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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 36 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    Is such a proposal undemocratic?  Well, only if you feel that the Electoral College has greater moral legitimacy than the popular vote.


    Well, its allowing states their own voice per say, and not allowing largely populated staunch leaning states to constantly steal the election. 


    39 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    Would such a step be a deep break with election tradition in the US?


    Well yeah. Why does Hillary get a free pass? You don't even know whats going to happen in the future with Trump.


    40 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

    Perhaps not so deep a break as when the Supreme Court intervened to stop the legally conducted Forida recount in 2000 which was the sole responsibility of the State of Florida, not the federal government.  That decision by the majorkty Republican Court stole the election for Bush.


    They didn't change the vote count. Florida straddles 2 time zones in the panhandle. Nobody stole anything bush was up by like 1500 votes. 




    Anyway kinda sissy deal you got going on here but its up to you. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, shiroboi said:

    Regardless of your political affiliation, this is a good opportunity for all us US citizens living overseas to tell how we feel about belonging to the only country in the world that taxes it's citizens overseas.


    Both the UK and AU tax their citizens overseas, same as the USA. 


    AU is worse than both the UK and USA. 


    If memory serves, the UK gets like 179 days in the UK and can get out of taxes, and the USA is like 35 days, AU changed recently and give no break to its citizens unless they completely move out (I may be wrong on some of this, sure someone will correct me)


    If your living in Thailand and making an income, you should not have to pay taxes in the USA on that income. If your paying Tax in Thailand, you should not have to pay tax in the USA. 


    Sooooo basically I'm not sure what the hell you are talking about. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:


    Trumps policies on the above are all socialist policies....if you want the changes that he proposed on the above  matters that makes you a lefty too mate!

    If you think that the left blindly supported Clinton you really have no clue. A large group of the Bernie supporters (I think we can agree these are left) voted for Trump in the end. Especially because of the above reasons, fueled by the fact that these "Other 99%" are sick and tired of making ends meet: out of a job, house foreclosed, cannot pay the appendix operations of their kid (while big pharma companies make billions profit), and in the meantime banks are bailed-out, billions are pumped into the war machine, etc. etc. This is what liberals, and the left are concerned about, always have and always will!

    And yes, the liberals and the left don't agree with a presidential candidate "who randomly grabs woman" or who want a total ban on all Muslims entering the US or says that all Mexicans are rapists murderers and thieves. Thats not because they want to be PC but because its complete and utter BS!


    Trust me, I'm no Lefty, mate. 


    Hillary Clinton would have done nothing to resolve any of these issues, just like Obama has done nothing at all other than be a lame duck while things transpire around him. 


    People look at the "billions into the war machine" like we are starving ourselves. If you look at our budget, GDP, and spending, you can see we afford it easily and the UK isn't that far behind us, based on budget percentage and GDP. I don't know many americans that are "unhappy" with our military. Not to mention the millions that receive the GI Bill. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

    It seems indeed that you are merely supporting the "anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim Trump", and not Trumps policies on jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education, no to trade deals, ect. because these are BS in your view. I understand why you think this because these are socialist policies but let me tell you, the majority of the voters for Trump want THAT change not a  wall or ban on Muslims, they really couldnt care less about that. Unlike what you would want, not all Trump voter are KKK supporters. Now if he doesnt come through with his promises on jobs, healthcare, education, etc. you might see that its going to be this majority of voters who are going to rise up and protest.


    The House and Congress will not approve most of Trumps ideas, 1 because it will kill their own position and 2 because a lot of the GOP fully disagree with Trump. So there will not automatically be a WE in US politics.


    Where are you getting this from? I responded to a different poster who provided a link that mentioned the immigrant & muslim thing. Nobody is anti-immigrant so get off your ridiculous throne. People are anti-illegal-immigrant dude get your facts straight. 


    Typical nonsense rhetoric your spouting with the KKK included like it has some weight. I want all change. Jobs, healthcare, infrastructure, education the lot. 


    I know most of Trumps campaign statements will not come to fruition, but the message is clear where he stands. 


    I also take great enjoyment in watching liberal crybabies literally crying over this as well.

  5. 1 hour ago, DriveByTrucker said:

    You keep on going on about liberals and leftist etc.....the acceptance speech of Trump had very socialist ideas (which the house and congress will never approve of course), so what do you mean exactly? Or are you only supporting his "all Mexicans are rapist, total ban on Muslim entering the US" rhetoric which your so-called liberals indeed dont agree with....


    I am going on and on about Libs, Leftists, BLM, cause its BS and people are tired of being told what to think and how to feel with all the PC garbage rhetoric over the last 8 years or so. 


    Trumps acceptance speech was great and I agree, but of course the Libs and wanna be "Progressives" won't accept anything and this can clearly be seen throughout these "protests" and all over TVF from our own in-house progressives. 


    The President, The House, and The Senate are about to be Red, and we got some Supreme Court Justices on the table too. 


    We will be getting some change. Brace for it. Find your safe place. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:


    LOL.  You really think Trump is a defender of the Constitution?  How can he protect something that he doesn’t seem to grasp, and whose underlying philosophy he seems outright hostile to?


    I don't dispute Trump's legitimacy as the legal winner of the election.  He won Michigan and Pennsylvania, which are blue-collar solid Democratic-leaning states.   However, his failure to win the popular vote is an additional reason, aside from his abhorrence of the Constitution, which justifies that the voice of protest to be heard. 


    Yes, I think Trump is a better defender of the Constitution than Hillary Clinton would have ever been for legal, law abiding Americans and legal, law abiding Immigrants. Wouldn't want to be a terrorist thats for sure. Or an Illegal Immigrant. 


    Liberals, BLM, etc... Can protest as much as their little bleeding hearts desire. The wall just got 10 feet higher for them too. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

    Funny, but it seems to me that protests are a crucial part of democracy in action.  After all, the US was essentially founded on protests.  Protests ended the war in Vietnam even though a megalomaniac, Nixon, continued the campaign for years until it was abandoned.  But, we all know Trump has no respect for democracy or the Constitution.  After all, he was the one who, in the final days of the campaign, said let's not hold the election because the election would be rigged.  Moreover, Trump didn't win the popular vote, but lost it by about a 1/2 million votes.  He will be elected when the electoral college votes on 19 December, but the people did speak, and the majority did not elect him.


    "But, we all know Trump has no respect for democracy or the Constitution."


    Our Democracy and Our Constitution are far and away safer in the hands they are in now, than they could have been with the bootlicking liberal crybabies. 


    "He will be elected when the electoral college votes on 19 December, but the people did speak, and the majority did not elect him."


    The majority did, in-fact, speak. And the "Popular Vote" in the individual states is what got Trump over 270.


    Federalist Democracy in action. 

  8. 38 minutes ago, JAG said:

    Well not really the vast majority of the population was it? Given that Mrs Clinton actually won the popular vote, by a very thin majority but she won it nevertheless. Bit of an anomaly there, perhaps that may be a factor in some of these protests?


    California and New York luckily do not get to dictate what the "vast majority" actually is. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Berkshire said:


    No, the KKK is endorsing Trump because he's a racist.  One of their own, you might say....


    No, YOU might say.


    YOU get all wounded and scavenge for whatever you can find regardless of how much of a pathetic reach it is. 


    Im happy that blacks are getting out there and voting, but I would be pissed if I was a black man voting and being used as a poster child for political gain, and thank god I'm not the only one that feels that way. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    I'm equally surprised that some blacks or Hispanics...or any minority, would support Trump, a known hardcore racist.  I'm also surprised that some women would support Trump, a man who sees women as simply a piece of ass that exists for his enjoyment.  Finally, I'm most surprised that any educated person with half a brain would support Trump, a pathological liar, with no idea how to govern, is vindictive, thin-skinned, and has a history of fraudulent business practices aimed at ripping off the common man.  Yes, this election is full of surprises.


    Well, thats certainly one spin. 


    Im not black, but I do, honestly, have black friends, and they don't want to be involved in the 'black people are victims' gimme gimme scheme of Democrats today. Some of them are really pissed and feel kinda exploited by Obama, and that carries on to "Hill". Its easy to see when you are being used. 


    You seem really, really upset and get real personal. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Here's one way it happens. When the courts overruled North Carolina's voting regulations they noted that the North Carolina Legislature asked what the impact of each proposed measure would have on African American voter turnout. Only those measures that would depress their turnout were approved by the North Carolina legislature.




    Care to share a link, proving without a doubt, that this is what happened?

  12. Just now, Gary A said:


    If you have a decent size pressure tank with an air cushion, you can flush the toilet without the pump cycling on and off. With no air cushion pressure tank, the pump will cycle on and off several times.


    Yeah I know man you are 100% correct. I brought this up with several posters in another thread with 4" Franklin Submersible pumps capable of watering 10 Rai, but choose to fill a 1000l tank AND STILL use a pressure pump like in the OP, after their tank. 


    Got one at the Florida house. Flowtec piece, about 5' tall, with a schrader valve on top for applying air pressure.


    What I meant was I don't think the constant pressure pumps we all have here are capable of supplying a pressure tank. 

  13. On 11/4/2016 at 10:15 AM, Gary A said:

    This may be a good pump but the constant on/off stinks. I have one. The best fix is simply to add a pressure tank. The bigger the better. It is a simple installation.


    These 'on demand' ones without the little pressure tanks are the best bet that I've found. Constant pressure all the time unless there are 3 people showering and flushing toilets & stuff at the same time. 


    The Lucky Star type ones with the little pressure tanks surge like a bastard and the pressure switches wear out. 


    If your talking about the big flowtec pressure tanks, I don't these constant pressure pumps will work very well with that. They don't have enough volume or pressure. Unless we want to get all mad-scientist & stuff then maybe... 

  14. On 11/6/2016 at 7:43 PM, Artisi said:

    Is the pump fitted with a non- return valve on the inlet to the pump,  I would assume so -  It is possible that the non return valve is leaking back to the supply side causing a drop in pressure.


    They are turn key units and don't require any supplemental check valves out of the box, but of course they can be added in the event of a failure. 

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