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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. You can put a minor's name onto the land title deed BUT, there is a big BUT the child has a legal guardian who can act on the child's behalf. I.e. the power over what is owned by the child remains with the legal guardian. What you can do is to put your daughter as legal owner and you yourself are being put on the very same land title deed with an usufruct. Stipulate the latter in such a way, that you can use, sublet the land title as you please for the next 30 years - after which your daughter has reached legal age and the guardian is not longer an issue. Legally speaking no rocket science but you want to get legal advice. The usufruct can be put onto the back of the land title deed by a pre-printed form available at the Land Department. Ensure that you pay a nominal fee for the utilization of the usufruct (usually as high as to cover the costs involved with the property). Legal, straight forward and no surprises for the next 30 years. And, depending on your age, you can do a first-right-of-refusal for another 30 years, if the first term is expiring. To facilitate matters for your daughter, stipulate that the usufruct is considered expired once you've passed away - makes it easier for her. If it is not, what you want, then you can even include this usufruct as a part of your last will as inheritance to your "next-of-choice"!
  2. Well, might kick off exports nicely then ........... Question is, how does the trade balance look like.
  3. "Not bothering with the legality" - thank you for this statement; it just made my day. Legality and Thailand in one sentence ......... legal is, what the oligarch elite says is legal - and everything else is a matter of interpretation, (mis)understanding and can mostly be fixed with the little (or bigger) brown manila envelopes! See the grandson of Red Bull, the little sweetheart as pure as legality comes (or the size of the envelopes rather?).
  4. "Thai PM feels satisfied, knowing most Thais still voluntarily want" ........ I have the feeling, that the Thai voters would feel more satisfied, if the Thai PM ........... but lets not go there!
  5. The trough is not empty yet and the swines are not ready to leave anytime soon ............ a failed state and I assume that the electorate was - again - not asked (as if it would have mattered)! Every country has the government it deserves - I was told at school back in the day. Not too sure if this still applies .......... but then, who am I to ask?
  6. Very much to my personal regret - you are right, hence I referred to "should be" but in reality there is no "should" ????
  7. Inactive posting for a few months to follow .......... What these Chinese film executives did not get - possibly lost in translation - is that such actors can be seen anywhere and everywhere in Thailand. Cultural temples of Patpong, Bangla Road, Walking Street etc. spring to mind. So the whole exercise, if true, should be finished low key. Going to town with this "report" makes the Thai police looking even more ridiculous as they are already and are absolutely useless. Does it generate more tourism into Chiang Rai, does it make the police looking better - in Chiang Rai or elsewhere?
  8. I knew Trink and might hence suggest, that the author tries to develop his own style rather than carbon-copy, rather poorly, Trink. Latter, from New York, was a left-over dinosaur; his professional "death" started, when "Bangkok World" (the evening edition of Bangkok Post) was no longer published. He then had a page in Bangkok Post's Saturday edition, where the Nite Owl reported and, over time, his column got smaller and smaller. But then - who gave it a hoot? A thing of the past and like most movie remakes, never as good as the original, despite more modern technologies etc.
  9. Could we see the U.N. Secretary-General's Antonio Guterres menu plan for the last week or so? The conflict in Ukraine is certainly not helping but could we have some honest figures on that? The famine has been going on for the last 70+ years at least, when the colonial powers left/were booted out of their colonies in i.e. Africa. With then, quite a few (arguably big, rich) white farmers, having lived there for generations, were booted out as well and the "politicians" like Mugabe in Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) took over the previously very productive export business. Famine has to do with politics and logistics, greed and shareholder value, Mr. Guterres, as well as with sustainability of what and how much we eat.
  10. I would be OK, if you would restrict them to the big pavements between Jomtien Beach Road and the beach itself. Those walking vendors trying to sell you anything and everything ever one to two minutes are a godforsaken nuisance which kept me off the beach for years. If they operate their business from the pavement in such a way that you still can walk along beach road and access the beach - fine with me. The other, much more mind-boggling news is the fact, that some seriously corrupt executives of the city spent 600 million on beautifying the Jomtien sands. Is it just me or do I have to ring the Marx brothers now?
  11. Lets wait and see, if the death penalty will grip such absolute monsters to rid the society from them once and for all. Where's the child's mother and father as well as Grannie's husband? What happened to the neighbours, all deaf or out of town?
  12. Aha, other valuable members of the voter base of this country - explained! Hence, the outcome of politics come certainly to no surprise at all ????
  13. A big apology wai, a nominal fine of 400 Baht and off she goes; double if they nail the hubby as well. Welcome to the educated semi-divine left-overs of Neanderthal ........
  14. Religion and politics should never be mixed. Politics is an essential roster of how to run a country by executing the will of the people (who voted for the politicians running the country - in some cases). Irrespective of whatever religion you address, remain the endless discussion over who has the bigger imaginary friend. The result is war and hatred and if a religion requires to kill any non-believers, then you know, that this belief is for the uneducated and lost souls ......
  15. He might breathe down the neck of the Department of Highways boys. I am on the road a lot and I am always appalled, that sectors are lit during daytime (not for testing/repairing) while during the night time other stretches remain dark. With simple photocells controlling relais that particular problem could be solved - instead of more expensive (i.e. more commission) on timers which declock once there was a (more than necessary) power cut.
  16. I've tried them all and stay with Euro-Optic, run by Dr Maria Abalon (a certified Filipina eye doctor); perfect English and been in business for 25+ years: Royal Garden one floor above ground floor (1st for us, 2nd for Americans) walking inside the building from 2nd road to beach road is halfway on the right hand side of the hall phone: 081-861'34'68 [email protected] She works on an appointment basis and takes all the time it needs and no extra charges for this service. I've been more than happy with her services for almost 30 years (back in the day she ran a shop in Vientiane/Lao PDR).
  17. Well, some of those "bone shakers" - as you name them - have been in service since before 1985 (that's when I arrived). The age is not the problem but the maintenance and up keeping is. Those coffins on wheels guzzle fuel as if there is no tomorrow and hundreds of millions of fleet up keeping expenses kept everything up ........ except the fleet.
  18. Go and have a look how Europeans shuttle around. Good, very good if not close to perfect public transport is being complemented with taxi services which avoid empty sectors as much as possible. Back in the day you would call the taxi company to ask for a cab; the phone operator went onto the wireless (radio), announced the ride and the nearest free cabbie would pick-up the order. Meanwhile that has changed, you still phone up but the operator keys in the data and the nearest free driver picks up the fare. Grab/Uber/Bolt and what-else-you-may-have went a step further and handles this without operator. But for years Grab was illegal to keep the "interests" of those who run the cab services in Bangkok, the government dictates fares on taxis which they do not take anyway (as they ride in chauffeur-driven vehicles provided for by the state?). The present picture reflects and incomplete, inadequate, inconvenient and overloaded public transportation network which results in ........ taxi needs. The providers of the latter have a problem with the ridiculous low fares and the operators "system" of changing shifts at 3pm (just in case you tried to hail down a cabbie at 2.30pm almost anywhere in Bangkok - when the drivers are heading back to turn in the vehicle to the next shift). Get the governmental fingers out of this cookie jar as well and just let them keep an eye on the physical condition of the vehicle and the licensing of the driver .........
  19. Well, my irrelevant input to the subjection would be the following. Create a "Ministry of Busy Affairs", fill it with hundreds, and if not sufficient thousands, of those family members of all those other funny overworked ministers. It is called Nepotism and as we've learnt this week - that is the way to go.
  20. I start to like the guy. Neither hairstyle nor funny Hollywood-inspired school uniforms bordering ridicule and bad taste have, indeed, no influence whatsoever on the IQ of the next generation. Thinking of it, it might have a contradictory impact by students NOT liking schools and their semi-divine teachers for breathing down their necks with such subjects rather than challenging spirit and mind. Well, if the governor has finished his good work, he might want to move onto the education ministry - a long-over due complete revamp there is in order as well (as in most of those dinosaur offices)!
  21. Well, the labour department must have been busy as hell - 65 Japanese actors? The censoring goons likewise in screening the script prior to approval to make sure that Thailand looks more than good again .......... Hundreds of movies, most likely, were shot in neighbouring Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka as the decision-makers in the film and foreign actors industry made life too difficult. Lets see, if this will result in a welcome avalanche of Japanese tourists dropping zillions like the Indians and Middle Easterners. Thailand in general and Chiang Mai desperately need tourism and, if you like the money then you have to live with the fact, that non-Thais start roaming the land ????
  22. There is not a single reason to have such fighting machines like Rottweiler or Dobermann dogs as "domestic" pets. The owner should be picking-up the entire bill of the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and God only knows, if and what post-treatment operations etc. might be needed. It is well possible and we can only hope, that the child is too young to get this horrendous experience into the memory but scars will have to be explained later in lift. Poor little fellow .......
  23. Top down approach; contact the CEO of DHL in Bangkok, Mr Thomas Tieber, phone 081-829 84 39, email [email protected]. Never heard of more BS lately; I had my fair share of headache with DHL and opted out; shall never use them again .......
  24. Praise the Lord, nasty "Daeng" was it again. Good luck that the only female east of Suez called Daeng is clearly identified and FIFTY officers were dispatched to avoid a major revolution between Myanmar and Vietnam which would have rocked Southeast Asia to the nines ....... Are you bloody serious with such stuff, honestly?
  25. Good luck those criminals got hunted down by the BiB; I feel much much safer now knowing, that those social outcasts are rounded up. I always thought it is all about dirty farang, alien and bashing of anything Caucasian ......... but I stand corrected. Some Thais are such a bunch of high nosed pr1cks, believing to be the chosen people in the promised land. Carry on the good work and less and less sympathy towards Thailand and its - in general - nice people is ensured!
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