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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. If your TV isn't able to output both from the internal speakers and the headphone jack at the same time, the very first thing you'll need to confirm is whether or not it is able to output optical digital and play the internal speakers at the same time....

    Are you able to sed a red light coming from the optical output while still hearing audio from the TV speakers?

    Sorry I cannot reply as I have not yet bought the new television

  2. The only reliable poll is when all the people go to the polls and vote.

    How about voting for whether or not to keep martial law?

    Great ...I remember the days that in the Philippines the "Marcos dynasty" and cronies won every election (presidential and parliament) ...and after 20 years the country was empty.

  3. I am one of the ThaiVisa old timers with worsening hearing conditions...

    About 8 years ago I bought a television LG 42PC1RR

    It had no input for a headphone but it had a "variable audio output"

    To use the headphone I needed a mini amplifier (Radio Shack) which - with some adapter cables - could be connected to the "variable audio output" on the TV side and on also to the old style headphone cable with pin plug.

    I liked this solution because it allowed me to listen to the television without cutting out the sound of the main speakers so that my wife - who has better ears than me - could also listen directly.

    Now I am in need to replace the old LG and I notice that "variable audio output" is no longer existing.

    Many new TV's have an old style headphone (cable and pin plug) input but then they cut out the sound of the main speakers which is not acceptable.

    However they have now an "optical audio output" and the offer on the internet confuses me :

    On Ebay UK they seem to have what I need to connect the TV to the Radio Shack mini amplifier :


    However there is in Thailand an item which seems to allow to connect on one side to the TV (optical audio output) as well as to the old style headphone (with cable and pin to plug in) / it seems here is no need for a mini ampli ?


    Because I get the most confusing explanations from sales people in HomePro I hope that a member of ThaiVisa will understand and be able to give advise.


    • Like 1
  4. Checked all the boxes and asked the guy at my local wine shop. He confirmed they ALL have fruit juice added as a tax dodge. NO more boxes for me! cheers

    BTW he also related a story from a sales rep. One of the brands did not add fruit juice and sold for 1100 baht - very few sales - so company took all the boxes back and remixed with fruit juice and sold for around 800 baht. Sales skyrocketed.

    Correct. That was the Cedar Creek. I was lucky to get the last ones before the juice, very drinkable, especially the white one. Then it changed, like you said, and now it is crap. I suggest buying the Matti in 2 litre bottle. Not exactly the price you can find in boxes, but very drinkable, especially the white. You can get it around 430 B. No fruit juice added. I think this is the best cheap option around.

    I have never seen Matti wine : where did you buy it?

  5. MikeOboe57 writes :


    In the Ukraine the USA and NATO/EU had no moral inhibitions to condone the violent coup against an elected government, instead they saw it as another opportunity to corner Russia with the possibility of expanding NATO territory right onto Putin´s doorstep. Their wet dream of thus making the position of the Russian Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol untenable was sadly foiled by a referendum returning the Crimea back to Russia.


    My comments : this confusion of USA, NATO and EU acting together to corner Russia is the results of the incurable inferiority complex of Russia and its sycophant bloggers.

    Russia should not feel inferior because it IS a great nation...with a great history, a large territory and a powerful army.

    NATO is a defensive alliance of which USA is the most important member ....but every NATO member state has a veto on any eagerness to kick some ass...

    Did we forget that when Obama wanted to bomb Syria and needed some pretext of an alliance that even the UK parliament voted against it ....

    NATO does NOT act as the former Soviet controlled Pact of Warsaw in which one partner (USSR) decided about war and peace.

    I was once an insider and I am sure that any effort to incorporate Ukraine into NATO would have faced a veto from more than halve of the NATO members and certainly from Germany.

    But what is the problem with Ukraine becoming member of EU? This would not prevent this country to become also member of other trading blocs including the one which Putin may want.

    EU has nothing to do with a military alliance and has every reason to have good relations with Russia (and vice versa) because EU is about free circulation of "capital, goods and people" and nothing more. Of course IF Russia is perceived - mainly by the Germans and the French - as the old "expansive" USSR it creates problems because Germany and France have a bad memory of the Cold War so close to them.

    Some member states of NATO are not member of the EU (for instance USA, Canada, Norway and most also Turkey)

    Some member states of EU are not member of NATO (for instance Sweden, Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland and Malta )

    So whatever be your opinions : if you continue to put NATO and EU in one bag it means you are incompetent or you have bad intentions

  6. Let us think of the next presidential elections in Nigeria :

    - suppose the candidate of the "conservatives" is the son of a previous president

    - suppose the election of this candidate depends on the result of a few hundred votes in one single state ...where his brother is Governor

    - suppose in this single state the Minister of the Interior was a campaign manager in the candidate's party

    - suppose the candidate looses the popular vote but wins the vote of the "middle men"

    - suppose it all has to be decided by the Supreme Court where nearly all the candidates were appointed by the father of the candidate

    What would we say : ha Africa !

    But this is what happened when G.W Bush was elected in 2000 ...now the US want to teach Thailand about democracy?

    They have something important in common : in both systems one cannot win elections without support of "big money"

  7. Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University wrote books "The invention of the Jewish People" and "The Invention of the land of Israel"

    Basically he brings academic evidence to illustrate that the people claiming to be Jewish to-day are not at all the same people who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.

    It is obvious he considers that the modern Jews (Zionists) started to occupy modern Israel and that they are the real aggressors...

    Finally Israel Finkelstein, Professor of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University backs up all what Prof Shlomo Sand writes, with his own stunning book : "The Bible Unearthed"

    According to Finkelstein the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology

    Those who can't import those books can find conferences given by both professors on Youtube.

    Don't argue with me : both authors are really not hot headed Arabs writing blogs from a PC in their kitchen : just read their books and the many academic sources they refer to.

    In fact if King David, King Solomon, Moses etc...are mythological figures the same way as King Arthur and his Caste of Camelot ..it is not only a problem for the people of Jewish faith but also for those of Christian and Muslim faith.

    Sand's views are controversial, and are not by any means considered definitive (the books popularity notwithstanding). Also, many people tend to confuse the arguments he raises (some are quite valid, some are out there), and at the same time disregard Sand's political agenda.

    Finkelstein's research is more solid, actually. However, I do not think that the claim made is that "the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology" as such - nothing that simplistic, if not supportive of Jewish folklore and literal interpretations of the bible.

    Of course Sand's views are controversial! His views threaten, in particular, Jewish Orthodoxy and also Zionism.

    With those two groups disliking what he says, one has to, in all reasonableness, wonder if in fact any controversy is genuine or contrived, and if genuine, based on what facts?

    Apart from the obvious political and social controversy, there was quite a bit of academic criticism - which is what I had in mind when posting. Hence the reference for Sand's views not being definitive. which is a term which would be meaningless in the context you apply (political and social are rarely definitive). This criticism had more to do with his premises, methodology, presentation and conclusions.

    Not sure if I'm reading the second paragraph right - why would those two groups, specifically, merit such wondering? How is it any different when a view challenging the core notions of any other groups? As for the Sand's ideas being solid - that's pretty much what my comment on academic criticism was about. There is a summary of the back and forth on Wikipedia, with links to actual sources - the commentary and counter-commentary make as interesting reading (and sometimes more so) as the book itself. I would advise most people who intend to read the book, to do some preliminary reading on Sand himself, his political view and his agenda, before taking everything he rights as objective research. This, perhaps is a comment regarding the possibility of the controversy being contrived.

    Religion has to reply to the question : why

    Science, including history has to reply to the question : how

    Both should not be mixed but it is done all the time....

    Sand takes the point of view of science of not of faith :

    - faith dictates that we believe the city of Jericho and all his inhabitants ...men...women...children...and even cattle had to be slaughtered at the instructions of the cruel Jewish God (Joshua 6:1-27)

    - science learns us through Shlomo Sand that there is no trace of the so-called collapsed walls of Jericho

    • Like 2
  8. Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University wrote books "The invention of the Jewish People" and "The Invention of the land of Israel"

    Basically he brings academic evidence to illustrate that the people claiming to be Jewish to-day are not at all the same people who lived in Palestine 2000 years ago.

    It is obvious he considers that the modern Jews (Zionists) started to occupy modern Israel and that they are the real aggressors...

    Finally Israel Finkelstein, Professor of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University backs up all what Prof Shlomo Sand writes, with his own stunning book : "The Bible Unearthed"

    According to Finkelstein the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology

    Those who can't import those books can find conferences given by both professors on Youtube.

    Don't argue with me : both authors are really not hot headed Arabs writing blogs from a PC in their kitchen : just read their books and the many academic sources they refer to.

    In fact if King David, King Solomon, Moses etc...are mythological figures the same way as King Arthur and his Caste of Camelot ..it is not only a problem for the people of Jewish faith but also for those of Christian and Muslim faith.

    Sand's views are controversial, and are not by any means considered definitive (the books popularity notwithstanding). Also, many people tend to confuse the arguments he raises (some are quite valid, some are out there), and at the same time disregard Sand's political agenda.

    Finkelstein's research is more solid, actually. However, I do not think that the claim made is that "the whole story of the ancient people of Israel (and Judea) is mythology" as such - nothing that simplistic, if not supportive of Jewish folklore and literal interpretations of the bible.

    Of course Sand's views are controversial! His views threaten, in particular, Jewish Orthodoxy and also Zionism.

    With those two groups disliking what he says, one has to, in all reasonableness, wonder if in fact any controversy is genuine or contrived, and if genuine, based on what facts?

    ... based on what facts? Mythology is never based on facts.

    One can only consider was is possible and what is likely

    Is it possible that Moses crossed the Red Sea with 600.000 people and wandered in the desert during 40 years without leaving anything (pottery..) to be checked by archaeologists? It is unlikely...

    Is it possible those 600.000 needed 40 years before find their way to the Promised Land. It is unlikely unless you start to read what Prof Ben Shannon of Jerusalem's Hebrew University suggests i.e. that they were "high"


  9. I am living in Pathum Thani, south of the planned waste incinerator and I hope prevailing winds will send the smoke in the Northern direction ( A.I.T. ?)

    Indeed Dioxins (PCDDs and PCDFs) are not normally present in waste, but are formed when chlorine-containing organic substances (e.g. PVC) are burned at the same time...

    Or do I really want to believe that a lot of money will be spent on very expensive exhaust filters?

  10. The French asked Netanyahu not to come. So maybe they asked Obama not to come too? Or why did the French ask Netanyahu not to come when they asked Obama to come? You see what I'm getting at here? Did Obama not come because the French asked Netanyahu not to come? Seems to me if any countries are riling up the terrorists it's Israel and America. If the French asked Netanyahu not to come why didn't they also ask Obama not to come?

    I think Obama should have been there regardless of what the French wanted. Netanyahu came even though the French asked him not to come so why not Obama?

    I'm a pro American poster (I think most people here know that) but there comes a time that one must finally realize American politicians just aren't that bright and this is a good example.

    Is there a link where it says the French asked Netanyahu not to come?

    Not saying that's wrong, but I didn't see that.

    I do know the French don't want any Israeli PM to say emphatically to the French Jews, it's time for you to escape because you are not safe in France (which arguably is true).

    They don't even like it when Israel invites them more mildly, which Netanyahu did do on this trip.

    BTW, the store owner of the grocery where the antisemitic terror attack happened has expressed that he has had enough and wants to move to Israel.

    Some people may not realize that there have been a number of such terror attacks against Jews in France in recent years.

    Funny, no mass marches about those. Clearly if the grocery attack had happened without Charlie there would have been NO RESPONSE ... no rally, no world leaders.

    I am glad Netanyahu came and I am glad he did indeed push his way into the front of the line.

    I heard it on CNN (I think, because the wife mostly watches CNN)

    French President Francois Hollande conveyed a message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the weekend asking him not to come to Paris to take part in the march against terror on Sunday, according to an Israeli source who was privy to the contacts between the Elysees Palace and the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. The fact that this message had been conveyed was first reported by Channel 2.

    After the French government began to send invitations to world leaders to participate in the rally against terror, Hollande’s national security adviser, Jacques Audibert, contacted his Israeli counterpart, Yossi Cohen, and said that Hollande would prefer that Netanyahu not attend, the source said.


    Jerusalem confirms: Netanyahu wasn't wanted at Paris solidarity rally


    Complete story is here


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  11. One thing has to be reminded all the time : NATO is a defensive pact ...
    No NATO activity is possible without approval of every of its member states...even the smallest ones.
    If Russia feels it is strangled by NATO ...it should be reminded that European countries - which were once USSR dominated nations - asked and got NATO membership because they were scared of a return of Russian aggression.
    Of course Putin must invent an external enemy as every fascist leader did in the past.
    Nevertheless I am in favour of lifting all sanctions against Russia to remove the idea that Russia's economic problems are caused by NATO or EU : sanctions never worked on totalitarian regimes because the people in the street have no voice except repeating the officially dictated stories.
    Ukraine has missed its opportunity with mafia style governments during 20 years after the end of communism : they can no longer join EU or NATO without insulting Russia.

  12. Dodgy.

    More aspects than 1 make these budget airlines dodgy......meanwhile dummies keep linng up to fly with them....you save a bit of cash though.

    Contender for most stupid post. AirAsia safety record is better than most. As for not having authorised flight time. Separate issue. More about self interest. I fly AirAsia OFTEN. Brilliant service. Please come back with sensible stats with sensible post. And yes AirAsia just overflew run way days back in phillipines. So did Thai airways few months back in bkk

    Brilliant service ? Air Asia even invited two teen Aussie girls to ride with them in the cockpit from take off to landing ! Not an airline I would fly with !

    This comment illustrates the quality of the contributions to the Forums of Thaivisa : there has been indeed an incident whereby two Aussie girls were invited to the cockpit but that was NOT on Airasia but on Malaysian Airlines ....my goodness !!!


  13. It was already strange that Air Asia changed the flight's departure time to two hours earlier than the original time. I haven't seen any explanation given for that.

    One possible explanation could be that at this peak period of the year the flight was overbooked and ground staff preferred to let it take off two hours before scheduled departure (indeed some people missed this flight due to the earlier departure and survived).

    What is the meaning of "not cleared" : that this was a flight added before paperwork was done.... to cope with too high demand?

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