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Posts posted by SinCityGr8One

  1. Ha Ha Ha Mayors against Illegal Guns is owned and operated by the little Dictator of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Can you say Super Size is illegal! Which by the way was overturned in court. Sorry Mate but your polls credibility was just flushed down the loo! Flush twice as it has a long way to go to get to Gracie Mansion!

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Just by the fact as being the Prime Minister should allow her the benefit of travel when ever she desires or sees the reason for travel. She does not have to be here to take care of day to day business at all times as has Ministers and admin staff for that. Especially with all the foreign tourist coming to LOS, good will travel maintains cordial relations amongst nations. But with all the Taksin bashers on this board, I guess anything Yingluck does it would be wrong.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. I am a Lifelong member of the NRA. Because I am a member of an association that protects that protects the second amendment of the Constitution that gives rights to all Americans, Does that mean I ahould go for a mental health check up? Screw you and your *(Edited out)* point of view. The SCOTUS has reaffirmed the second amendmemt guaranteeing gun ownership. I would have my pistol and not need it than need it and not have it. Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  4. Lets be realistic, almost everyone about to engage in sex will be out of their university uniforms, business suits, camouflage BDU's,

    etc. The poster is inflammatory and should banned. The uniforms are just part of a structured environment and should be continuedwithout dissent.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Does any one really think Putin would want a regime change in Damascus? Syria is near Russia's underbelly. Asaad is keeping Muslim Extremists in check. Good for Putin and Russia due to the large amount of restive groups in Russia's underbelly. Putin will continue to support Asaad because it is good for Russia's security. Do you continue to dance with the Devil you know? Or begin to dance with the Devil you don't know? Putin is smart. Real smart!

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. There is no civilized method of execution. Beheading has been used for capital punishment for thousands of years. It is quick and final. I believe it should be used more often in countries that have the death penalty. Also, the majority of people that live in Countries that have abolished capital punishment would prefer it be available again for the most heinous crimes.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B.

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  7. News Flash! A recent poll has been conducted among average Americans regarding the Syrian situation. The results are in: 29% said Syria is between France and Italy. 19% said Syria makes that cheese with holes in it. 17% said it was an island in the Pacific Ocean. 15% actually called it Syria Arabia. 10% said that the Syrian Army has those Red Kettles in front of stores at Christmas time.

    6% said "Get the phuck outta my face dude!" 4% actually said it was inthe desert over there somewhere, you know. The findings show that Polls are just propoganda released by the powers that be to help guide the opinions of the sheeple.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B.

  8. Try Scoozi Pizza on Sukhumvit Soi 20 if you want great pizza. As an x-NY er, I give it a thumbs up! The Margherita is my favorite.

    REAL NY style pizza can only be made with NYC water. IMHO.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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