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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. ..... and then they are surprised when the number of alien retirees residing in the land is dwindling. No other country I ever heard of would treat alien (net spenders of money) like that. But then again, where else would you employ those thousands of absolutely brainless p1rkkcs? What can help sometimes is to take the wife along so she can see on a one-on-one basis, what kind of alien-hating b"ç%"3s are playing so ever-important! More than once I heard the Thai missus losing it and gave the semi-divine behind the desk and protective acrylic shield (against all those nasty alien bugs) her opinion - not to be forgotten by the officers ......
  2. Another quiet day at the news desk? Honestly, who is really interested in South Korean YouTuber's learning curve of tourism in Thailand; nothing new there and now this kiddo has learnt his lesson as well. Next please 😉
  3. ........With the absence of CCTV footage...... How convenient, after truckloads of Baht spent on the very same subject .........
  4. Well, whoever went through the skinning ordeal of Thai immigration in extending a normal visa ...........
  5. Now that is one way to promote quality tourism - shut the <deleted> up or get sued 😉
  6. Thailand could fix its labour shortage overnight. I know of many Burmese who went to work in Taiwan and Korea as it seems either "mission impossible" to obtain a legal employment with visa and work permit or being royally screwed by one of those countless agents. In the - for Thailand so important - hospitality business you could create immediate relief as Burmese are more skilled with languages, pretty good cooks and in general easier in adaptation to the host country. Under the ASEAN umbrella as well as the AEC2015 the freedom of employ among its citizen within the area was written down; fact is, that it does not work. All the while Thai welders and construction workers find easy employ at same conditions as the locals in i.e. Singapore. So, in short, it is all just hot air and lip services rendered to fill pages in the dailies until the next subject pops up again - how sad 😞
  7. "I was walking down soi 6 doing field research" One way of putting it ........
  8. Had to look up "cark"; what a wonderful word the Aussies have for this ..........
  9. Maybe someone tells the PM, that Russia is at war ........ just thinking out loud 🙂
  10. The show goes on and given the present state of Boeing I would assume, that the envelopes were nicely stuffed this time again. After the last disaster with Rolls Royce there has been a change there as well to ensure plenty of loose change for the time to come .... Bankrupt taken to new heights, not too long ago TG declared some 300+ billion (not million but billion) losses, swallowed up its loss-making daughter WE with a carry-forward loss of 20 billion as TG, according to their own statement, clogged 10 billion profit. Whichever way you turn it, even in Thailand or with a Jewish typewriter of Indochinese decent you cannot seriously believe, that such an enterprise would get even a pencil supplied without full prepayment ...... But quite obviously I am seeing things wrong again as it works totally against what I thought is logical 😞
  11. Reminds me of a dog training programme. The dog sits put and quiet, as the owner holds a rolled-up newspaper in his hand and the dog knows exactly, that barking will result in a smack with the newspaper ......
  12. I sincerely hope that nobody believes this bo11ocks. .... 300 members of the anti-liquor network from Sukhothai province, hometown of DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER Somsak, arrived at the Ministry of Public Health today ..... If it takes that huge number of anti-boozers, then Somsak is definitely the wrong man and sent home on a one-way ticket. Or, does one or a few of those 300 might have had some dirty laundry in their luggage from Sukhothai to hand in public in Bangkok? I also wonder, who paid the usual 500 - 1000 Baht plus food for all those "demonstrators" who were wheeled in from faraway Sukothai to protest in its strongest possible way against all this local firewater, which might be made available from midnight to 11am as well as between 2pm and 5pm. We've had these paid tours over and over again and the organizers still believe, that anyone takes this as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! The Red Shirts were leading that particular travelers category. Thailand might be a first again with their own "Liquor Policy Committee" - never a dull moment indeed! What a ridiculous farçe; I sometimes wonder, if Khon Thai is aware of the fact, that the internet is also accessible outside the promised land? Not, that anyone cares, booze is available 24/7, some legal some not quite so legal but, like anything else in this country, laws are here to be circumvented 😞
  13. Bo11ocks; USD 2 million subsidies on six concerts of this screecher - I wonder who came up with that. Thailand in general and Bangkok in particular has simply not: - the infrastructure of being able to put 10,000+ people into one place whereby spectators arrive/depart with public transport within decent timeframes - the Thai audience is among the most non-emotional once it comes to international performes - the Phooyais can (as in the case of Ed Sheeran this month) behave like wild monkeys in a cage to the tune that all other attendants are more than just disturbed - the ticket pricing of upto a few hundred USD is out of reach for most ........ and the Number One reason is (you are not prepared for this) ............ the bureaucracy of getting a work permit, a Thai taxpayer number which, legally speaking, can be applied for only once the alien is in Thailand. Stars arrive max. 24 hours before a performance and are out of town the day after - in most cases. Department of Labour - mental note on that!
  14. All bo11ocks again. We all know where the problem is and how to solve it - Anutin and his cronies are either busy with frying bigger (private) fish or simply incompetent - your call!
  15. And then they wonder, why those dirty farang, alien and stubborn non-Thais are leaving the promised land in droves ....... This country has been run by brainless incompetent goons for decades and there is no light at the end of the bureaucracy tunnel .......
  16. Ever heard an announcement over the PA saying that "we're about to land at domestic national airport of"? Of course not. It is like many other things in the land. An airport is an airport, handling airworthy transportation devices from blimps, bigger Zeppelin airships and, arguably more common, aircraft. The origin or destination is irrelevant to an airport. And that is applicable worldwide and not only to "Udon Thani International Airport". International refers to any border crossing matter, transport, communication, partnership etc. But this does not surprise me here in Thailand, 30 years ago the then-government, on the subject of religiously-inflicted political trouble in the South of the country referred to press article putting the two parties into "Thais" and "muslims". Somehow the editors completely forgot, that those muslims in the South are, according to the constitution, the same kind of Thais as in the rest of the land.
  17. Welcome to today's world. But, as long as Germany under Merkel bought stolen bank data from Swiss banks and then hunted down tax evaders based in ill-gotten information ...........
  18. You want to go very, very, very careful with that idea. Most Fidels are harmless and do not create a problem, except they stick to a few issues which are a no-no in any other cluster of human society. Halal slaughtering is forbidden in many countries these days as it is the most brutal way of ending an animal's life (and you can put "kosher" into the same chapter). While this might have made sense prior to refrigeration, today it is no issue anymore and should be considered more than obsolete. Their prayer rooms, ear shattering screaming off the minarets five times a day; a nuisance to everybody of non-Islamic origin. An absolute arrogance which could be avoided completely. The Swiss prohibit the erection of minarets; mosques are of course there and being used - but without the unnecessary demonstration of trying to be primi-inter-pari! The subjugation of women; in extreme cases (and I've witnessed such incidents) a male fidel refuses to deal with women by principle. Welcome the muslims as long as they stick to the values of Thailand. This includes some people wearing tank tops, eat pork, drink alcohol and treat women as equal human beings, not running around completely wrapped up in black bed linen etc.
  19. Should Chonlanan Srikaew, need directions to where the majority of Thais can get alcohol any given hour of the day, then just drop a line. This all is just smoke screen all over again. The initial statement was among the biggest jokes ever cracked in Thailand and went as follows. The booze blocking hours were implemented to keep children off the bottle, hence the opening times were defined accordingly: 00h00-11h00 - no alcohol (so sober breakfast) 11h00-14h00 - alcohol sale permitted (when the kids are NOT at school and out for lunch) 14h00-17h00 - alcohol sale prohibited (when the kids are back at school) 17h00-24h00 - alcohol sale permitted (when the kids were out of school) What kind of solid rock bo111ocks is all that, given the fact, that apart from the bigger supermarkets every Tom, Dick and Harry shop sells you anything you want ...... anytime, that is!
  20. All rubbish and if anyone would have cared for professional journalism, this article would have been written completely different. Scandinavians fly in berry pickers on a yearly basis for many years already. I do not know, which ministry in Thailand (ministry of labour?) is in charge of channeling all this; fact is, that a prospective berry picker has to go through an agency which "fixes" the job, air ticket and visa for an exorbitant highway robbery price. Now, as long as these workers show up on the fields, do their jobs and return back to their home country, the Scandinavian employers are happy. The "reimbursement" of exorbitant fees, service fees, interests on prepaid tickets on behalf of the pickers etc. are all a homegrown Thai story. The same happened in the past with Saudi Arabia and North African countries where workers could make more money than back home but got nicely skimmed by those ever-so-kindly-helping agencies. It is big business by the local mafia but it is obviously easier to brainwash Khun Somchai from Yasothon, that all this is the fault of the employer.
  21. I do not want to be cheeky but 80km/h in Bangkok's downtown notorious traffic jam being "reduced" to 50km/h? Latter would be OK already but most of the time you snail through at anything +/- 20km/h - if you're lucky. Pay day, Friday evening, and it rains - forget all that!
  22. Well, tell the minister, that Thai just adjusted their ground services to their lousy inflight performance. It is an absolute disgrace, how these arrogant snobbish air crew behave in their ever-so-important execution of their jobs. I do not really care for smiles and "Hello Mr. " but you can imagine what happens, if these high flyers all of a sudden have to evacuate an aircraft or assist a passenger. The same applies to the food; I agree that in-flight food is not meant to compete with Michelin stars but some food would be so much better if just properly reheated. Hence, I for one, gave up flying Thai long time ago; they will not feel the impact but I get much better deals with low cost carriers operating at half the price; there at least I know that I do not have to expect anything beyond basic minimum - and that is OK with me.
  23. There is a distinct difference between "Reduction" and "Increase", as verbs it would refer to "reduce" and "increase". Question to the editor of this article is, do you know the difference?
  24. I remember vividly, that Dr Thaksin, then prime minister, already worked on the idea of a "cell broadcast emergency warning system" after the Tsunami incident on 26 December 2001. Would that have been in place and broadcasting in Thai and English to switch on TV/radio etc. quite many more lives could have been saved. Seeing all those clowns sitting nicely in one row ....... 20+ years later and still nothing happened ....... welcome to Thailand!
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