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  1. ........ It has affected tourism revenue significantly,” he said.......... What a joke; nothing to do with the millions and millions of tourists. In true Thai fashion I suggest the following: arrest the dirty Farang, throw him into the slammer for X number of years and then deport him life long back to his home country; reason could be "walking dogs without work permit" or "walking dogs without proper university degree in how to handle canines". Book him, shake him up and, worst case scenario, cage the dogs until the culprit reasons!
  2. I am absolutely convinced, that the government is doing the very best in law enforcement and sputtering new ideas to no end. Yet I wonder, if the free public transport has an influence on the readings in Nong Khai, some 650 - 700 kms away from the big stinky. Reading was done at 6am this morning ......... Me thinks, it might have to do with burnt sugar cane and rice fields and nobody dares to touch those farmers as they are the voting base of these gifted governments with which Thailand has been blessed over the last 40 years while I am here ....... Touch the farmers and you will see, how uneducated voters, financially speaking "no-have-anythings" will retaliate backfire big time!
  3. Honestly, just another way of making the access to Thailand more challenging. The private industry which is providing services, hotels, transport, food etc. to the visitor, are more than well aware of what it takes; so the statistical data of tourists are well established by those providing the service. On checking into a hotel, guests register and the hotel reports (or maybe not?) the overnight stay of the visitor back to the immigration. It is also not the government's job to establish statistics on who arrives/departs on which aircraft, vessel or car as it is irrelevant for the functioning of the logistics and usually the carriers will adjust frequency and tariffing of transportation themselves - it is called free market economy. So I cannot see the purpose of the TM6 any longer. I cross very frequently into Laos and had to fill in a TM6 card each and every time. I paid a kid a little programme to print the blanks from my computer to these TM6 forms and not a single immigration officer ever looked at the form nor asked me, why this was completed by a computer. Mount Bureaucracy just gets another load of snow - me thinks!
  4. Why do all non-Americans just shut up and observe, what is going on in the United States. The Italians don't want any interference by the French, the latter does not take any interference by the Germans and countries like Norway or Switzerland proved for centuries their non-interference on domestic issues of another country. So, love him or hate him - yes - Mr Trump is certainly polarizing but none of any non-American business, me things!
  5. A step in the right direction; use gasoline and petrol tax income to run the public transport system. Maybe a little longer than a week, say like as of today onwards forever. Yet it is only a very small drop of water on a very hot stone; try to stop the burning of rice and sugar cane fields. This has to be taken to millions of underpaid, indebted and uneducated farmers which usually form the majority of the voter base, is controllable with the little envelopes on the campaign trail though. The problem now is, that the very same corrupt electorate, which has been voting nicely for the dinosaurs at the top, are the very same majority voter base for those governments. The goons in the government (literally all of them for all I know) now cannot breathe down the neck of the same farmers as they would for sure lose millions of votes in the next election. And, as long as education is a negligible nuisance on the budget, as long as teachers are semi-divine and the teaching material hardly worth the paper is is printed on - you get a perfect cocktail of "you cannot have your cake and eat it". Just wondering when the leadership comes up with rain-making flights again or will set up misters all over Bangkok (at exorbitant pricing procured of course) to ineffectively try, what nature has been doing since its existence!
  6. Stopping the burning of rice and sugar cane fields with fines will not happen. The governments in succession canvassed very professional, with the help of a little "token of appreciation", the votes for as long as I can think back. The problem now is, that the very same corrupt electorate, which has been voting nicely for the dinosaurs at the top, are the very same majority voter base for those governments. So, apart from little envelopes, the goons in the government now cannot breathe down the neck of the same farmers as they would for sure lose millions of votes in the next election. And, as long as education is a negligible nuisance on the budget, as long as teachers are semi-divine and the teaching material hardly worth the paper is is printed on - you get a perfect cocktail of "you cannot have your cake and eat it". Just wondering when the leadership comes up with rain-making flights again or will set up misters all over Bangkok (at exorbitant pricing procured of course) to ineffectively try, what nature has been doing since its existence!
  7. Define offenders: a) the farmers slash-and-burning the land they are working on b) the loan sharks breathing down the farmers necks on overdue payment of interest and principal repayment of loans for seeds, fertilizers etc c) the buyers of rice and sugar cane, squeezing the prices to rock-bottom levels allowing literally almost no earning for the farmer d) the education system of Thailand keeping those farmers ignorant as their fathers and forefathers e) those benefitting of the products like feed mills and the few selected rice traders creaming off real top cream Yet Anutin, like all his cronies, are on very thin ice. The very same farmers they want to hunt in droves and threatened with legal consequences (whatever those are) are the very same people being those political parties backbone as electoral voter base. So giving those farmers a tough time instead of going after the real culprit might backfire and the dinosaurs got some taste of that in 2019, and much more already in 2023. You may now kiss the ring 😉
  8. Given the fact, that Thailand today declares 2568 on their calendar it is fair to attest, that they've arrived at the 21st century. The 400+ years in between will be yet another uphill battle and the winning of the latter I will not be blessed to witness. As long as retiree visa extensions require new photos of the house number (which has not changed in the last 20 years) as well as photos from the complete house front including the complete roof (the top 10 centimeters of roof were not on the photo anymore), as long as all the photocopies have to be signed, and not only that but non-conditionally only with blue ink ........ You may now kiss the ring!
  9. That's the actual clip of the incident; the elephant must have been terrified Nong Bua Lamphu Elephant Firework.mp4
  10. ....... enjoying the atmosphere on Pattaya Beach ....... Shortly, after midnight, on beach road of the planet's biggest place of ill repute? Really?
  11. I am aware of your point; my statement said clearly "Elephants, like literally all other animals, be it cattle, domestic animals like dogs or cats"; I do not consider elephants or cattle "domesticated". Apart from that, the fear of fireworks (unknown why actually) is well documented and should be avoided as it is - in all fairness - nothing but blowing money into the sky of the night 😞
  12. I did not dare to quote what he said but yes, racism is alive and kicking well among some selected few 😉
  13. Albert Einstein © “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Elephants, like literally all other animals, be it cattle, domestic animals like dogs or cat, panic completely around fireworks. Is it the hissing sound or the colourful kaleidoscopic palette of light - I do not know. But, as said, everybody knows, that animals are scared sh*t whenever fireworks are lit for the pleasure of humans ....... I am not a do-gooder or a tree-hugger but quite obviously we all could do without fireworks which scare almost animals to death - just saying!
  14. Did I not read recently that he was commenting on the imperfection of African females and that Thai ladies would be sooooo much more beautiful and attractive. Well, I don't know, but does Naomi Campbell have, apart from her British citizenship, also a passport of the Land of the Semi-Divine called Thailand? Just asking for clarification of facts 😉
  15. The men of the cloth ....... again, irrespective of being Buddhist, Catholic or our bearded fidel friends from the dunes of the sand .......... They need to face the music through a normal court in the country of where it happens; being a cleric means being a cleric and nothing else. Defrocking is not an issue for a horn*y woman chaser - trust me!

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