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Posts posted by prk888

  1. I do not (and never will) use Facebook, Twitter etc.) but from what i read on TVF I reckon that this media is having some impact even here in Pattaya.

    Viewers around the world. cpomments freely avaiable for all to see

    Scammers getting fined, aggressive vendors also; worst road deaths in the world (well almost) - some actions being seen to be taken it seems

    That's the good side of such media

    What say you?

  2. Aroi has a new charming Belgian Manager who is also a chef. We rarely see the 2 Belgian owners these days so he must be doing something correctly.

    Can I suggest to Kitten Kong (and others) that he try the Wednesday buffet. Price includes an aperitif and home made desserts. Most Wednesdays there are normally over 60 covers and one evening at 6.30pm it was full (70+ diners) so I and my young family went away disappointed.

    Interesting & various salad bar with great choice of freshly cooked dishes which are constantly being refreshed so nothing gets overheated.

    At B295 it has to be the absolute best value for really good food in town

    Please try to go a little later (say about 7.30pm) so we are not turned away again !

    Can i also recommend the Friday mussel buffet. About 6 different sauces and indefatigable supply it seems.

  3. sitting having a coffee in TESCO on Suk, Sth. Pattaya this afternoon, I watched as 3 coaches disgorged dozens of bemused Chinese tourists into the TESCO main entrance. Absolutely lost souls knowing not what to do. After about 30 minutes of shuffling and shouting some even carried small TESCO shopping bags.

    eems like the tour guides surely know how to dazzle & bedazzle their tourists with a real Pattaya welcome during National Day Golden Week. Golden, emerald or reclining Buddhas? Nahhhhhhhhh, TESCO is where it happens (and this is despite the front southern sidewalk being totally occupied by beds etc forcing everyone to walk onto the road and into the traffic !) TESCO needs your custom.

  4. It continually amazes me that so few posters who ask for advice or answers hardly ever bother or have the courtesy to reply, acknowledge or give a conclusion.

    Why is that do you think?

    Why do we bother ?


  5. why are buildings still going up in Pattaya ? is there corruption in Pattaya ? Does that put lots of paper cash into pockets/handbags ?

    If you had lots of silly, funny money floating around what would you do with it ?

  6. i often get into a dilemma when i recognise a poster whose posts seem to always get up my nose and make me squirm. I really try not to read their comments because i know what's going to happen, but sometimes am drawn like a magnet or a moth to a flame which typically leaves me even more irritated.

    Am I alone in experiencing this?

    What's your suggestion/solution, apart from just not browsing TVF ?

  7. A mountain resort in Switzerland is launching special train services for Chinese tourists to defuse tensions with other visitors, it is reported.

    Noisy throngs of Chinese tourists disturb those who visit Mount Rigi in the Alps in search of peace and relaxation, reports a Swiss newspaper

    They crowd the corridors while taking pictures from the train, there has been rudeness in packed carriages, and some even report seeing tourists spit on the floor, the paper says. “Their strong presence is a challenge".

    Almost half of the foreign visitors to Mount Rigi come from China following an advertising campaign there, and the number is growing. "Rigi seems to be firmly in Chinese hands!"

    To help avoid any possible bad feeling, special trains have been laid on for tourist groups from Asia. Toilets are now cleaned more often, and signs have been put up "showing how to use them correctly", the paper adds.

  8. A mountain resort in Switzerland is launching special train services for Chinese tourists to defuse tensions with other visitors, it is reported.

    Noisy throngs of Chinese tourists disturb those who visit Mount Rigi in the Alps in search of peace and relaxation, reports a Swiss newspaper

    They crowd the corridors while taking pictures from the train, there has been rudeness in packed carriages, and some even report seeing tourists spit on the floor, the paper says. “Their strong presence is a challenge".

    Almost half of the foreign visitors to Mount Rigi come from China following an advertising campaign there, and the number is growing. "Rigi seems to be firmly in Chinese hands!"

    To help avoid any possible bad feeling, special trains have been laid on for tourist groups from Asia. Toilets are now cleaned more often, and signs have been put up "showing how to use them correctly", the paper adds.

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