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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. My experience in China and Vietnam has learned me that it takes minimum 10 and probably 20 years to rewire the human brain after growing up and become adult in a centrally planned economy.

    In such kind of economy you only do what you are instructed : when you dare to take initiatives and it works the honor is for your boss and when it does not work the blame if for you...it means to do nothing is the safest way.

    We will see how long it takes in Myanmar to recover from 50 years centrally planned economy.


  2. 39 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I have True Visions with a gold package and about all the channels are back on. Some channels from True are interrupted when all the Thai channels are.



    for news CNN and BBC are available but strangely enough not channel 788 which broadcasts French speaking channels from government owned broadcasters in France, Switzerland, Canada and Belgium

  3. 35 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    Have you heard the one about the porn star and the old man?




    Many Thai women think the Farlang is their ticket to a life of ease and plenty.


    the same thinking must have gone through the head of the Thai woman who was compared to Cinderella after she married a billionaire dream prince ...but he probably forgot to tell her that earlier he was sued in an American court by a girl friend to whom he transferred his HIV condition...

  4. 7 hours ago, Alive said:

    Both sides should have pulled out or better yet never got involved with massive amounts of troops and support in that area of the world in the first place. Assad should just have been assassinated right away. There may have been a chance for a lot less death but who knows maybe the war-mongers just want deaths of anyone who could be an enemy someday. Anyways, getting rid of the source of the problem by eliminating the leaders and those around them is far better for the common man in my view. Yes, other leaders would potentially be threatened but that might make those who seek to lead nations a bit more willing to die for their nation rather than as it is now where these leaders are happy to send troops to die in their place.


    You think the murder of Assad would have been a solution ?  Did the murder of Libyan leader Qaddafi bring a solution or total and endless chaos?

  5. 1 hour ago, Patanawet said:

    Does anyone have an email address that I might complain to True about their censoring BBC World as soon as an item about Thailand comes on. True have admitted that this is their own decision and nothing to do with the government.

    At the same time I will cancel my subscription that I've had since the days of U.B.C.


    Email address of as senior person at TrueVisions if possible please


    I cannot understand why CNN and BBC (although censored) have been made available but TV5 is still totally off the air : TV5 is a combination of French speaking government owned channels from France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada...what harm can they do? Also the number of French speakers in Thailand must be a small one.

    I am severely disappointed I could not follow the national news from Canada and Belgium about the collapse of the trade deal between Canada and the EU

  6. Quote

    The fighting also forced another 200,000 people to flee Hungary, most of them through Austria.



    I was at that time 11 years old and I remember this drama despite the absence of TV because in my primary school we had 4 Hungarian boys sent to freedom by their parents to be adopted in Belgium.

    Regretfully many Hungarians of 2016 do not feel the same solidarity with the victims of war atrocities coming from Syria.



  7. More than 10 years ago my car was hit in the back while I was waiting at a traffic light.  Serious damage and I repair would take 6 weeks. In Europe my insurance company would provide me a leased car during the time needed for the repair. I had to rent a car at my own expensive although  I had comprehensive insurance.

    Does somebody know about a Thai insurance company which would have provided a leased car?

  8. 2 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    "Brexit fallout dominates debate"

    Of course; they've lost a major backer, Europe's biggest military and the most logical, corporate-savvy voice of the EU. Well, that's what they get when they stick their nose into everything, stifle sovereignty and force millions of immigrants on them!


    Military issue : the UK remains like most of EU states a member of NATO

    Business and finance :  London will remain the financial capital of Europe

    European integration :  the EU will not loose a major backer but a major obstruction ...or are you too you to remember the Margaret Thatcher days?


    2 hours ago, daveAustin said:




  9. 4 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    The usage you describe should not come to more than 1000B even if your landlord is charging more than the official domestic rate.


    I have my aircon on permanently, large TV, hifi, fridge/freezer, PC and other network devices on permanently, oven, washing machine, water heater etc etc and my bill varies between 1200 and 1800 at the official rate.

    I use the same appliances as you and I pay between 7000 and 8000 a month ....but my aircon is 30.000 BTU

  10. 22 hours ago, roger101 said:

    You can use income and cash in bank. Say your income showed  350,000 Baht you  have 50,000 baht in the bank that's sufficient. The cash doesn't have to stay in the bank for 3 months either. It can be in the bank for as little as a couple of days.


    I am not sure if the 50.000 just need to be a couple of days in the bank

  11. On 8/28/2016 at 10:05 AM, robblok said:

    Never did i Imagine that so many on this site were so liberal. I am shocked that only 2 voted against it. 

    the reports on CNN by brain surgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta learned me that :

    - overdosis marijuana does not exist

    - the type used of medical purposes is really great stuff

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