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Posts posted by alocacoc

  1. On 6/10/2017 at 11:21 PM, dddave said:

    I have generally found that whenever I enter a new country with my AIS SIM installed, I will get several text messages detailing available roaming package deals within minutes of turning my phone on.

    When I get no such texts, I assume that AIS has no local partner.

    I agree. Just went to Laos. I got several messages for raoming calls and roaming data.


    AIS offers a call back service in case you need additional assistance.  *1318(country code)(destination number)#


    Then wait for an incoming call. No idea if this is specific to Laos.


    You might check this site. http://www.ais.co.th/roaming/en/

  2. After the unprecedented and unpresidential inaugural speech I said "this is not normal"
    Then I began describing this presidency as "kinda strange"
    Weeks later I was calling it a "freak show"
    Then, "this freak show is real"
    With this bizarre cabinet loonytunes, this real freak show just got batsh*t freakier.
    Help me! I'm running outta superlatives.

    Don't worry. Only 7 1/2 years left.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

  3. Five days ago, I had 4 local dogs break through the wire netting to my chicken and duck area. They literally broke through the admittedly flimsy netting.
    Totally ignoring ducks and ducklings, they killed 29 chickens and chicks. I heard the 5 geese we have, and ran with a stick into the yard where I was attacked.
    The stick and long leg steel capped safety boots saved me (from my ex mining days, too many snakes here not to wear them)
     I filed a report with the police. They cannot act for two reasons they said. I had no witnesses and there is a prohibition on killing and hurting the dogs.
    So I did not mention how I had gotten the dogs to run away.
    The villagers are on my side and have offered and suggested ways to fix the problem. Instead, I have built solid roof steel sheets (by Thai standards, the best I could get) around the yard.
    The dogs made no effort to eat the chickens, they left me with the 3 roosters. I also made no aggressive moves on the dogs until they attacked me. And some posters on this topic are just plain silly. 

    Wow. Sorry for your loss.

    Some dogs are quite aggressive and attack without reason.

    I just come back from Savannakhet. It's even worse there. Not enjoyable to do a walk.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

  4. In the Quran, as in any text, one can find what one wants. For the vast majority of Muslims, Ramadan is a month of peace because it is necessary to be straight and generous. But among the most radical Islamists, jihad is presented as a noble and valorous value, those who die as martyrs during the month of Ramadan will be doubly rewarded in Paradise.

    So they get then 144 virgins?

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

  5. I'm just back from the consulate Savannakhet. My application with outbound flight ticket, bank statement from a Thai bank and condo rental contract got accepted. Pickup passport tomorrow. Very quiet. Only maybe 2 dozens people at 9am. But the officer watched every paper carefully. That was for a Setv.


    Feel free to ask questions if you need more information.


    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk







  6. Your original statement implied that you are an American. I don't know how it could have been interpreted otherwise.
    But wait - maybe you like alternative facts.

    It was never my intention to suppose to be an American. I thought my English would be too bad anyway....

    However, there is a good chance Trump will repeale FATCA. I'm sure many Americans abroad hate FATCA.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

  7. OK, thanks for giving us such a clear insight into your personal character.


    You respect a man who cheats on his wives.

    You respect a man who mocks the disabled.

    You respect a man who disrespects all of the men and women who have ever been taken prisoner of war.

    You respect a man who disrespects the parents of a fallen warrior.

    You respect a man encourages violence against people who disagree with him.

    You respect a man who has labeled our Constitution "archaic" and "unfair".

    You respect a man who assaults women for his personal pleasure and brags about it.

    You respect a man who cheats others out of what he rightfully owes them.

    You respect a man who was too cowardly to serve his country during time of war.

    You respect a  man who attacked the former President for taking too much time off, then proceeds to take more time off than any other President in history.

    You respect a man who embraces his racist supporters.


    Forgive me, but I would have to observe that your "values" regarding respect could use a serious overhaul.




    Everything you mentioned is upon his personal behavior or very vague. You forgot to mention his haircut by the way.


    But yes, you asked me to forgive you. Sure, no problem. I forgive you.


    It's Sunday and I'm in Laos. Peace.




    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk




  8. On 6/5/2017 at 0:33 AM, alocacoc said:

    Yes, it's too late.


    Watch this documentary;



    Lock them up, if possible deport them.



    I posted this yesterday. And now we got the proof the British government did nothing.



    London Bridge terrorist Khuram Butt was watched by 1.2million viewers on Channel 4 documentary while under investigation by MI5

  9. I thought@KhunBENQ had narrowed this down to an issue involving Windows, Firefox, and running NoScript, and ThaiVisa calling a FaceBook.net script.  
    If you aren't using any FaceBook feature or login then just block the use of that javascript.

    Yes, that was the solution for me too. Many sites uses Facebook.net but only on this forum Firefox crashes. A bit lame TV isn't resolving this issue.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

  10. Just a remember;


    "Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs


    This alarming revelation suggests that more than 100,000 British Muslims could sympathise with suicide bombers and people who commit terrorist acts.


    The survey also discovered that more than half of Muslims think that homosexuality should be illegal in Britain and 23 per cent of Muslims want Sharia to replace British law in certain parts of the country."

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