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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 1 minute ago, Publicus said:

    Luv those sorehead winners.


    Im not proud of Trump. I am only happy that Hillary didn't get the job and I honestly hope that I have to pay less taxes, healthcare gets cheaper, and illegal immigrants are at least controlled more than they are right now instead of giving them a path to citizenship. 


    The crow consumption on the liberal side was a nice bonus. But who knows I may be eating a double dose in a couple years. I am willing to take that risk and will accept the consequences. 


    4 minutes ago, Publicus said:

    Lost the Popular Vote.


    Disapproved by more people -- by far -- than any predecessor to be elected Potus. 


    And he's not Potus yet either. Wait until he starts getting cranked up in the position..


    I suppose you are in the "Popular Vote is the only one that matters & we should abolish Electoral College" camp? 

  2. 15 minutes ago, upside said:

    O ring. 


    Thats not tapered pipe and tapered pipe has no 'seat' for an o-ring. That appears to be the female side of a gas bottle containing flammable/poison gas judging by the left hand thread marks on the valve side. 


    OP's threads were tapered pipe and use a very slight taper in the tapped area + compression in the threads to seal combined with a thread sealant like PTFE. 


    Different stuff. 


    tapered pipe cutaway.jpg




    I haven't read through the thread so I don't know if something was discovered indicating it is not, in fact, tapered pipe, but the brass fitting in the OP is 100% definitely tapered pipe. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    What have they gained?


    What elephant are you referring to?  Are you going to start on the "fixed election" nonsense?


    Television face time with feminazi lawyers. 


    No, but you are so easy to be like "OH! Theres one! See! I told you he was a rapist!" 


    Yeah yeah the pussy grabbing is not an admission of guilt so get over it. A porn star that said trump tried to kiss her one time has a lol-factor of about a billion. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    What have I disregarded?  A number of women have made accusations and, in view of Trump's words and behavior, the accusations seem credible, even if they don't lead to a court case.


    Does it also seem credible that a lot of them may be opportunists or have something to gain? 


    Maybe some Democrat "plausible deniability" thrown in there? 


    You are imho disregarding the huge elephant in the room of the presidential election, timing, media attention, etc... 

  5. 11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Right.  What are the chances that a man who's had three wives, talks lustfully about his own daughter, owns a beauty contest, and brags about grabbing women by their genitals would ever treat a woman in a disrespectful manner?


    OK treat a woman in a disrespectful manner is what we are debating now? 

  6. 2 minutes ago, upside said:

    Lol I was thinking exactly the same about your last post. 


    Picture him wrapping the pipe till it gets 1 turn on. 


    I was thinking the opposite as I was replying to another poster that said "you can't put too much on" and imagined someone taking it to heart and using half a roll on a 1/2" NPT fitting and complaining why it won't 'fit'


    Most of this stuff - its hard to explain in words on a forum how things 'feel' by hand when you know you have it right, and experience is the only way to know you got it 'right' 

  7. Just now, upside said:


    Yes it is actually. It's 3 wraps for water and 4 times for gas. Ask any plumber/gas fitter. 



    I had to choose if you were sarcastic or not.... I chose not. 


    LMAO they teach people this nonsense? And its followed? The variations in NPT would make that point moot in about 1 second. 

  8. 45 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Read my post, I didn't say there were witnesses.  Many of accusations go way beyond touching a breast.  You are speculating about their motives.


    And you are speculating on the reality of weather to not it happened. 


    We don't know. We will probably never know. 


    Many of the cases were so convenient they must be questioned, and a few were clearly for personal gain. 


    Think about it, just as trump might, maybe, have tried to kiss a pornstar one time, its equally possible, in this huge, billion dollar political slander machine, that it was either all, or mostly false. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    A complaint without support from witnesses would have gone nowhere.  They tried to forget about the incident until they saw his BS about respecting women in the debate, then they came forward.  To my knowledge there has been no attempt to get money from him, they just wanted the voters to know what kind of man he is.


    They can't get money from him without evidence, and they can't bring a court case without exposing themselves to slander/defamation because they have no evidence. 


    I mean its a effective spin you have put on it, but if you look at it from a legal perspective its pretty convenient. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    He's certainly beholden to his own MASSIVE business interests and those of his family and probably hundreds of cronies including RUSSIAN oligarchs.


    So, don't kid yourself. The USA has put a con man into power as corrupt and likely more corrupt than what's come before. 


    Im pretty sure you are the one losing your marbles over all this. Im also pretty sure you know just about 90% of your rhetoric is an extreme exaggeration/fear mongering. 

  11. 2 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

    I am afraid some of you Trump voters will be on the outside looking in. Goodbye Food stamps, abortions (war on women's rights), Planned Parenthood, Hello work fare, more military, wars. If you protest against Trump the storm troopers will come for you. 


    The only thing you are even remotely close on is the abortion thing and even then I don't think they are going to do much to it. 


    2 hours ago, louse1953 said:

    Lower taxes for the wealthy of course.Voodoo economics,Reagan style.




    Lower taxes for everyone. Naturally who knows what we are going to get in the end, but for the love of all that is holy its better than what Hillary was proposing. It will actually HELP people. 





    Tax rates

    The Trump Plan will collapse the current seven tax brackets to three brackets. The rates and breakpoints are as shown below. Low-income Americans will have an effective income tax rate of 0. The tax brackets are similar to those in the House GOP tax blueprint.

    Brackets & Rates for Married-Joint filers:
    Less than $75,000: 12%
    More than $75,000 but less than $225,000: 25%
    More than $225,000: 33%
    *Brackets for single filers are ½ of these amounts


  12. 18 minutes ago, zydeco said:


    Well, now, I definitely feel cheated.  I was elevated to his Ignore List quite some time ago, but I never got the email.  Unfair.


    I never got the email either, but still comment cause I KNOW he peeks at them. Has to. I mean I think he's ignore listed over 10 people in the last 2 days lol. Forum is gonna be a lonely place with a wall of nothing to view. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    To the ungraceful  sore winners who just keep repeating the electoral college result in response to everyone they don't like - well it's way past hubris time. Only those who have been gracious in victory can keep the high road. An energized Democrat Party. Strong Liberal voices with Sanders and Warren. This will be a long but necessary fight. Remember, the Trumpists wanted the Revolution.


    Ungraceful sore winners? After being put down and insulted for weeks on end? 


    I mean yeah, it really feels good, and the Electoral College Result did its job of checks and balances on a Republic of 50 States. 


    You talk about a resistance, not sure what you are "resisting" as this game was won fair and square. The only people you should be resisting is in your own party. 


    Resisting a legal and constitutional result is kinda the definition of a sore loser is it not? 

  14. 7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

     It's called lying.  It's the what a snake-oil salesman does, and Trump is Snake Oil Salesman #1.


         If I make a promise, I keep it.  If Trump makes a promise, it doesn't mean anything.  It's just words blown out of his mouth - to get people to prop him up.  All his multitudes of gun-totting followers believed his promises, did they not?  They also believed him when, for years, he said Obama was not born in the USA.  What do birthers believe now?  It doesn't matter, because the purpose of the birther movement has been fulfilled:  it was to show rednecks what a tough (and insightful / inciteful) guy the Trumpster is.  It propped up his image.  Now he doesn't need to keep repeating that particular lie, so he dropped it.


          They also believed Trump when he shouted, each day, what a horrible person HRC was.  He denigrated thousands of others who didn't prop him up.  Then, the day after the election, he says HRC is a good citizen.  He also donated to HRC's two election campaigns in earlier years, and that too proves what a lower-than-scum manipulating liar Trump is, when compared to his hate-filled 'lock-her-up' shouting of the past 17 months.  


            When Trump gives a "State of the Union" speech.  All his fans are going to jump up and down, believing he'll do what he says he'll do.   Then Trump won't follow up.   Then, what are his fans going to do?  Will they still believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim?   Nothing would surprise me.  If there are any more gullible group of bullies, let me know.  Ok, maybe ISIS fighters are more gullible, for believing in their screwed belief system.


    Do you so conveniently forget the rhetoric "Hill" was spouting against Obama in 2008? Then conveniently retracted and allied with him, and now they are buddy buddy homies with Michelle speaking at "Hill" rallies & stuff. 


    Geez its politics, you gotta get over it. That dog won't hunt anymore. 


    Trump said some retarded stuff but what he said was a stark contrast to Obama & Hillary, and people liked it. Trump didn't get voted in because he's a professional pussy grabber or wall builder so let it go. You got to stop insulting "the other side" because you believe them to be sub-par shitkickers. 

    Take away something positive, because clearly what Obama & Hill been doing for 8 years + has people throwing molotov cocktails into the works. And rightfully so. HRC Was a horrible person pandering to a small minority and calling everyone else a racist misogynist KKK member who didn't vote for her. Shit got old. Hillary lost because of it. Now you guys might be paying the price for all the bootlicking racial hate speech comments. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I don't take you seriously. Either trump or Pence to replace him is going to get at least two hard core right wing extremist SCOTUS picks that will definitely outlaw abortion.


    I hope they don't outlaw abortion, but what I was actually concerned about was "Hill" rolling in an Obamacare mandate that everyone should have abortion insurance. I mean there has to be a line drawn somewhere. 

  16. 13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    trump's victory validates and gives approval to misogynistic hate speech as above.  Expect a lot of more of that now and also targeted at Muslims, Latinos, LGBTQ, African Americans, Jews, and really most anyone that isn't a white man. 


    Its an insult but hardly hate speech and this kind of thing is what lost Hillary the election. I was literally called, on this forum, so many insulting and derogatory names for being a Trump supporter, and thats ok with you guys, but when the shoe is on the other foot, its hate speech. 

  17. Just now, Rob13 said:


     Somebody came up with the electoral college as compromise. A direct election would be fair -one man one vote  is not based on state populaion size. In a true democracy direct voting is what's fair. Electoral college works but it isn't true democracy. 


    By what definition? 


    "A direct election would be fair -one man one vote  is not based on state populaion size."


    One person, one vote, will infact favor large, highly populated states like Cali, New York, Illinois etc. Literally, by using the popular vote, we should change names to "Cali-nois" in stead of the United States - "Republic for witch it stands"


    Anyway I voted Trump but fully expected a Hillary win and had accepted it - until I flipped the laptop open that morning. 

  18. 2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Regardless of our opinion on who should win; this was actually not democracy as the person with the most votes did not get elected.   That our way - and believe was justified at the time - but today it becomes a liability IMHO as just too hard to try and justify anymore.


    We have a Democratic Republic or Representative Democracy with 50 states and a Federal District. All of witch need a voice. The Electoral College, while flawed I guess, it still vastly superior than a strict Popular Vote as Cali, New York, Illinois, etc would carry every election, and the rest would be left to rot. This may appeal to some people but in fairness and respect for the country as a whole, its better. 

  19. 3 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:


    A wall would affect wildlife movement. Some of it is already fenced but most of it is wilderness. There are national parks along the border, like Big Bend - nobody should be messing with these places.


    Apart from that, it's just a feelbad idea, and it still won't prevent illegal immigration.


    If by wildlife movement you mean Juarez Cartels migrating into Texas, Yep it would have a positive effect. 

  20. On 11/10/2016 at 10:08 AM, boomerangutang said:

    You're right.  More right-wingers on the Supreme Court - very likely.  The repercussions will go on for at least a generation.


    >>> More back-alley abortions.  

    >>>  Increased gender bias against LGBQ.  

    >>>  lifting of bans on assault weapons & armor piercing ammo,

    >>>  Continued jailing of Americans for having a bit of pot or growing a hemp plant.

    >>>  Maintaining provisions for corporations and super-rich donors to pour billions into buying politicians

    >>>  Maintain fossil fuel's massive pollution (by allowing off-shore drilling, and pipelines going everywhere)

    >>>  Maintain elitist well-funded school districts as distinct/divorced from dirt-poor districts.


    * You don't know anything about the Abortion deal yet.


    * The only gender bias I see against LGBQ is when they force their beliefs on people by berating them and name calling them. I do believe in equality for this group and its unfortunate that there may, or may not be a negative impact, but its not Trumps fault or the majority of States either. 


    *There is no Ban on Assault Weapons or armor piercing ammo right now, on a federal level. AR-15 still everywhere, sold everywhere, armor piercing green tip 5.56 still for sale everywhere, legally. Even after 8 years of Obama. So you are painting a picture that Trump will free up all this, when infact, Obama couldn't even touch it. Thank God. 


    *Jailing of Americans for breaking the law, and lets be real, a couple joints or a plant or 2 is a wrist-slap misdemeanor anyway. 


    *Super Rich Donors contribute to both sides and Democrats are just as guilty. 


    *Fossil Fuel Pollution? Unless you don't like electricity or cars, busses, airplanes, etc, you better deal with it or figure out a way for safe nuclear power. Pipelines going everywhere don't pollute and you would be shocked if you actually had any idea of the amount of pipelines there really are in the world, especially sub-sea. 


    *No idea where you are getting the School thing from and what trump plans to do to destroy it. 


    Honestly, really, NONE of this stuff will put americans to work, none of this stuff will lower taxes, none this stuff will bring health care insurance rates down..... 


    You are doing a good job or spinning all this in your favor, however misinformed it may be and weather intentional or not. 

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