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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 12 hours ago, Anthony5 said:

    The voltage at both motors measures about 7.5V during operation. When the movement is stuck the voltage drops to 3.5V. No rating plates on the motor other than the sticker of the Super Up company.


    Those motors look just like bog standard power window motors FYI

  2. On 11/21/2016 at 6:31 PM, questionsreplies said:

    Bmw now changes oil every 25000kms, benz still 10000 but both use synthetic, i wonder why ? but service being free at bmw during 5 years, ir might be the reason...


    Its because its using a synthetic and synthetics last longer than conventional. They resist fuel contamination while retaining viscosity. 


    This, combined with modern engine building techniques & machining, modern piston rings, ring gap is down to a science and some higher tech engines are using gapless piston rings, and todays crankcase ventilation, all do a real good job at keeping fuel in the combustion chamber and not blowing by into the crankcase and contaminating the oil. 


    Its just as much the tech as it is the oil. 


    Same goes for what sotsira said above. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Chicog said:


    It states quite clearly that it doesn't apply to any but spouses.

    So I'm not quite sure you would answer my post by going off at some meaningless tangent.

    I assume you didn't actually bother reading the article.


    Dude, misdemeanor domestic violence is ANY family member, bro and sis, father, mother, boyfriend & girlfriend cohabitation, etc... Even gay relationships for christ sake. 


    Im telling you this 100% sure as shit that it is 100% not just a spouse. Can be a brother, father, boyfriend, girlfriend... Any relationship in a "domestic setting. 


    I do not need to read your dumb article because I'm an american gun rights advocate and know the damn law. Im also a CWP holder and I have family in the police force. 


    You are the one thats for some stupid reason trying to (as a foreigner) debate with an American about American Gun laws. I know the law. You clearly don't. 


    Fact - If a person catches a domestic violence charge they are banned for life. Its not just a spouse. 





    Domestic violence (also named domestic abusebattering, or family violence) is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitationIntimate partner violence is violence by a spouse or partner in an intimate relationship against the other spouse or partner. Domestic violence can take place in heterosexual and same-sex family relationships, and can involve violence against children in the family or, in some U.S. states, violence against a roommate.[1]





    The Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban, often called "the Lautenberg Amendment" ("Gun Ban for Individuals Convicted of a Misdemeanor Crime of Domestic Violence", Pub.L. 104–208,[1] 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9)[2]), is an amendment to the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 1997, enacted by the 104th United States Congress in 1996, which bans access to firearms by people convicted of crimes of domestic violence. The act is often referred to as "the Lautenberg Amendment" after its sponsor, Senator Frank Lautenberg (D - NJ).


  4. 57 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Many people in the USA are retired, students, taking a break, flexible work schedule (home workers, etc.), stopped looking for work because looked for a long time with no results, normally unemployed (between jobs), unemployable, disabled, or underemployed. That situation crosses ideological lines. 


    And they are rioting & protesting and calling it a revolution and that the "Government should fear them" because they can't get a job? 


    I have never met anyone in my entire life that was "Unemployable" in the USA. Unless they are a convicted Felon in witch case they are a non-voice and non-issue. 

  5. 39 minutes ago, Morch said:


    Well, you do dish out some yourself, as well. I'm not a newcomer to this forum or these topics, so guess I can safely say labeling and mudslinging are hardly limited to one side or another.


    Oh yeah of course I do. My patience is non-existent anymore. Im so over this childish 'revolution' nonsense and the rhetoric involved and I'm damn sure tired of the derogatory comments as well. 


    I can safely say as well that the nasty mudslinging definitely comes from the left, probably the extreme left, and its directed at ANYONE that isnt in their camp & they have zero intention of logical debate on any issue. 


    All I can say now is that this mindset is probably the straw that broke the camels back in this election & the rioting, protests, and the ridiculous idea that "The government should fear us" is just cementing their place on the sidelines. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Not much into labeling, but how does one reference racism without calling it racist?

    I'm not talking about slinging it at every available opportunity, which may have been what you meant by "simple debate", though.


    Thats exactly what I meant. Slinging it at every opportunity. Seriously, I've been called just about every derogatory name that is allowed on this forum, just simply for being pro trump. 


    Having an open debate about racism or discrimination or whatever is very possible without being nasty. 


    All you got to do is go back in these political threads prior to and after election day and the venom is thick and its usually from the left to the right and has been that way for a while. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Chicog said:

    I don't think you can. But you can get rid of the extremely dangerous ones and take more steps to keep them out of the hands of those that would do harm with them.


    Would that not be worth if it saved hundreds of lives a year? Or thousands? Would you a put a human price on it?

    Pointless comparing it with the UK because we took our chance to remove them before it got out of hand.


    You do realize that the gun used in the Dallas police shooting of those police officers was a Soviet SKS and the polar opposite of an "assault weapon" right? It does not even have a detachable magazine. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, Chicog said:

    That only affects convicted domestic abusers.


    Um yeah as it should be. 


    "The Guardian" is hardly a place to go looking for federal law study. Domestic Violence covers anyone living in a household, family members, bro & sis, child and father, boyfriend or girlfriend. All inclusive. Its a "domestic" charge otherwise it would be just assault/battery. 


    Your post is nonsense. They are not banned from carrying they are lifetime banned from even owning a gun period. They would not pass a background check in their lifetime. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, Chicog said:

    Added: If I remember correctly, legislation to block known domestic abusers from owning firearms is one of the many measures shot down by the NRA (excuse the pun).


    False, misdemeanor domestic violence is one of only a couple of misdemeanors that will exempt you, for life, from owning a firearm. Its called the Laughtenburg Amendment. Its a federal law. Nation Wide. 



  10. 21 minutes ago, Chicog said:


    Unfortunately for you, this is a public forum, ergo you were.




    No, I was trying to stay out of knowingly getting into a debate with an Englishman who has a US chip on his shoulder who constantly haunts the US political threads. Its a public forum of course & say what you want. It was a personal choice. 


    Judging by the amount of consecutive replies to my posts, you have taken it personally. Deal with it. 

  11. Dunno about the refurbished thing, but I would be willing to bet the motors are not 'made for your kit'. It would be the other way around. I could be wrong but thats usually how it works with stuff like this. The motors should have a serial number or casting number or something on them you could google if you felt like it. 


    Anyway 1500 each id just replace them and get another 5 years out of it. Hell by that time it will be time for a new truck. 


    Hopefully someone else can help with the refurbishing. 

  12. 28 minutes ago, retarius said:

    I guess you reap what you sow. America is over-violenced. Cops are trigger happy and the perps also carry. It's a big problem for those in the lower socio-economic spectrum.  I won't be shedding any tears for shot cops until they stop shooting the blacks. I know this will be an unpopular view but there you go.' Protect and Serve' should not mean mow down innocent black  kids.


    Why do you call them "The Blacks"?


    How many have actually been deemed "Innocent'?


    Nobody is "Mowing down innocent black kids". Im sure we can go out and google some real clickbait but the vast majority are completely justified. 

  13. Well if the gas struts are not the cause, and you have no change with trying it at RPM, and you know for a fact that there is not a voltage/power problem, and there is no restriction in the system and nothing is in a bind and everything is lubricated, then yeah its got to be the little motors. 


    To answer your question, yes little cheapie 12v motors lose their 'potency' after a while. Same as the little 12v motors that roll the windows up and down. They get old. I have no idea about 'overhauling' the motors. Maybe someone else can help with that. 


    5K for 2 12v motors sounds crazy expensive though I would think 5K for a whole set. Gotta be easily sourced online? 


  14. 8 minutes ago, bokningar said:

    I'm back to :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


    How much did that little end twist help those por police men/women and their families? 

    They could legally buy the weapons and DID KILL those police officers.

    No crap about process to legally carry will get those lives back. :saai:


    1 hour ago, chilli42 said:

    The supply of guns and the carry regulations are clearly a problem.  That said, there is a much deeper societal problem that is much tougher to fix.


    Thats because I'm talking about the legal, law abiding americans that go through the process of getting a legal gun, and getting a legal carry permit, passing all the background checks and whatnot, don't kill cops. My original reply was to the poster who said that the 'carry regulations are clearly a problem' when in fact the people that legally carry are not the problem. This was obviously incredibly hard for you to grasp judging by your childish emoticon tangent.


  15. 3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


              Perhaps you can convince a class of first graders, but anyone over the age of 6 knows the NRA have mega-influence with politicians and laws.  NRA shovels tens of millions of $$'s to politicians who play ball with increased gun sales operatives.   With Trump at the helm, NRA will push for liberal gun laws nationwide, without state-by-state limitations.   That will translate to open- or concealed carry of semi- and automatic weapons anywhere in the US.  Right Wing hate groups will love it.  So too will hardened criminals, mafia-wannabes, and drug dealers.   Brace yourselves for many more firearm deaths in upcoming years.   Some will be baddies, and some will be innocents, but the numbers will surely soar, and gun sellers and NRA/gun huggers won't mind a bit, unless it's someone they care for.


    Boomer, just stop. Ive seen your attempted posts on the subject of 'guns' over several threads and you literally have NO idea what you are talking about. 


    Seriously, why do you shamelessly fear monger like this?

  16. 8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    California has relatively tough gun laws, and they recently added restrictions on certain types of ammo.  Hopefully, other states will follow California's lead - though it's less likely now with a gun-lover about to lead the country down the ugly path of more gun harm.


    The only people that care about what California does are Californians. 


    When if comes to gun rights & laws, gun owners nation wide use California and Chicago as a measuring stick of how shitty personal protection can get. 

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