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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. This "defrocking" does not do the trick. A rapist, paedophile or drug dealer should meet all the same fate; bring them to a screeching end by execution to protect the general public from such elements. The psychological damage her own father achieved with his daughter will haunt not all her life alone but all those who are presently or in the future sharing her life. How sick have some society members became? Only radical eradication of such elements will ensure, that the culprit will never ever have the slightest chance to repeat his/her crime!
  2. So what happened to the "sick buffalos" who in in permanent need of substantial financial support by the ladies of the trade? Possible brotherhood in evidence?
  3. Such psychological war mongers should not be given any media space; scaring the s"*%çt out of the uneducated semi-divine local electorate again. So the fingerpointing at me, refusal of entry into a shop (wife and kids are OK though) will continue. Maybe it is really time to wrap up the whole thing and move on after almost 40 years of Thailand's smiles!
  4. Some "politicians" have secured their space in history, like Merkel, Kim Il Sung or Mugabe. These two gentlemen have already been lucky enough to grace the very same list of destroyers ........ and it took 'em much less than 16 years, the shortest of the listed ones being Dr Angela Merkel!
  5. Well, well, what do we know? Did the Nigerian president call the Uncle or was it the Bigwig of the Red Brethren in the North? In all fairness, most crimes are committed by the hosts here yet go much lesser reported as there is considerably less meat on the bone compared to the dirty aliens, the farangs, the jeks and the visitors of the more colourful continents - me thinks!
  6. The re-alignment of the troughs is in full swing. Nothing will change in the intentions and plans; just beware that all this could, this time, go seriously wrong. Newin and his brother Saksayan are cut from the same wood as their deceased father Chai - the uncrowned Buriramians. A heartfelt, warm statement like "Anutin Charnvirakul, is qualified to be the next prime minister" clearly sets Newins thinking. Don't ask the voters - nobody cares what they want. Newin and his cronies (and that number is on the increase) have spoken. Anutin is the ticket this time; lets see who is in for a surprise this time. Uncle Too, who went down Thai history already for outstaying his welcome on the PM's chair, does not want to clear the stage anytime soon. And, do not forget the puppet master; if he is not napping anywhere in the Kingdom or presiding one of those endless committees, forums or task forces, he certainly has some of the most powerful "нетs" (Russian Nyets) to offer. Lets see what kind of hardship is up their sleeves for 2023; sofar the power change from the antiquity dinosaur congregation to the present leadership went rather smooth. Thailands problems are unique and all homemade, Thailand's biggest enemies are their own subjects - how sad!
  7. Whoa, the party animal Prayuth groveling in mortification now? Why on Earth is that, he has all reasons to celebrate being the first CEO of the country outstaying his welcome - with governmental endorsement that is!
  8. Did Captain Somchai leave a deck light open; was he told to leave the decklight open or was one of the three not-yet-delivered-submarines on a test run? Were there orders from higher up? We shall never get to the bottom (pun intended) of this case .......
  9. Send the rest of the entire force to the happening; then only there will be space for possibly something better called "police" wearing uniforms - me thinks! Keep up the good work and carry on shooting each other; a lovely Christmas gift to the Thai people
  10. Well, he is not in a hold for 10 days, he is landing shortly at Charles de Gaulle airport of Paris on board of a Qatar airways plane; he travelled from Kathmandu via Doha to the French capital. Hardly anybody, if at all, had a clue, who this passenger is while the lady in the last part of the clip - © AFP - seems to be quite scared over Sobhraj's attention by everybody. May he rot in hell; he spent 39 years - or half of his entire life - in jails in India and Nepal yet no punishment will ever bring all those backpackers back to life ???? yt5s.com-'Serpent' serial killer Charles Sobhraj on board deportation plane to France | AFP.mp4
  11. I need to fire my entire accounting department and hire those experts cooking the TG books. Give all of 'em a medal for succeeding the "turn-around". After having carried forward 300+ billion (not million) Baht as per the media some time back, they now are in for new aircraft despite having dozens of 777s and other pretty modern equipment parked all over the Kingdom's aerodrome (BKK and UTP spring to mind). But yet, once they report double digit return on shareholder values then please have a look at my refund request from 30 months ago. My accountants had written it off so we would be looking forward to a little surprise. But naaahhh, we keep our shirts on and stop dreaming. Bottomline is, that the success of TG ever since the turn-around for the entire rest of my life will ensure, that nobody will sit on any of their planes while I have a say.
  12. The US could not give a rats ....... about Zelensky. Yet, as the Ukraine's puppet since 2014, put in place by higher forces, he plays an important role in keeping NATO's interest focussed and under this preamble the "state visit" of the Ukrainian president is to be seen. If it is not NATO to sign the swindle sheet, then the American taxpayer will be entrusted with the coverage of this PR tour for sure.
  13. I had friends living in Kanit House on Saladaeng and passed him more than once. Elegant, polite ...... nobody ever thought of him as a mass murderer. Quite the contrary, an educated Indochinese French. He managed to "slip away" while in Thai police custody while the Indian and Nepalese authorities kept him locked - at their taxpayers money - for 39 years; he's 78 years old now and spent half of it in governmental care. He should have been hung back in the Seventies already but Paris' police less "arrondissements" might take care of that. To all those identified and the non-identified victims a heartfelt RIP.
  14. Never short of strongly blowing their own trumpets - on the expense of the Thai taxpayers. At least there are a few things which do not change ..........
  15. Well, well, what do you know. This little sweetheart was flown by the US air force, the bill for which will end up on NATO's desk in Brussels. Wondering if the incidents since 2014 in the East of Ukraine will be on the agenda ..... or not. Is there an American photo-op planned; I mean Vogue in Paris printed 16 pages extra with him and his wife while his country was bombed and on fire. Your call!
  16. Everything happens for a reason and it remains to be seen, which bigger fish they fried with this stint to deviate the attention of ? Over time we might know ......... or not!
  17. Forget about cold Western climate patterns and increased cost of living. Fact of the matter is, that the chickens came home to roost. Thailand's governments has anticipated for generations the un-education of the electorate. Due to the lack of power separation those in charge of education were beneficiaries of the fact, that the Thais remain uneducated until today. After 15 years of Thai education they may hand out magnetic cards on a drive-up to a tollway or apply for telephone operators etc.; I do not know of any foreigners - who can afford the private education fees of international schools - who would have their child(ren) attend a Thai school; likewise the price tags of the international education institutes remain simply out of reach for 95% of the kids. The educational level of an apprenticeship is unknown; some parents are blinded when the "universities" offer a traineeship (ฝึกงาน) which is a fortnight of folding papers, wrapping something or just watch another employee doing something the trainee has not the slightest clue about. From this particular "horn of empty" the employment market recruits its staff. Latter, facing the uphill battle serving other people (which might be a loss of face for the youngster and hence flatly refused), the inability of applying basics of foreign languages, irregular working hours at salaries their bosses would not even answer the phone ....... go figure! As said, the writing is on the wall in big capital letters. Revamp the education system, allow "alien" to work here without this tremendous avalanche of bureaucracy, photocopies to be signed with blue ink only and allow passport photographs which are, sidewise, off by one millimeter. Offload 50% to 80% of your "government officers" to increase the throughput and use the saved salaries to compensate the remaining workforce with proper pay ..... otherwise Thailand will go down the same drain as the Philippines after 1986. Your call!
  18. So this particular demand can be filed together with all the other demands for the PM and his cronies to clear the stage and book an extended stay at the Hilton in Bangkok ????
  19. Don't be fooled; it is neither the "Government" nor the "Cabinet" giving out gifts; it is the Thai Taxpayers generosity again, with which the Government is playing its own trumpet here.
  20. Whoa, lucky me as I am neither Thai nor interested in any photographs with any of those semi-divines. After all, it is illegal and will be reprimanded with 14'700 years in the slammer, 500 Baht .... or, worst case scenario, BOTH!
  21. Maybe a silly question but why on Earth does an immigration officer need to see you boarding pass once you have arrived? On departure I would understand, although there as well it is irrelevant. What counts is valid travel papers and, depending on local regulations, presentation of a visa which allows to arrive in the country. Access into the country remains at the decision of the immigration department as per pre-defined rules. Hence, what is that story with the boarding pass now?
  22. My Math professor, back in the day, taught us all COMPLETELY wrong. A company with a reported accrued loss of USD 10 billion (a year ago), still not having been able to refund thousands of passenger claims for services sold but not provided is now in the process of getting some additional new toys by a supplier who expects to be compensated by selling or leasing aircrafts? Less than six months ago they hoorayed the delivery of three brand-new B777, featuring First Class cabins (again). Another reason to certainly NOT fly Thai Airways or any of their Low Cost Carrier involvements .... my long, long overdue refund is apparently used now for subsidizing yet another "deal" ...... go figure!
  23. I assume that Thai Airways inflight announcement on approaching any Thai airport from outside Thailand will be "Ladies and Gentlemen, kindly buckle up, put the back of your seat in an upright position, fold up your table as we are in the process to land in the Land of Dinosaurs". Or am I getting something wrong again?
  24. Excellent PR for tourism; Makro and others will be having a supply problem which will send prices ..... maybe Prayuth should call his red brethren in the North and enquire about those three sub-marines; they would come in handy now. The supplies of amber liquid and local firewater will be exhausted sooner than anyone thinks, me thinks ..........
  25. To start with; I am non-British and come from a country with a completely different government structure. Yet, maybe it is time to realize, that all those tree huggers and do-gooders out there are not on the wrong path but on the wrong highway. And the latest PR stint of "les infants terribles" proves it, once more, again. Outspoken Ms Markle can counter Mr Clarkson's comments and - trust me - he can take it, no worries there. This gold-digging lady knew EXACTLY, what to expect if she wants to be showered with jewels and gold. Well, Sweetheart, you cannot have your cake and eat it and hence it is either IN or OUT. You've opted out, which is better late than never, but making publicly fun of the royal protocol is nothing but despicable in its finest order. In addition, she managed to pour extra oil into a fire between her lovely husband, Mr Harry Windsor and his brother, the future King of England. It might take a little extra vocabulary to get the message really across and Clarkson has managed, once more again, beautifully well. Keep up the good work; in this particular case = no damage done whatsoever. And, to Ms Markle, keep your shirt on, stay where you are and stop putting your nose into things you were never willing to learn, understand or adhere to. It is a British matter which you, for one, certainly never will comprehend ????
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