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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. So are the missiles actually "defensive" anti-missile and/or anti-aircraft missiles, or are they "offensive nuclear deterrent" ICBM type ground strike missiles? In the latter case Putin is justified, in the former he is not. The latter seems unlikely. Perhaps Putin just wants a defenseless Poland (and Crimea and Ukraine) etc etc etc!!!!!

    Yes indeed those defense systems can only catch incoming missiles...and they cannot send anything out.

    According to Cocorico2558 ...if your neighbour has a very aggressive dog you cannot put up a fence because he will consider it as intimidating...

  2. After a previous divorce in Europe I got married in Thailand in 1988 and at that time I was 44 and my Thai wife 26 and we are still a happy couple

    To be more precise we are both satisfied and from time to time happy : indeed nobody can be permanently happy or unhappy because of the force of "getting used" or "routine"

    After our marriage we started a process of several years ....first with mutual respect...followed quickly by mutual trust..and soon by mutual friendship...and finally sweet Love

    Friendship and not sex or money are the basis of a long lasting marriage : how many people come home after a working day and are bored to be again at home because initially they were focused in their marriage only on sex and/or money?

    Love with capital L means one partner is focused on the well being of the other partner and vice versa.

    Love with small "l" is focused on what is the benefit for me

    In a long lasting relationship there is a balance between "love" and "Love" which is different for every relationship.

  3. https://askleo.com/how-do-i-switch-back-to-a-local-account-sign-in-for-windows-10/

    After rebooting with the guidelines of above link I entered once more with the old unwanted Administrator account

    Now I am going to try to solution proposed by KhunBENQ and I will keep the kind TVF members updated

    Allelujah ...the video proposed by KhunBenq provided the right solution

    My mistake was that I had to disable from the unwanted Administrator account and not from my own Local Account (which had administrator status)
  4. Upgraded to windows 10 and it sort of created a duplicate account for an administrator, and now instead of just booting up the desktop PC, it logs in on default to that new empty administrator account, then i have to manually switch to my own account.

    (my own account has administrator status and I am the only one with access to my PC)

    On the internet there are all kind of confusing suggestions to get disable (one cannot delete or uninstall it) the unwanted and delaying administrator account : if a TVF member has succeed to disable it I would be glad to learn about his or her way of doing it.

  5. I have seen no report of it being required at Jomtien to get an extension of stay (is not a visa).

    The only reports I have seen is for the Nonthaburi immigration office which is known to come up with some strange requirements.

    What is the source of the info you posted?

    The past 6 years Pathum Thani Immigration accepted an affidavit about my income after legalisation by my Embassy.

    Last month and or the first time they sent me to the Foreign Ministry to get legalisation of the Embassy stamp and signature.

    It was not a pleasant experience but I must say that this a very normal requirement : indeed only the Legalisation Division at Foreign Ministry has a copy of the all the signatures and stamps used by the Embassies.

  6. This election cycle has been an eye opener for people paying attention (and they're starting to pay attention cuz they're REALLY feeling the bite of the economic downturn!). Election fraud on a national scale combined with the rigging of this election on BOTH the Democrats and Republicans' parties have folks up in arms.

    Senator Sanders still has a slim chance of winning the election, and even if he doesn't he has exposed the corrupt underbelly of campaign financing and the prevalent government fascism/corporatocracy/oligarchy that is crushing the U.S. economy - and that ripples around the world. I believe Bernie will continue the fight after the election, be it from the oval office or a bully pulpit of his own making.

    Gerrymandering is still worse for US democracy than Super PACs : it makes that 70 pct or more of the Congress are elected in "safe" districts and do not need to bother about the outcome of the election.

  7. I did not know the solution was so simple : I am a Dutch speaking Belgian but many of my correspondents are "Francophones" and I really dislike to write French without accents.

    When you mentioned that my new keyboard was standard in France I guessed correctly that I had to change the language choice from "French Belgian" to "French France"

    Indeed the old AZERTY keyboard was bought in 1995 in Belgium and here the keys were intended to be used by both Dutch and French speaking communities.

    Merci beaucoup

  8. It's unfortunate that medically supervised suicide is illegal in Thailand. This man appears to have gone through allot of pain and suffering the past couple years and I can understand his wanting to end his life. There are options, whoever, for those who seek such assistance...The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the state of Oregon allow people with terminal illnesses or diseases to die with dignity.

    Is there really no assistance or advise to be obtained from the Palliative Care Association Thailand ?


  9. Some keys of my very old AZERTY keyboard (for French language) did not function any more.

    As I could not find in Bangkok any shop selling Azerty keyboards I decided to order online from Amazon Germany a keyboard which shows WYSE as brand name.

    See attached photo.

    Now not too many members of TVF use Azerty but WYSE sells them also with QWERTY keyboards (I have the impressed that Dell PC included it)

    The problem is that the upper row of keys has 3 lines of symbols : I have no clue how to activate the third line (I tried many inputs) and this third line includes the very important @ (aerobas)

    So this makes the new bought WYSE keyboard impossible to use for me

    Does somebody how to activate the @ input (or where to buy in BKK an Azerty keyboard)


  10. What they wont talk about are comparable events held and sponsored by similar organizations to "circumcise" young girls, from infants to age 7 & 8. Sometimes it's just a symbolic scratch on the clitoris but more often it involves excising a piece of the clitoral hood and sometimes the tip of the clitoris as well. It has become increasingly common in Malaysia and Indonesia in the last decade as conservative Islam has become more popular and there are reports of it taking hold in some of the southernmost Thai provinces.

    One of the great arguments in Islam these days is whether it was encouraged by the prophet or not.

    Classified as a human rights abuse by the UN and most nations and referred to as "Female Genital Mutilation" (FGM), though not nearly as severe as more extensive versions found in Africa and the middle east...especially Egypt and Somalia.

    dddave writes :


    It has become increasingly common in Malaysia and Indonesia in the last decade as conservative Islam has become more popular


    Just to say that FGM existed in Africa long time before Islam.

    The origins of the practice are unknown. Its east-west, north-south distribution in Africa meets in Sudan.
    Gerry Mackie has suggested that infibulation originated there with the Meroite civilization (c. 800 BCE — c. 350 CE) and imperial polygyny, before the rise of Islam, to increase confidence in paternity.
    The proposed circumcision of an Egyptian girl, Tathemis, is mentioned on a Greek papyrus from 163 BC in the British Museum.
    My comment : it was and still is all about control of the female sex live by the males
  11. What an ass.

    Obama needs to mind his own house. Or, just go away...thumbsup.gif

    ...President Roosevelt could have said the same thing - mind your own house...or just go away - to Winston Churchill when he visited in December 1941 the White House at a time the debate of joining the war in Europe was the hottest topic in US politics : a defeat of the British would have returned Europe to the dark ages and this visit did change the world by constructing the machinery of cooperation that led to the defeat of the Axis.

  12. He needs mental care support. He doesn't have email. His actions are very erratic. One family member already reported him to the police station after he threatened her. He has accused my mother in law of poisoning him when she offered him coffee. He has been seen by a Thai doctor where they prescribed medication. Evidently he is not taking his medication. My wife's family isn't ready to abandon him.

    My wife is planning a trip back to Thailand in a few months. I'm trying to help her determine what she needs to do when she arrives.

    This threatening behaviour and feeling of being threatened may point at schizophrenia :

    - it should be possible to find out if he is still covered by German health insurance

    - consultation of a psychiatrist seems urgent

  13. I am resident in Thailand since 1987

    My experience learns that if a farang stays away from any internal Thai disputes (of any nature) and he or she has sufficient financial resources then compared to the neighbouring countries this is still the best place to live for farangs.

    I am not saying this is paradise but that there is nothing better.

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  14. Does somebody have experience with exporting Thai Baht to Europe after conversion to Euro (or should the conversion take place in Europe)

    A good friend came to spend the last 10 years the winter in Thailand and had opened a bank account with SCB where he still has about 400.000 Baht

    Now his health has deteriorated and he asks my Thai wife to help : he will send the necessary paperwork to enable my wife to collect the money and that will be no problem.

    However I wonder if my wife can then transfer the money back to his account in Europe (it was money sent from Europe before)

    Some people are telling us she will need an invoice before the transfer will be approved and this is not possible between private persons

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