorbike recklessly have been taken down. However the videos of his girlfriend stating he scared her are still there because he can't remove them. His excuse for the accident changed from one video to the next. His first video hours after the accident is to cover his ass and shows no remorse in fact at the end he says ah well life goes on. This guy is a nasty piece of work and it's there for all to see.

    Some links?


    However, I find it quite strange. First he posted a video "Heart Breaking News My Pregnant Girlfriend Sophie Died" and a few days later he talks about Vitamine B3.

  3. The failure, caused by a power supply problem, disrupted BA's flight operations worldwide and also hit its call centres and website, said Alex Cruz, the chairman and chief executive of BA, part of Europe's largest airline group IAG.


    Did they host everything on one windows 95 notebook?


    Methinks, nowadays, IT supporters / departments are completely retarded. First wannacry and now this.

  4. I guess customers will have 2-3 months time to do the process. BP said, the sim card might be blocked till customer does the scan. I understand it in this way; as soon you let them scan your fingerprints, the sim card gets unblocked.


    It says; Mr Takorn said the move was not part of government surveillance but was a national security measure to help prevent bomb attacks and combat financial fraud.


    I understand the point about financial fraud, in particular mobile banking, but prevent bomb attacks? How should that work?

  5. Only one in three British Muslims would tip off the police if they believed that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, a poll has revealed.


    More than 100,000 British Muslims sympathise with suicide bombers and people who commit other terrorist acts, the survey suggests.



  6. 26 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    Much as i hate what they do and stand for. How can the UK deport a UK citizen? How can the UK lock up indefinitely suspected terrorists with no proof. Doesnt that smack in the face of everything countless genarations have fought and died for?. More intelligence is required more feet on the ground not taking money away as is always the case. Stop immigrants coming in untill a full and proper vetting procedure has been applied to all immigrants white back yellow pink.

    First, don't allow Imams from abroad speak in local mosques. Close all mosques for good which are known for hate speech. Stop halal food in western countries. No tolerance for intolerance.

  7. Me!
    I have reported on another channel (not public).
    In the meantime I have completey "reset" FF and installed only three essential add-ons (noscr. being one).
    With that it works again.
    Other sites (more than a dozen started before TV) didn't have a problem.
    Looks like a change in TV combined with some add-on.
    You could send my your list of add-ons that you have installed as a PM.
    (don't want to discuss it publicly)

    For me is definitely the noscript add on. Either I disable the add on or I block Thaivisa script. Then it works again.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    The 'scripts' are what enables web2.0 functions (Pop-up dialogs, posting editor, etc) to work on ThaiVisa. This is delivered in a separate file from the rendered html page.
    Usually it's one of ThaiVisa's 3rd-party link partners creating the delay issue.
    But, yeah, experiencing the same white blank page long delays here as well.  

    So, we can do nothing? Hope and wait.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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