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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Well, porky pig expects the fast lane through beatification straight into canonization or what? This geezer should have been cleared off the stage a decade ago or even earlier. But then again, while he was snoozing through the few parliament sessions he attended, he could not do anything wrong. Dreaming of more watches to be borrowed from friends who later on die in such a way, that the widow does not want to be hurt in mentioning it ever after? Another joke, if you ask me!
  2. The geezer needs his little naps, wherever he is. Quite obviously he must have fallen asleep elsewhere hence the absence. No worries, be happy 😉
  3. There might be a reason, why in the Northeastern part of Indochina all meat is being cooked and hence it might be time for meat balls, in local lingua ลูกชิ้นพิทบูลหรือลูกชิ้นร็อตไวเลอร์
  4. Finance Permanent Secretary Lavaron Sangsnit might be interested to know, what happens in other places. In Thailand they chicken around with leases, no property to non-Thais and all the rannygazoo, being afraid that those alien might roll up property, pack it into a suitcase and disappear into the dark of the night. All the while, Tos Chirathivat, CEO of the mighty Central Group, bought yet another supermarket chain in Switzerland, Globus, with a huge plot of land on Switzerland's most expensive road, the Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich. The deal benefits of the very strong Thai Baht and the transaction is valued at something between 37 and 40 billion (not million) Thai Baht; Central became the sole owner of this prime property, no strings attached. Maybe Thailand's economy in the real estate sector might inch out of its medieval mindset and modernise its property laws and ownership concepts to the 21st century of a globalized world 😉
  5. Unless the food was inedible or overpriced, what else could spring to mind in beautiful Thailand?
  6. Get ready for a short-notice change. Either something COULD go on which you are not aware of or alternatively, wait for the haze season. I had a conde which I had to sell because I could not stand the haze. Since I sold it, the place got sold on another two times already in less than ten years. If a building is too empty and the sinking fund is depleted, elevators will no longer be serviced or work, public areas remain unattended - in short, there are some potential problems luring in an empty place - be warned!
  7. Well, two points spring to mind: a) IIRC Europe is luckily not the ultimate reference of everything b) Putin is not an European by mindset, Putin's actions bear all Soviet hand-writing. This is quite apparent, until he was 40+, he got educated, groomed and ruled within a no-longer-existing structure. Putins invasion of Ukraine - that was written across the wall in big capital letters for a very, very, very long time (in short term politics); read up the history after 1989 and then you'll know - in case that would be unclear. The Soviets/Russians went into Afghanistan, Georgia and Ukraine. In the same time frame, where did the US steamroller "democracy" - literally all over the world? Move the US as well as as all countries and organizations puppet-mastered by the US out of the equation and ...... well, planet Earth is a peaceful place. Pull their plugs on Nato, Israel and all those lip service providing states and you might be pleasantly surprised!
  8. Neither nor ....... and if some of the other 750 million Europeans would stand up for their cultural heritage and open their mouth ..... Eventually they will but then the do-gooders and tree huggers will call all of 'em Nazi
  9. Actually the uncontrolled immigration will be stopped, one or the other way and you can take that to the bank. Just wait!
  10. Nope, but he did not start a war. America has been pouring its unsolicited influence all over the planet since 1945, has been at war in one of upto 80 conflicts all over the world and was at peace only during nine years of its 248 years of existence. While the US goes over the moon and throws manure at random towards Putin regarding Ukraine through their proxy partners NATO and the hand-fed crooks inside the EU, a similarity in the Gaza Strip is considered "a different" situation. Well, partly true as that story has its roots 2,000 years back. The 882 billion (not million) USD, this year's US "defense" budget is rather generous to keep the nuclear-free Canadians and the tequila lovers in Mexico at bay, don't you think so? All just a farçe, a joke and a huge lie. As said, Trump is just the lesser danger. As long as the mostly limited educated American voter (see defense budget which keeps the education budget limited) chooses among two candidates for its leader and has 50 women to choose from for Miss America .......... your call, mate!
  11. Protect what please, did I read "world class image"? Where is that Pattaya because the one I know certainly will not fit into that image for generations to come 😉 What a joke!
  12. How about adjusting the law and put a ceiling on interest rates, irrespective of transaction party. If the interest rate would be at the bank's level, the loan sharks would pull the plug and look for some other trade. There are some guys out there who charge 2% and 3% per month, sit on a collateral which puts the loan very safe and in many case the collateral ends in the loan shark's corner. Thailands worst enemy is its own people!
  13. As a European, not eligible for voting, I still would go for Trump rather than Harris. Trump is the less bad and there will be no WW3 all over Europe. He, unlike everyone else in the White House in recent years, ticked off quite a few pendings from his election campaign list too. Yes, he has no manners and is a rude, unpleasant character but for the sake of peace on Earth, Harris is definitely the wrong choice
  14. What a surprise; read my earlier posts - some of them years ago - on the subject. High time to fire all those goons running the water dam management. Latter is no rocket science, really, but takes some attention to the job, all year round. Of course Somchai further down has no clue and gets wet feet again, like almost every year
  15. Well, students flying to London - must apply to 90% of all those presently enrolled in Thai universities. Monks were, when I came many decades ago, bare feeting across the land. Then the loud coloured sofas came into waiting lounges and now there are special discounts for the men of the cloth? Senior citizens (like me) are sorted into two categories and one is Thai. Irrespective of all that, Thai remains still just out of league with their tariff structure and have not learnt a thing from their Thai Smile excursion, which apparently had accrued a 20,000,000,000 Baht loss carried forward. Only once they understand to do what the customers want and forget about their arrogance, that customers should buy whatever the semi-divine leaders of Thai Airways think ......
  16. Good luck with that one - in a country where hardly any local IT-application works, be it governmental like revenue department, immigration etc. or a private business site full of bugs and dead links.
  17. That's why the customer services all over Thailand are absolutely perfect, second to none and all other 206 nations could only learn from how customers are to be treated: "Thai laws prohibiting foreigners from competing with Thai workers." So, instead of looking how those (assumingly) Indians are doing the job, the protected semi-divine Khon Thai whistleblows the authorities. Most likely the illegals did the job better, faster, tastier and cheaper? Solution 1) the Indians cough up some before-end-of-year-bonus or 2) get thrown into the slammer as they did the unthinkable and tried to do better than the semi-divine. What a farçe ..........
  18. There are more DIY-stores than customers. In all those stores it is usually the case, that the staff standing around for no reasons outnumber the customers. More than once they followed me all the way through the store just to flip their ID card at the cashier for the commission. Hence make up your mind at home and order it online; I never came across a professional sales staff being able to coach me through anything like that 😉
  19. a) sleep without a/c but fan only b) set the temperature to 26, 27 or 28 centigrades c) get an air-conditioner, which adjusts the temperature in the morning hours by increasing temperature automatically (i.e. Trane)
  20. Once paid up, throw him out - simple as that.
  21. 40,813,511 is, according to Wikipedia, the total workforce of Thailand in 2023 (I don't know though, where the 11 at the end came from). The bureaucracy itself is 1,513,722 and clocks 3.71%. Now, instead of looking for more money one might want to see, what do these 1,5 million work, are they really necessary? Little I know but if you rid the immigration bureau of the TM30 and TM47 stipulations, you will save thousands of FTE (full time equivalent). If you get any non-Thai to sign a form, that Thailand will not cover the alien's back in case of health care or financial bottlenecks, then you can facilitate all this ranigaxoo on the yearly visa extension drama. Instead, screen the applicant for criminal issues online and a bank book without extra letters from the very same date and take it from there. Charge THB 15,000 for a one-year visa with automatically includes are multi-reentry facility. Department of Land Transport; be more stringent in the issuance of a first-time driving license and re-introduce the lifelong validity - as in the past = another hundreds if not thousands of "civil servants" drop off the payroll. As roadworthiness can be done by appointed third-party services, do the same with tax payments and mandatory government insurances. Bill the vehicle owner for roadworthiness check, tax and insurance and, once paid, send him the tax sticker and a voucher for a free roadworthiness check-up anywhere the owner chooses. Non-compliance results in getting the vehicle impounded for a month against a fee of, say, THB 10,000. But yeah, if there is no will then there is no way. The biggest problem is the implementation, as usual. And now, before everybody cries foul again; no need to fire anybody. Uust to not replace retirees or those who resign and within a short time you're getting a fantastic saving - in those particular departments alone. If the government would have to run like the private industry, they would have been there LONG time ago already.
  22. I will only look into this subject again, after Thailand confirms having reached the minimum of 10,000 Generals ........
  23. Now - I for one - have not seen this coming ........ surprise, surprise
  24. The costs will be ferocious and the paperwork the character of a huge avalanche. This apart from the fact, that EVERYTHING for the dog will be different except you; be it water, temperature, humidity and likewise the food. I wonder, if you do the dog a favour relocating him to the other end of the planet or if you could place him with a canine-loving relative or a real fan of Goldendoodles. Latter might be better for the dog alone; you'll miss him but in the interest of the dog ..........
  25. This racism does not stop anywhere, does it. It might be worthwhile to hint, that Thai Airways International was born out of a joint venture between Thai Airways (a tiny domestic carrier flying around with ashtrays on wings) and SAS from Scandinavia. I remember back in the day, that most captains were alien back then, until Thailand had trained enough semi-divines to fly Thailand-registered planes. Once SAS and the management (Thai) team they groomed was gone, Thai went downhill all the way. They still have not understood it; the best applicant should get the job, irrespective of race, gender, religion etc. And the latter does not apply to the flight deck but to literally anything else. A friend (a pilot) once chuckled, when he heard, that Thai domestic routes may be flown only by Thais. His deadpan comment on that was, that a non-Thai could not ask for directions nor read the sign boards 8-)
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