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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 2 minutes ago, bokningar said:

    So what about this? Since you didn't get the first one




    Investigators in Texas reportedly believe that the sniper who shot and killed five Dallas police officers Thursday had legally purchased the weapons



    Legal purchase was the leading source of weapons used to kill police officers. In 107 slayings, the killers acquired their firearms legally. In 170 deaths, The Post could not determine how the shooters got their guns, including 29 killings in which weapons were not recovered


    Yeah well I can easily google some stuff in another tab and barf it up on here too. 


    You clearly missed where I said "Legally buy and go through the process to legally carry"

  2. These motors run of the trucks electrical supply? Is there any difference in the strength of the motor when the truck is idling/running?


    Another thing to help diagnose is bring the truck RPM over about 1800 and hold it there, and try it. 1800 RPM is about where the alternator starts to generate full power. 


    This would provide some more info. 


    Also the gas strut things might need a little lubrication on the shiny ram part. A little motor oil on a paper towel and give it another try. 


    How old is the kit? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Chicog said:

    They are extremely good at what they do, although in my opinion misguided.


    Thats because "your opinion" comes from being raised in a different country and getting all your info from BBC & the like with out any real on the ground exposure. You choose to be critical of everything the US does, and thats entirely your problem. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Get Real said:

    Just wait to see what the new clown in the US can do about that. I am pretty sure that he can mess that up real good too. Even if he like guns. It´s just that the wrong people in the wrong places always seems to be the mother of a perfect disaster.


    Seems like you are foaming at the mouth in anticipation.... 


    I got some bad news though - aint gonna happen. Good ole USA will be just fine. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    No but you took part in the conversation, and then you might be the one that should wear a plastic bag when the rain of truth are upon you.


    Welp, considering the demographic of this forum, I don't expect much support. But, um, yeah. lets all just blame the NRA for running congress & stuff cause that makes sense & stuff because tragedy & stuff. 


    Anyway, with a Repub Prez-elect, Senate, House, and some Justices coming up, I'm good for a while and the NRA & Firearm Debate is pretty much an untouchable issue. 


    Its unfortunate that some crazies do crazy things. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

    Like I said, not going to engage because there is no chance that you will ever change your opinion, short of a tragedy which affects you personally, and maybe not even then.


    I could have easily guessed that you value being led around by Wayne LaPierre and his ilk at NRA. Maybe not so much if you ever had to face the effects of his rhetoric up close and personal as I have many times.


    Look, I got a lot of respect for law enforcement, to a point. I have family in law enforcement as well. 


    I do value my right to protect myself when you guys are not around. NRA isn't leading me anywhere. 


    Anyway I have no idea what you are talking about with the whole 'tragedy & dangerous rhetoric' deal. 

  7. Just now, WaywardWind said:

    Not even going to engage with you if you believe that the NRA is not a major impediment to responsible firearms regulation in the US.


    The NRA Has nothing to do with Legislation. Congress = Legislation. People use the NRA as a cop-out and say things like "Well the NRA gave money to so & so's campaign therefore so & so works for the NRA" 


    Its retarded and I don't agree with it at all. I do however value the NRA and Im a lifetime member. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

    There were two police shot yesterday - this one in San Antonio, and another cop in St. Louis, where a car pulled up net to a cop car and opened fire; the police sergeant was hit twice in the face but is miraculously expected to survive. The gunman in the St. Louis incident was later killed by officers trying to apprehend him.


    I am a former cop, including several years in a street crimes unit dealing with violent street criminals.  Both of my sons are cops - one detective, one sergeant - and I wake up every single day hoping that they are both safe.


    The US is awash in firearms, and far too many wind up in the hands of people who should not be allowed anywhere near a firearm, yet the NRA has a such a stranglehold on Congress that there is almost no chance of remedial legislation gaining approval.


    You are a former US Cop and still believe the NRA is the problem? Like, literally the NRA is controlling congress legislation? 


    Pretty far out man. 

  9. 5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    at 3:30 am the next morning, Trump tweeted, "Yea, you know the lead woman in the play? She used to be a 10, but now she's a fatty.  Still, you can find her x-rated video on the internet. Yea, go look it up. I've been watching it all night.  And yea, her grandmother is a Mexican."


    Im really starting to see that the liberal left will stop at nothing & have no shame. 

  10. Dude, Citibank. 


    Contact Citibank either online or by phone, request the application paperwork to be mailed to your "Address" IE your daughters address, have her forward the paperwork to you in Thailand by DHL or whatever, fill it all out, mail it back to your daughter, have her mail it in to Citibank Houston, TX with whatever is needed. 


    Wait for a reply and your Debit/Credit card. Have the daughter send your card to thailand. Use the card to open online banking. Job done. 


    I have 2 accounts with Citibank. 1 in Houston TX and 1 in Singapore. All USD accounts. Never stepped foot in a Citibank branch and all done by post from Thailand. Have 2 Credit Cards (actual credit cards) from Citibank as well. All done online and by post. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Shiver said:

    Carburettor.  Oil had lots of carbon deposits of course, but the oil got to be almost watery thin as well (on the dipstick).


    Yeah thats not the oils fault thats straight up fuel contamination and it would happen with a synthetic just the same. Either due to a pig rich carb or old ring seal or a combination of both. You can't blame the oil for doing its job, and a major part of that job is absorbing fuel contamination and retaining lubrication properties. 

  12. Back when I was like 14 years old - my first car was a 302" 5L V8 Mustang with a carb and about 180K Miles. Ran good, didn't consume oil, didn't smoke. Ran 10w-30 Conventional oil in it. Synthetics were becoming popular and before I really knew anything I decided to get myself some "Extra HP and Protection" and swapped to a full synthetic 10w-30. 


    Well, that was a mistake. White smoke on startup, white smoke at WOT, and it started to spring leaks. Rear main seal, valve cover gaskets... Not bad leaks, but I went from no oil consumption to a quart or so in 1k miles with drops of oil on the ground after being parked overnight. 


    Changed back to conventional and the problems went away. This was about 19 years ago and Synthetics have come a long way, but I still hold the opinion that synthetics have their place - and its not in the crankcase of an old engine. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, carlyai said:

    The size is the thing. The meter is analogue, 0 -300 V, model BP-45B which is a size about 5cm X 5cm. There are lots of 0 -300 V meters around but no bp-45b or 5cm x5cm.


    Never mind the BP-45B part number. 


    The face of your gauge is probably 5X5cm but the opening where it goes is smaller and thats what you need to measure. 


    I betcha this would fit and be compatible:




    Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 11.07.29 AM.png

  14. 9 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Am taking the piss, I only use what is recommended by the manufacturer as I see no need to use my vehicles as chemistry experiments by trying to cheap out on oil, If one cannot afford the recommended oil in their ride every 10,000km then maybe they should consider selling it.


    lmao I was wondering what you were on about. 



  15. 4 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Yeah synth is over kill, I just use straight 50 weight conventional is all my vehicles now, the camry does not seem to like it though.


    Not really overkill imho of the manufacturer recommends it, and you get double the mileage out of it before a service is necessary. But yeah pouring the 'expensive stuff' in an oldish car is overkill. 


    Whats the Camry doing on the 50 weight? Valve train clatter or bit of smoke? 

  16. 26 minutes ago, carlyai said:

    Final got around to replacing the meter. No reply from the company, and can't find an analogue meter type BP-45B.

    They must be around, but don't really want to make a bigger hole for a different sized meter.

    Any ideas where to get one?


    They are pretty much standard sized - just need to find one that is the same size and pinout. 


    I don't know what the back of yours looks like but aliexpress has them from china if you don't mind waiting 2 - 3 weeks. Buy a spare or 2 while your at it. You don't really need to buy that exact part number. Here is a page with quite a few options if you know what the back of your gauge looks like and the size, you can easily replace it. 


    Aliexpress linked   (Scroll down a bit)


    Otherwise you just gotta drive around looking for a replacement at specialty shops. Personally I'm lazy and if its working fine, I don't want to waste an entire day driving around when I can just order one and wait. 

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