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Posts posted by prk888

  1. arrived 0845 today and took 3 hours. Busy so only clour eye test administered and 2 other tests skipped.

    No medical cert. needed (she handed mine back); Immigration letter for proof of residence; original passport of course, copy and signed relevant passport pages, original driving license and signed copy. B405 for 5 year motor cycle renewal

    QUESTION - many say that you can renew up to one year after expiry date but maybe should consider what happens if you are stopped by police with an expired license?

    • Like 1
  2. It's quite a new bar to me (I'm a Brit) and Stewart I agree is a very good host; it's convivial and very easy to chat to other customers of all nationalities. I have enjoyed all the dishes they serve, hot, adequate & reasonable prices. Long may he/it/they survive.

  3. the surface of the northbound road from about opposite Alangkarn going north towards Chaiyapruk is being removed for resurfacing.

    It must be a huge works area; Alangkarn is at about 10 km from Chaiyapruk ! blink.png


    read the post ......................... "Alangkarn going north towards Chaiyapruk" and yes that's about 26 km or even more.

  4. I don't believe that you have personally "seen 4 riders fall off," but thanks for alerting us to a potentially dangerous stretch.

    no actually Barefoot it was 427 riders I saw fall off but I didn't want to exaggerate as many are prone to do. Can't think why I would want to lie about that.

    Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, but up to you as they say.

  5. the surface of the northbound road from about opposite Alangkarn going north towards Chaiyapruk is being removed for resurfacing. The danger is that the road is now essentially in gulleys and the m/c wheels get trapped in the ruts.

    Within the last few days I have seen 4 riders fall off. So do be aware and be very careful

  6. Just 1 post in TV Pattaya Forum in nearly 5 hours so far (Sunday just gone 1.00pm)

    And yet unbelievably nearly 2,000 views and 50 replies to essentially "how high do mosquitoes fly?" And yes I posted to that one too giggle.gif

    Low season indeed

  7. Another very pleasant hour or so by the pool reminiscing with the elderly Thais. Main entertainment on his part was discussing collective nouns.

    e.g. hence a 'greed' of Thais of course; a 'diligence' of Koreans; a 'whinge' of Poms; an 'armpit' of Frenchies (he nearly peed himself after that one from the wife !); an 'onion' of Spaniards; an 'ethic' or a 'sterility' of Singaporeans .................... cant remember the rest !

    Anyone have some more amusing collective nouns for me to tell them next time?

  8. spent a most interesting 60 minutes chatting by the pool with a 65 year old Pattaya resident (and his lovely slightly younger wife) who now lives overseas. He returns here religiously every year to visit family

    Lots of nostalgia of course and many great, amusing tales from their past especially post the Vietnam war era as Pattaya grew and grew

    His greatest regret ? The current excessive greed of his countrymen. Almost tears in his eyes as he cited example after example and how it appears to have overtaken everyone. We all laughed (nervously?) as he said "it's not LOS but LOG".

    I bought him another beverage !

    He's got a point sadly.

  9. The current parking rate at U-Tapao is 70 Baht per 24 hour period.

    However, there is not always someone there to issue the ticket. To avoid problems, if you go to the information desk in the terminal, they will radio the car park attendant and wake him up.

    Otherwise you may return to a clamped vehicle.


    many thanks

  10. but as Stickman in this week's journal succinctly (in my view) writes ............

    "The government says tourism numbers are at their highest. Yes, they are, but it's the low-class, low-spending, low-educated and socially inept from China spending their meagre funds in businesses owned and operated by the Chinese government"

    from what I experience here in Pattaya that's spot on.

    And their coaches continue to proliferate, spew pollution, are driven by suicidal maniacs and are destroying the roads.

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