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Posts posted by prk888

  1. some folks are just too narrow minded to be grateful for anything possible positive and also aimed at a wider interested community but hey ho, twas ever thus

    And yes, 2008bangkok, Mountain Warehouse has I believe 7 or 8 outlets in central Pattaya alone to my knowledge (check their website) but sadly none in BKK itself. Sorry about that

  2. just ordered 2 more ponchos from Mountain Warehouse with current promotional half price offer of £5.99 My first one was thoroughly tested and did a splendid job in yesterday morning's early morning downpour. Strong, good size and durable as it also withstood the associated strong winds.

  3. saw a sign outside tonight - it's called "OK" I think ! Directly opposite Makro.

    Also just noticed another corner-shop smart-looking dim sum place same east side as "OK" but a tad north and about opposite Tesco Lotus (Suk). I believe the sign said "promotion offer at B29 a steamer". Just like Phuket it seems (yesterday's BKK Post) more local Chinese preparing to take care of their countrymen by offering what they want.

    Wake up & look around at the dynamics Thailand.

  4. I agree 100% with peterb17 (#25) - all inside condo walls undercoated and then top-coated; new bathroom door lacquered,hung & accessories fixed; front door removed & reshaped; balcony painted and not a drop/drip on the floors and all for just over US$100 or under £80. Refer my post #5.

  5. After several & many incarnations (including latterly a Korean BBQ) the huge & deep open-air restaurant just before Decco on the left going south now serves very good dim sum at a promotional price of B39 each. Quite a fair choice and all very freshly steamed.

    Could be gearing up for the Chinese market but also very good spicy Thai food my wife tells me. About 4 other tables being served as we left (1330 today) and large servings they were too

    None of the previous incarnations seemed to have obvious advertising signs outside and nor does this one so slow down on southbound Sukhumvit and its maybe 3-400m before Decco

    Definitely worth a visit IMHO

  6. just had a condo totally gutted & completely renovated and all very good workers EXCEPT the tiler. My mistake alone this time. We have used the same man and his subcontractors for years and no I will not supply his contact number as he is already understandably busy and always is. Look around is my advice as good workers are certainly here

  7. tried the English breakfast this morning. Excellent fresh coffee and a big plate of eggs, hams, sausages, lots of bacon, two large toast etc. and orange juice. Free coffee refills. B135. Excellent value and almost too much and I'm a large guy.

    K Anne the owner & cook was very attentive.

    Brought home a fresh hot baguette and two different pastries which were devoured quickly by family, including 5 year old who loves the crusty bread.

    While leaving before 10.00am new baguettes had come from oven

    A positive start in my opinion

  8. The French Bistro 89 has moved to become the new in-house restaurant at the MIRABEL Resort just off Soi 87/89 (www.mirabelthai.com).

    Thankfully I am told it's the same menu (super home-made country pate, beef bourguignon etc) and the same prices plus a few extra dishes. Now air-conditioned

    Baguette 89 is located in the old Bistro 89 venue just over the railway on the right on soi 89 which is almost opposite MAKRO and will open Monday June 1st

    The new owner of Baguette 89 is a M. Vincent who is himself a master baker from France. I am told they will be baking all day

    The menu shows fresh breads and croissants of course, sandwiches, breakfasts and drinks

    I will visit both and give a further update

  9. so nearly 5 years ago one Amphut tells me what papers are required and then a 2nd Amphur processes it all for legal marriage and bob's your uncle. B40 too !

    Marriage cert. etc then allow very young daughter to also get a British passport as well as the Thai one.

    But now I am advised by our all-knowing Aussie friend that he believes this is actually illegal.

    I can concur with Mobi's post #32 but again that was done after marriage - and the Thai MFA didn't ask for UK passport translation either

    Off topic reply because it has been hijacked I know but just to complete the picture

    PS - I have also been told that the said first Amphur typically recommends a Bxxx cash donation (unofficial fee?) to immediately eradicate need for passport translation

    Now .... maybe ................ back on track (unless even more spurious comments follow)

  10. My Thai lady rang the Amphur office at Naklua this morning, price to be married, 300 baht, not 40, so please tell me where I can get the 40 baht price.

    Go back 4 years and try the Amphur office on Suk North Pattaya. Seems you as an Aussie pay through the nose at will

    How would they know I'm an Aussie you clown when it was my Thai lady who made the phone call. It seem you are carrying a bit of a chip re Aussies.

    and it was your lady who posted all that stuff in #11 I assume

    And yes, well spotted ! I don't suffer such fools gladly

  11. My Thai lady rang the Amphur office at Naklua this morning, price to be married, 300 baht, not 40, so please tell me where I can get the 40 baht price.

    Go back 4 years and try the Amphur office on Suk North Pattaya. Seems you as an Aussie pay through the nose at will

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