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Posts posted by SinCityGr8One

  1. You don't put these vicious punks and wanna be thugs in the military! Would you want him in your unit knowing his background? I wouldn't! And sleep with one eye open.......on him? 3 brawls and your out? Some of these punks would be in that position in a weeks length of time. Close the Schools down? Like, Thailand does not have a serious education problem now. This solution in my view that will definitely decrease violence in schools the first week of announcement and the date of implementation. The answer: Caning! Yes, Administrative Punishment of 10 lashes across Bare Buttocks for the first offense with a wet reed while harnessed to a docket. 20 lashes for the second offense, if second offense is ever committed, which I highly doubt that would ever happen again. A Doctor should be present during the caning should a decision be made to stop it at any time, then place the little thug in detention and resume and complete the punishment the following day. Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...criticize my plan as being cruel, inhumane, torture, mideveal, Sharia Law, et al. What's your solution then? A hug and a teddy bear that says "I Love You!" for the wanna-be thug? This rivalry and brawling been going on for years and no solution has yet been found to work. I'm sure mine will! thumbsup.gif

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  2. So far, so good General Prayuth, Sir. You had to do what you had to do to pull The Kingdom back from the Abyss. Out side of some gaffes, I think he is the right man at the right time for Thailand. Although I am a Foreigner that works and resides here (American with Work Permit and Tabien Baan) I am still a guest here as are all non-Thai nationals. However, what affects the Kingdom's internal affairs has a direct effect on my business affairs externally. I am glad General and now Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha is steering the ship of state as it has brought stability back to The Kingdom in the eyes of the Global Community. IMHO.

    Im UK citizen and have been living here 10yrs, have Tabien Baan myself, but hey, 10yrs is a long time to be a guest !

    Would you say that the (approx) three million thais that live abroad consider themselves as just guests, don't think so somehow.

    A vast majority of them are fully pledged citizens, second third generation have UK passports as do the ones living in the States , Aus, etc.

    I agree with you up to the point where you state a vast majority of Thai's living overseas are fully pledged citizens. I am not a fully pledged citizen of Thailand. FYI, the greatest amount of Thai's who choose to live overseas are located in a section of Hollywood, California officially designated as "Thai Town". I guess that's the point I was inferring to. Yes, we are both similar in our backgrounds regarding our stay Thailand. I'm not sure about you, but I myself also have been a Partner in 3 Thai Registered companies and have employed Thai's in all of them. I feel more connected to Thailand than the USA and consider Bangkok my Home Town so I don"t feel like a "Guest". However, until and/or if I wish to attain Permanent Residency in the Kingdom what legal term other than "Guest" can I use to legally describe my stay here? Or for that matter, how do other non-nationals living in the Kingdom self describe their status here? I am not being facetious about this, but think of another term that I can use to describe my stay here and I'll consider using it.

  3. I can suggest that you get onto the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Access the Consular Services section. Read about the Three Year Business VISA that can be issued. It is also is a multiple entry. It is available for "Business" purposes. Read the requirements. However, it does not allow employment. OK, that is rather a grey area for you. You state your of "business" is buying and exporting. Is it through the Internet? Is this just personal for friends and family? I have had a "B" Visa along with a Work Permit for a couple of years now as I am a Partner in a Thai registered company. I called the Consulate in Los Angeles and the Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. and the people in the VISA section had NO knowledge of a 3 Year Business VISA ever being issued by them. They weren't even aware of it's existence! Incredible? I had to direct them to their MOFA website and the page where this information was located. I thought $200 USD for a 1 Year "B" VISA and about $330 USD for a 3 Year "B" VISA. Why not? I'll apply for a Three Year Business VISA. After several updates from them both, it was determined that the 1 Year "B" VISA was applicable for me because I have a Work Permit. The Three year Business VISA strictly prohibits employment. OK, employment by who and where? Then why does Thailand issue that VISA? What are the benefits of the VISA for a Foreigner other than it allowing you to remain in the Kingdom for 3 Years for Business?Neither place could answer that question. I asked 7 Immigration Officials in Swampy Airport and got 7 different answers. I even showed them the web page with the info. I even got a "Cannot" regarding the 3 year VISA! You just might fit into that grey area category. Not sure where you are from but check with your nearest Consulate or Embassy. Maybe they are more knowledgeable regarding the 3 year Business VISA than their counter parts in the LA Consulate and Thai Embassy in Wash had for me. Chok Dee! thumbsup.gif

  4. In other countries head would have rolled. The same has to happen here. Anyone in the management knowing about this should step down. They have clearly shown that they don't have common sense and food judgement.

    Durex clearly showing they have no food judgement.... so your supposed to eat condoms ?

    Don't question him......Just send him a bottle of Diablo Hot Sauce to go with the condom stew! clap2.gif

  5. Great News! The USA is the principle market for Thai Seafood products. Just in Shrimp alone, Thailand exports over 160,000 tons of Shrimp directly to the USA. Does anyone realize that in Las Vegas alone over 20 Tons of shrimp from Thailand are consumed every day in the Casinos alone? Along with other seafood and and that's just in Las Vegas! Thai food is enjoyed all across of America, with the main ingredients coming from Thailand. There is a long friendship between Thailand and America, 181 years. There were ups and downs and there will be more in the future, but in the end the friendship continues intact. Any Country, including the USA, that uses Sanctions as a Diplomatic tool is just Ignorant! Look at the USA sanctions on Russia. No problem, Russia just looks East to China for bi-lateral trade and stability. China recently signed that $400 Billion agreement for Oil and Gas from Russia. So much for sanctions!

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  6. Obama is nothing but a huge disappointment, He has done nothing for the working man or the poor.

    when he first took office gasoline in my home state dropped to $ 1.53 a gallon by the end of the year it was $ 3.60 and my box of cereal doulble in price, property taxes went up and my income taxes went up. I finally decided it was time to leave.

    And You seriously blame President Obama for that personally! You must be kidding. As if he had anything to do with that? Sheeeesh, Gimme a break. The price of Crude is determined on a daily basis in London. 50 wealthy Families control the Global Oil Market. The Rothschilds (Royal Dutch-Shell), The Rockefellers (Exxon-Mobil), etc. Plus, the Chinese auto market is expanding every day along with it's industry, so expect the price of Petroleum to continue to rise. Cereal is also a commodity. Grains are traded on the Chicago Board of Trade Market every day by traders to investors. Property taxes are a local issue as in Municipal, County or State requirements. Income Taxes went up? That is the handi-work of your Congressional Representative. I do have to correct you regarding him NOT doing anything for the working man or poor. For every Job created under his terms in office 48 more people became eligible for Food Stamps. There are a total of 46,000,000 Americans benefiting from that. I do agree with you in his disappointment as a President. I also criticize him for going around Congressional Sessions and him acting like American Royalty and issuing Executive Orders like they are Decrees!


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  7. well well well,

    and there on another thread I suggested that the FBI will be called in, and people scoffed

    the US, FBI and CIA have been operating in Thailand since before I was born

    As have the UK, Australian and probably many other international agencies. Nothing special about the FBI, well, nothing especially good anyway.

    Nothing Good, you say? What in your limited knowledge have they done wrong? Or is this just a "Lets bash America" Troll post? You commit a serious crime in the USA and you will have the FBI all over you like flies on 5hit! You can run all over this Planet, but in time they'll get you. You can run but you can't hide from the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

  8. The victims were not American, the crimes were not committed in America, and no suspects as of yet are American, so why should the US get involved?

    The Thais recently told the US to mind its own business (human trafficking watch list issue). Now they come begging for help.

    Maybe the US should just mind its own business in this case.

    They could do that quite easily without adversely affecting the investigation, which of course they wouldn't want to do. The Thais could ask the UK instead due to the connection and if any help was needed, perhaps to confirm the findings then the UK could liaise with the US authorities.

    Nah......The USA and Thailand have had close relations for 181 Years now. Yeah, and just like in any relation there has been ups and downs through the years, but that has to be expected. "We agree to disagree and in the end it's all good!" One thing for sure, the USA will help it's friends when it's called upon to do so. Always has and always will without failure. And I know that some members will think or say "Yeah, and BOMB the 5hit out of it's enemies!" Duh....I got that covered for you guys too! thumbsup.gif

  9. DNA testing technology in Thailand could only identify whether human secretions came from a male or female, said deputy police chief General Somyot Pumpunmuang.

    must be the basic cheap model from ebay. and someone needs to tell him women dont secrete semen.

    ​Plus if thats the case and all the DNA test they can do how can they rule anyone out by DNA if it can just tell male or female ? what were the 12 suspects DNA taken aliens ?

    Or dosnt anyone in Thailand know how to marker DNA ? which i can quite easily believe

    OK, let's start from the beginning of your post. It specifically states secretions from a male or female. Vaginal Lubrication is a lubricating fluid (secretion) that is naturally produced in a woman's vagina. Vaginal lubrication or moistness is always present, but production increases significantly during sexual arousal in anticipation of sexual intercourse. Vaginal dryness is the condition in which this lubrication is insufficient, and sometimes artificial lubricants (K-Y water based) are used to augment it. Because the Human Body is 70% water based, any other type of artificial lubricant such as Vaseline, Cooking oil, WD-40, Motor Oil etc. should never be used as a vaginal lubricant. Without sufficient lubrication, sexual intercourse can be painful to the woman. The vaginal lining has no glands, and therefore the vagina must rely on other methods of lubrication. Plasma seepage from vaginal walls due to vascular engorgement is considered to be the chief lubrication source, and the Bartholin's Glands, located slightly below and to the left and right of the introitus (vaginal opening), also secrete mucus to augment vaginal-wall secretions. If you are unaware that the Female Vaginal tract does indeed secrete fluid, I believe you need to read up on the subject or spend more time with a Female ASAP. You are correct in the fact that Females do not secrete semen, however as I stated above they have their own type of lubrication system to secrete a fluid. Female Anatomy 101 is closed for today. Now on to the other part of your post. The FBI will look for DNA in the samples of secretions regarding whether the DNA is male or female. Based upon the finding, they can determine whether the DNA originated from Asia, Africa etc. Interesting that the Thai Police did not request help on the samples from Scotland Yard. However, the FBI is the World's most sophisticated Investigative Agency on the Planet. And, it BETTER be, with the crazy amount of money the USA Government spends every year. facepalm.gif

  10. They call every scool a university. And even the ones who really did the top Thai university's can't speak proper english. Some even can't speak english at all even if they have been in the USA to study.


    Hold on there, you made a speling eror, I meen a mystake. I have a Dagree in the Englis langage granted by a prestig, no presgee, no an importand Universaytee here in Bangkok. And "Scool" should be spelled "Skool"! biggrin.png

    In a previous post namdocmai stated he can speak 5 languages and reads these forums to improve his/her english language skills. How many languages can you speak? And how good are your Thai language skills presuming you are living here in Thailand. Give the man / woman a break <deleted>.

    You need not presume anything, Sir! I do live here in Thailand and have done so for 10 Years. I have also been a Partner in several businesses in the Kingdom and had and still have Thai employees. Plus, I also have a (Tabien Baan) Yellow Book. Are you happy so far? And yes, I am fluent in 5 languages and can not only speak but read Thai. D'accord? Who made you a moderator on what or what not someone can write? I am making a little light of a serious subject, which is the FAILED Thai education system. English is the Language of International Business and if Thai students wish to be successful in business, they need to be taught the English language through their school years. You need to get away from the keyboard, get out of your Mother's basement and see some Sunshine!

  11. Lots of commuters will be disappointed if/when the Airlink shuts down.

    BTW since when is 4 + 4 = 9 ?

    "pulled four of the nine trains out of service, causing delays and increasing the workload for the equipment still in operation. Now the four trains remaining in use also need to be taken"

    indeed 4+4=9; source; obama common core curriculum.

    thai's want to emulate the americans

    Why are you just picking on Obama and the Americans? 4+4=9 could be from any Countries curriculum. Have you received an a55 beating from a Yank lately? wacko.png

  12. "It is possible the ad was intended to say, “twenty-eight percent of women that resist end up consenting,”

    How the hell is that supposed to be any better?

    Could have added "once they found out their partner was going to use a quality Durex Condom". I believe that enhances the advertising by implying "quality", also branding by mentioning the "Durex" name. It does not leave too much room for any misunderstanding and it is good advertising. I remember when the XV International Aids Conference was held in Bangkok back in 2004. There was a parade down Si Lom Road with the marchers handing out free condoms with info cards on how to use them to bystanders. The condom packages (which I believe had a Durex brand condom inside) were emblazoned with the events logo. I received several, used a few and kept one as a souvenir of the event. No body that I was aware of at the time was shocked or horrified by the event. As a matter of fact, most people both Male and Female were giggling and rushing to get as many free condoms as they could from the marchers. It was an awesome sight! laugh.png

  13. If the other person was a Thai guess who is responsible even if he wasn't ?

    If the other person was Thai guess who the Thai Visa Kangaroo court will blame without any other knowledge of the event.

    Odd that so many prisoners incarcerated in Thailand are Thai. According to the sages here at TV, they're never charged by the police, or if charged they're never found guilty by the courts or if found guilty they never go to prison. Who are all those people who've been locked up?

    Who is talking about going to prison ? No need to be so defensive but I would think you've never been involved in a situation with a Thai driver and the BIB.

    Thai Visa actually has a court in Oz? The simple fact of the matter is that another Foreigner has lost their life while in the Kingdom. R.I.P. Condolences to the Family back Home.

  14. They call every scool a university. And even the ones who really did the top Thai university's can't speak proper english. Some even can't speak english at all even if they have been in the USA to study.


    Hold on there, you made a speling eror, I meen a mystake. I have a Dagree in the Englis langage granted by a prestig, no presgee, no an importand Universaytee here in Bangkok. And "Scool" should be spelled "Skool"! biggrin.png

  15. Lots of commuters will be disappointed if/when the Airlink shuts down.

    BTW since when is 4 + 4 = 9 ?

    "pulled four of the nine trains out of service, causing delays and increasing the workload for the equipment still in operation. Now the four trains remaining in use also need to be taken"

    That's just a shining example of the "Thai Edjumacation System"! 4+4 = 9 because of the tea money that is not disclosed. It's like a parallel Universe here. 1+1=3, White is Black, Black is White, dogs sleeping with cats, so forth and so on. But hold on there's more! The 7-11 Corporation employs more cashiers with University Degrees here in Thailand than any other convenience store chain on the Planet. TiT! cheesy.gif

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  16. OMGblink.png They really believe this nonsense too. They will spend more time (and money probably), worrying about this than actually doing their job.

    FYI, last night was "Ghost Night" in Thailand. That's when the Ghosts supposedly come out and eat people. Serious stuff along with "Magic Black". Just part of Thai Culture and Beliefs. Last year, I watched a 100 year old shaman do his magical rituals on my better half. it was straight out of National Geographic. Palm Frond "Eiffel Tower looking structure built for the occasion" Blood ritual from a killed chicken, fire sand thrown out of his hand. Sang some chants with a sword on the back of her neck. Blew smoke into her face. Rolled a chicken egg around her stomach. Yep, all this to get a ghost out of her that was causing the stomach pain. Did it work? Nah........Great Show however. Never seen anything like it. The Shaman wanted 1500 Baht but I negotiated the service down to 1000 Baht. The next week, 4 days and 3 nights in a local hospital treating her stomach bacteria (From Food) with antibiotics did the job, for a price of 33,000 Baht. TIT!

  17. Who ya gonna call? Call GHOSTBUSTERS! They'll get rid of all kinds of Ghosts, Apparitions, Demons, and paranormal beings. But wait! There's more. Guaranteed removal of all Ectoplasm sources and Slime or double your amount back. But wait! There's even more! If you call within the next then minutes, we will give you a set of Ginzu knives absolutely free along with your order! Just pay shipping and handling!Operators are standing by! Yeah, they need to call the GHOSTBUSTERS!


  18. Maybe she didn't want anyone to view her corpse, and thus this form of suicide. If you want to be eaten post-mortem, I would personally prefer the "Soylent Green" style

    What exactly is that style? I know the movie, of course, just don't know any factory where they make those protein tablets. Here comes the question. Head first or feet first...?

    From Wiki regarding Soylent Green: A group of researchers known as the Exchange, agree that the oceans no longer produce the plankton from which Soylent Green is reputedly made, and infer that it must be made from human remains, as this is the only conceivable supply of protein that matches the known production of the wafers. Head first? Feet first? It does not matter as you will be blended into an emulsion (Think Bologna) and then shaped and formed into thin wafers. "Hey Bartender! Pass me another bowl of those wafers! They are great with Diablo Hot Sauce!" cheesy.gif

  19. So sad. RIP. Maybe she couldn't afford the sleeping pills and Vodka..??

    Where do you get sleeping pills in this country??

    So far, in 9yrs 2 dozen pharmacies have told me they dont carry.

    Sleeping pills are a controlled substance in the Kingdom, so you won't find them in any Pharmacies. You go to a Hospital, get seen by a Doctor and tell him/her you suffer from insomnia. Request an Rx for Stillnox or Zolpidem Tartrate, either 5 mg or 10 mg. Or see a Psychiatrist and tell them you need something to relax and ask for Rivotril (Clonazepam) 2 mg. I prefer the Rivotril myself. Cheaper, relaxes me and provides a great nights sleep. Bangkok Hospital in Korat has them but be prepared for the cost of the Stillnox. Dr, charge and 60 day supply of Stillnox = 6,000 Baht. Private Hospital in Surin has the Rivotril. Dr. Charge and 90 day supply = 1,320 Baht. Search around the Hospitals in your area and see who carries which. Insomnia (Caused my occupation) is horrible and I've suffered with it for years prior to me being placed on medication. NO alcohol beverages before taking these medicines as these are the real deal. thumbsup.gif

  20. Thailand needs to reintroduce the death penalty, with speedy executions like Singapore and china. Violent crime is out if control.

    It is not a deterrent though.

    It won't stop murder especially when they have to gain face. I would say, when saving face, most Asians don't step back and think of the ramifications should they murder someone.

    However, it is the best way of taking the trash out of the Kingdom. Bring back the Cross-buck and the table mounted machine gun ASAP! You don't get a second chance to murder someone when you had 15 rounds of 9mm put into your back. thumbsup.gif

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