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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. I am amazed, that this little darling Vorayuth Yoovidhya has not been shot yet. After all, he assuringly killed one of those guys who should book him into the slammer and then throw the keys away. Money shouted many, many names in this particular case .......... But then, it is Thailand and an issue for our lovely hosts; and, as we all know, some Khon Thai are more equal than others ????
  2. Did I just read 1,060,757,705,773.15 United States Dollar, in other words just a little over a TRILLION? Taking ransacking of state coffers to new heights, congratulations to this achievement. Give 'em a medal please?
  3. I am certainly not a friend of the gentleman who hates dirty farang from alien lands but it remains a fact, that the health ministry is not in charge of upbringing and looking after children. Latter remains the responsibility of parents, guardians or anyone passing by. In good old Thai fashion, Banyat Jetanajan is grossly misusing this incident (and there are many others, I am pretty sure about that) for political reasons. Anutin is not an idiot and hence knows the truth about harmful effects of i.e. cannabis and, if asked, he would certainly confirm my assumption. It is like blaming transport minister Saksayan (also not my friend) for the death of a driver who got killed over not using a seat belt. While the driver chose not to use the belt, a child needs guidance, supervision as well as control - so if you blame someone it is the guardian, the bystander(s) as well as the person who took the photo. Rather than putting the kid(s) straight (s)he opted to upload the picture on Facebook. Mysterious are the ways of the East!
  4. So the other 8'500 places managed to sneak through unseen then ....... It is exactly this extortion rip off by the RTP which ensures such laws like no booze from 2pm to 5pm or after midnight. Where else could they line their pockets that easy?
  5. I do not quite agree to this. I've been dealing with all five big Thai banks on normal commercial business banking and can tell you, it is a tedious tiring affair. Apart from an absolutely unnecessary avalanche of papers, rubber stamps, copies of copies of copies etc. too many people are involved, have to initialize or sign off stacks of paper they don't even read. Given the limited education of most Thais once it comes to financing they opt to deal with the much easier loan shark. See all those offerings by all those motorbike vendors proclaiming to part with a brand new bike without down payment and it costs the buyer only 41 Baht a day? Work out the juicier details and you will see that you just got a very expensive loan and they throw in a bike for good measure. The average Thai cant work out interest rates ....... unlike the loan sharks. Latter gets a waterproof collateral (in most cases at least) and profits nicely in that niche between the holy banks and their rather uneducated customers. Back in the 80s I remember a South Asian gentleman in a Patpong bar who came to collect nightly 20 Baht from their customers in payment of bed sheets he provided. Only he knew by how much he overcharged those girls ..........
  6. There must be more to the story and much more meat on the bone. I'm a regular on VZ and it is literally impossible to have "an extra" passenger on board. It is possibly a computer glich but each and every boarding pass is code-screened when leaving the waiting area to board the plane, the cabin crew (at least twice) count the passengers once they are seated ....... let's wait and see, if there is more to it ????
  7. Can you get a visa on arrival as at many other border crossing points?
  8. The comment on education is simple; the first time it was a mistake, accident or just tough luck whereas every additional time it is a lack of consequences learnt from the first incident. While you sit on all-paid white goods it remains a fact, that many locals have lost lots of money and the next floods are in the making next year again - unfortunately. The regulation of dams is no rocket science but familiarization trips to the US and Switzerland have proven pretty useless as nothing got implemented of what the Thai experts were told during their trips. Latter served to explain, why there are no dam-related floods in all those countries ????
  9. The purpose of this lobby was to be built; once completed ............... I assume that the planning, bidding, construction and now the subsequent destruction goes absolutely clean and above board ???? Their money, not mine!
  10. Another highlight of politics in the 21st century, although not a unique Thai thing. Keep religion out of politics ........ or educated all of 'em. Unless you can agree to disagree without murdering each other - your call!
  11. Same trough seeing new swines due to rotation of feeding time? Never ending ..........
  12. Splurging tax payers money again ......... Every year the very same swan song. The flatlanders see their unpaid TV, unpaid fridge or unpaid microwave swimming by in the sludge passing their houses, latter being under water and, due to the lack of education, cannot work out, why they see the same mess each and every year. Hydropower and water dam management is not a subject, where Thais pass with flying colours and that is part of the problem!
  13. Paetongtarn - the heroine of inherited democracy then. You can take a penguin, paint it green and assume it represents a frog while actually nothing apart from the irrelevant colour has changed. You want real changes and inch this country a little closer to the 20th - hell beware - 21st century? Education is the key and if started today, 1 December 2022, it will take one to two generations - at least - to kick in. Do non-Thais care? No. Does it affect non-Thais? No. So I might suggest to leave this permanently hot potato in the gifted hands of Khon Thai; the more changes are anticipated the less will change!
  14. It does not affect me as I am usually in bed by that time. But the "early" closing allows the boys in brown to do their rounds - not to their financial disadvantage. Most of those bar hoppers after midnight or 2pm are using public transport, be it pillion riding on a bike, taxi or one of these blue pick-ups converted to minibuses. The decision will be made after this "high" season is over and might remain on status quo to allow the semi-divine law enforcers to ply their trade ????
  15. Well, ask Thai people; while politically incorrect these days I actually liked their straightforwardness in certain cases. The decent of Mohammed from the Middle East were not allowed into certain establishments; sign boards at the entrance read "we respect your culture and your values. Here we serve alcohol by staff without veils or beards". In Chiang Mai's downtown area I saw more than one sign saying in English (and most likely Hebrew which I cannot read) "Israel peeple no welcome, always trouble with bill and rude to staff". Some establishments (including my restaurant back in the day) would politely turn away mainland Chinese customers for them to change nappies on dining tables in a packed restaurant, burping, spitting and shouting around. Once they left you could almost renovate the restaurant and the rest rooms looked like godzilla just left after Montezuma's revenge! When in Rome then do as the Romans. So it must come as a tremendous relief that Iran will not blow their "arch enemy" by prescription out of the universe when the latter, the chosen people, should decide to leave the promised land for a sojourn in the Land of the semi-divine ........... How comforting!
  16. You're toast if you do anything in that direction in Europe. It shows the character of this "flee the scene" pig, the lala land law enforcement and how Thailand meanwhile works. Such manure is an absolute disgrace for land and people. The fellow can be lucky he did not hit me; I would make it absolutely crystal clear and ensure that he would never ever own a car by suing his beautiful bottom to the very end. The money would go to a hit-and-run foundation. And once the first f"*ç)=r is booked, the rest will follow - trust me! Remember the days, when Thais had to learn to queue in banks and offices instead of squeezing in? All a matter of upbringing, character education and principle!
  17. Not that I care (anymore; due to age) but it is a proven fact, that if the government works against market trends ........ In Thailand it is slightly different as "bending" rules and regulations usually result in some token of appreciation in mostly monetary form so guess, who benefits of NOT extending operating hours despite contradictory market developments - your call!
  18. Well, the men of the cloth again .......... In Thailand there is at least an alternative career afterwards by becoming a mule and find a new spot as a politician, as long as you are not getting thrown into the slammer in the Land of the Semi-Divine ????
  19. I am so glad to be finally enlightened to the true word of democracy in Thailand. The chosen few representatives, working overtime in the interest of the Thai electorate, operates endlessly and very dedicated to the cause with vocabulary like renegade, conditional basis, partisan sources, "no longer name Prime Minister" and all under the umbrella of the "Thai Economic Party". I am sure that this is exactly, what the Thai voters voted for and desperately want.
  20. Has ever anyone renewed a driving license here - same b"*ç%"it; you get treated like a kindergartener on Day One and if you don't sit upright, Khun Mae (that's the vulture supervising the video jokes) reprimands you irrespective of her being half the naughty, naughty Thai lady's age. The governmental breath down the citizen's necks ..........
  21. Can someone enlighten me over the query, where that one billion Thai Baht went to which was discussed as official fees allowing broadcasting in Thailand? Ah, me idiot, the money got transferred from Thailand but has not arrived at the coffers of FIFA yet, how inconsiderate of me ???? Maybe check the beneficiary of the transfer then?
  22. Emperor Prayuth has decided to "RULE"? I was always of the opinion, that the government runs a party policy presented during election campaigns in adherence to existing laws and regulations. So Prayuth is not governing but ruling? Most interesting; makes the rest of the clowns pretty obsolete - me thinks!
  23. It shows you, how powerful those corn and rice buying agencies are. The haze is a consequence of burning fields which have been harvested from their corn and rice. Take a few of those hundreds of helicopters all those government agencies fly their big kids and VIPPPPPs around and identify the location of the fire. Next, get the details of the land owners (another government agency, so it cannot be TOOOO difficult to find out who owns the plot) and fine them with 20% of the value assessed by the department of land. Said money is to good use for public hospitals in the neighborhood as that is the place, where all those coughing and sicks "neighbours" of those ignorant land kings live. I would assume that within less than a burning season all this comes to a screeching halt. The helicopters can go back to the warehouses and shuttling the local bigwigs ...... Your call; quite obviously nobody really wants to do anything about it. Interesting might be though, that tens of thousands (including my family) decided NOT to move to Chiang Mai for this very reason; if I need pollution and coughing, then its Bangkok for Thailand and an array of choices in South Asian countries like Pakistan or India. Any more questions?
  24. Well, what do I know. Whales are seen in abundance, 24/7, at Rawai; they all fled the South Atlantic, where they usually roam. Pardon my French (pun intended) but to the layman's eye the OP picture published in Thailand can lead to the assumption, that it features tusks rather than boney left overs of whales plying their trade in South Atlantic seas ????
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