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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 13 hours ago, bberrythailand said:

    Also when someone is telling that inverters are too complicated for local technicians, it remind me the stupid (poor charlies) people that were telling that Porsche and Benz were not able to service these car correctly in Thailand, before I bought them, which is of course more than stupid and wrong.


    Everybody now knows inverters and they are nothing complicated, so please people, stop talking about what you have no clue !!!


    I certainly hope you realize that a service is kindergarten level, and diagnostics is a profession all its own. 


    This applies to air conditioners, Porsche, and Benz. 

  2. 1 hour ago, JAS21 said:

    Not in the Everest, Ranger,  Fiesta EcoBoost or Focus my friend ... Hope ur taking this onboard ☺




    Just had a look, and yep, they recommend "Ford-Magnatec Professional A5" 5W30 for gasoline engines. This is a fully synthetic API SN; ILSAC GF-4




    They also - on the bottle itself - go on to note that their 'claims' of better longevity over other brands are a 'Dramatization of (Ra)' witch translates to "haha you just bought our oil over the other guys"


    Point being (for anyone reading) that its all about the SAE API standard that the manufacturer recommends. 


    Screen Shot 2016-11-19 at 6.57.45 PM.png


  3. Just now, Naam said:

    4 Samsung (18k, 2x12k and 2x9k btu/h) running in our German home since 1997; summers only of course. replaced parts: 1 fan motor inside unit, 2 starting capacitors, never any refrigerant topping. the LORD works in mysterious ways.


    lol yep like you and others said - pick a brand and someone will have something bad to say. (ME) 


    Im pretty sure though, that as far as complaints go, Mitsubishi is regarded as a good brand, if not one of the best. 


    Ive got 2 18k Samsung's in the house now, and they both require topping up at every service. The one I replaced just would NOT STOP LEAKING. It was infuriating as it was in the bedroom. Im in Isaan and the locals just don't have the equipment to do effective pressure tests. 


    Changed a copper flair fitting - frozen solid aircon in 2 weeks


    Changed another copper fitting - Frozen again. 


    Changed ALL the copper with perfect copper flair fittings - Frozen. 


    AC Guy totally swapped the outside unit with another one he had in his shop - frozen. 


    After all this ^ ok F**** it new aircon time. 

  4. 2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    Don't put too much stock in what the new car manufacturers say. Most spec 5W20 -  the only reason to help CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) Dino oil plenty good enough for run of the mill cars and trucks. Change every 5000 km. Full Syn OK for high performance bikes - and cars - where they are making lots of horsepower and operating at high revs. Overkill for anything else. Will not significantly increase engine life or mileage. But if you want to spend the $$$ for some pie-in-the-sky benefit - UP 2 U


    Imho a person should always use what the manufacturer recommends for a 'run of the mill' car. Trying to 'out-think' the manufacturer (who has way more time in R&D than we do) is kinda silly. 


    All the performance engines that Ive built use conventional oil. Not synthetic. My last one was over 700HP at the tires with Nitrous (7,000 RPM) and still use conventional oil. The reason being is that conventional oil lubricates just fine, and its cheaper as I change oil every 500 - 1000 miles after initial break in for inspection. 


    There are other benefits to synthetic such as increased oil change interval (10,000 MILES) if the manufacturer approves of it. 

  5. Well, in my experience, Ive had Samsung, Daikin, Mitsubishi, Hitachi.


    The absolute WORST brand that Ive ever had the displeasure of buying was the Samsung. Lawd. 


    Imho - now - the 'best' most dependable is the Mitsubishi. Hands Down. Its also the more expensive brand. 


    I have never had an inverter unit, and the reason is that I don't believe the locals in the provinces are capable of diagnosing issues with them yet. I choose to stick with a unit that uses slightly more electricity, but has there benefit of being a 'familiar' system to the locals. 


    About a month ago a 3 year old samsung needed replacing, and I got a 12k Mitsubishi. There was an option for a newer R32 refrigerant model and the older R22 model. 


    I chose the older R22 model as 99% of the guys out here will be familiar with the refrigerant pressures of R22 and I don't want to have anything thats outside the box. 

  6. Nowadays - you gotta read up on the 'API Service Standard' - or equivalent. 


    Its not really a guessing game anymore. Your owners manual for your particular vehicle should indicate what viscosity is required, and what API Service Standard. 


    A lot of modern oils are semi-synthetic or fully-synthetic. In Thailand its a little harder to find 'conventional' but not impossible. 


    Lol this subject is bound to cause some debate. 


    End of the day, really, use exactly what the manufacturer recommends. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    I see, you don't have a good answer, so you obfuscate.  I'll try that: 


    Yeah, I get it, you don't agree, but what do you, or myself even begin to know about the State Department e-mail practices.


    I can see why you like that, it's an easy diversion.


    Plenty of mud thrown at Hillary by the Republicans, but it never sticks.  The Whitewater investigation began as an investigation of real estate investments but expanded, an ran through most of the 1990's at a cost of $80 million, into a "find anything you can on the first family".  They got Bill on the BJ (funny result for a real estate investigation) but came up empty on HRC.  She is the most thoroughly investigated Presidential candidate in history, and has never been charged with a crime.  Now her critics are saying the investigations indicate guilt.  Of course they don't say that about Trump.


    Imagine what a similar investigation of Trump would produce.


    Investigate away. Have at it. 


    If I was you I would at least try to find some stuff that will either stick, or is at the very least "new". 


    Otherwise you just continually parrot things that have been debated to death. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Ignore list time. No value in this.


    Anyway, no I really was asking Americans to say what they are telling foreigners that they think are at all curious about what happened to the USA recently.


    I think my count is like 15 people he has ignore listed since November 9. 


    I was ignore listed prior to November 9.


    Only reason I been paying attention is because watching the incredible amount of slapped-ass syndrome is just too great.


    Why are you so concerned with what other people think? 

  9. 9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    " your hostility towards women who have impugned the good name (such as it is) of your hero."


    You really should take my comments in context.  As to "hang em high", you're just making stuff up.


    We're not discussing court cases, we're discussing the character of candidate/president elect Trump.


    You are condemning Trump repeatedly, over and over and over again with the same, unoriginal nonsense. Yeah, you clearly want to hang em high. 


    Again, I'm not hostile towards women that blah blah yada yada the good name blah blah of trump, just the lying man hating windbags and opportunists. Get over it. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Morch said:

    This is something I'm wondering about. His business seems to rely on a whole lot of fragmented entities, and of course, branding. How involved is he with actually running these ventures is not clear. What does it imply for the way he'll run the administration? Not sure its all bad, actually, not as if the POTUS micro-manages every little detail. Then again, perhaps that's a recipe for such law suits, while serving as a convenient excuse.


    Edit - Nvm. 


    Yeah its impossible to run the trump organization or the US single handedly


    How its all gonna play out - who knows. The molotov cocktails have been thrown. Now we wait. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    The argument is that the investigation of HRC was closed with no charges filed, while there are still charges, audits and court cases tied to Trump.  It remains to be seen if he comes out clean. 


    It also remains to be seen if he can conduct himself in office to the required ethical standards.  My guess is that he can't, however he will have to get really blatant in the conflict of interest before a Republican congress takes action.


    Again, and again, Trump has like 500 businesses ++ so I'm good go out on a reasonably short & easy to reach limb here and say this is all pretty normal business practice. Yeah, I get it, you don't agree, but what do you, or myself even begin to know about the accounting requirements of an empire like that. 


    Plenty of mud on Hillary, not just the email server. 


    Yeah a lot remains to be seen, so why don't you just let it go and lets wait it out? Nothing you can do now other than continually parrot all the same unoriginal nonsense as before the votes were cast. 

  12. 1 minute ago, heybruce said:

    I'm not fired up, I'm kind of amused by your hostility towards women who have impugned the good name (such as it is) of your hero.


    As far as consent, it's the old "he says, she says" problem.  However when approximately a dozen women with nothing to gain and certain to face hostility and threats from Trump fans go public anyway, I think there may be something to the charges.


    "Hostility towards women"? Are you trying to beat the war drums or what? Im not hostile to women at all, except for a slight few that fall in the camp of Gloria Allred, and even then its only because of the hatred she spouts towards men. Look her up on youtube its insane. YES I don't agree with Allred's rhetoric. Deal with it. 


    Yeah, thats right, "she said, he said" but clearly you are ready to "hang em high" regardless. 


    What you "think" has no legal standing. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Feminazi lawyers?  You are a truly enlightened individual, aren't you.


    I've been posting about sexual assault, not rape.  Do you know something I don't know?


    Wow you are really fired up aren't you? You realize the kind of shit Trump Supporters have been called over the last few weeks? On this forum and on the news? 


    Yes Feminazi lawyer. Jessica Drake, the pornstar, and Gloria Allred, her lawyer. Completely opportunist nonsense from BOTH of them. 


    17 minutes ago, heybruce said:


    What?  A link to a portrayal of how I feel about Trump U? 


    How about a short summary?  I think it was a scam, a fraud, a means to fleece gullible people out of their money while giving them no marketable knowledge.  Is that good enough?


    Actually I wanted to know if it was 100% Trump's scam, or basically a company of his that went haywire. Looks like he owned it, but relied on others to manage it. Its unfortunate, but is it really 100% Trumps fault? The dude has like over 500 businesses and subsidiaries plus. 




    9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    Seriously?  Do you think there aren't bosses banging their secretaries?  Do you think there aren't secretaries trying to get into their boss's pants?  Old men chasing young women and young women trying to screw their way into an advantageous position are as old as society.


    If it's between consenting adults I don't care.  When there is no consent it is a problem.


    What evidence of "No Consent" do we legitimately have against Trump? After all this? 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

    OK, so it was a coincidence, understood, I knew the 58% white voter figure already, and when I asked about it you made a comment about white people not being denied the vote, I am sure you can understand why you would be mistaken for a racist, if indeed you are not.


    Geez man clearly everyone is trigger happy with the racist word. 

  15. 43 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

    That wasn't the question, nor the topic to which I replied.


    I supported and voted for Hillary Clinton. You support Trump. I understood the probable consequences of Clinton being elected and, for the most part, agreed with them. If you didn't before, you need to make yourself aware of the consequences of Trump being elected, because they will have impact on the daily lives of billions of people, irrespective of their nationality and place of residence. In my opinion, those consequences will be dire.  YMMV.


    Fear Mongering. Childish level fear mongering. 


    Give it up. You are insinuating that I'm somehow unaware of "what I've done" by voting Trump. 


    I know exactly what Ive done. Couldn't care less what you think. Get over it. 

  16. 44 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:
    1 hour ago, Strange said:

    I don't mind at all, but obviously you missed where that English "Sir" called me a fool, and prompted that response. It is annoying when a non-American comes in with insults like he knows whats best for America and its Citizens and refuses to look at anything from an American Perspective. 


    I dont comment on Brexit stuff. 



    Where did I say you can't comment? 


    What the US Does in the Election cycle may effect you, but there is nothing you can do about it. 


    Also, what, exactly, has the USA done to effect you personally, and in any real notable way? 

    Invaded Iraq


    The Iraq invasion effected you, as a non-us citizen, in a negative way? How? 

  17. 8 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

    Producing goods in the US will cost substantially more, so while there may well be more jobs in manufacturing, the cost of the items will increase exponentially, hardly a benefit for US consumers.


    Donald a good negotiator? Tell that to all of the contractors, tradesmen, and suppliers that he as stiffed over the past decades. His idea of negotiation is to agree to a price for a given service or item, then refuse to pay and threaten the other party with long drawn out litigation. He can do that with small businessmen, but he will get eaten alive when he tries it with large multinationals.


    Americans working in the fields? You are seriously dreaming. Donald promised the folks in Michigan that he would bring back jobs. They were thinking like the old days when a worker on the line made $60,000+. Do you really think they will work the fields picking lettuce for $24K? Even if a way was found to get the lettuce picked in exchange for higher wages, how long will American families put up with paying $8 for a head of lettuce that now costs $1.25?


    What you propose is deport the illegal immigrants, subject them to a lengthy process to re-enter legally, and then paying them higher wages to do their old jobs. The costs for such a process for the millions of people involved would be astronomical. Why not simply give them a path while they are here now: register them, vet them in place (deporting the undesirables), and then let the majority stay and continue working? Why pay the billions needed to deport them all, severely disrupting their lives and more generally, the American economy?


    You could have said that you Support Hillary Clinton and the status quo

  18. 23 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:

    Trumpcare after Obamacare?


    Last year cost me over $700 a month as a 32 year old male with no other dependents. Prior to Obamacare it cost me about $250 a month. For a plan of relatively equal value. 


    If I can get health insurance for less than a fuggin cheap home mortgage, please, call it whatever you like! 


    Call it pussygrabbincare if it makes people feel good. 

  19. 24 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Good point.  I'm not American either, but have been (mostly) understanding of the Trump election vote and posting against the anti-Trump demonstrations.


    Please forgive me for having an opinion on these subjects - in the same way I (sort of :lol:) forgive those non-Brit voters commenting on the Brexit vote.


    I don't mind at all, but obviously you missed where that English "Sir" called me a fool, and prompted that response. It is annoying when a non-American comes in with insults like he knows whats best for America and its Citizens and refuses to look at anything from an American Perspective. 


    I dont comment on Brexit stuff. 


    19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    We all get to comment on the election. Whatever the US does affects us all.


    Where did I say you can't comment? 


    What the US Does in the Election cycle may effect you, but there is nothing you can do about it. 


    Also, what, exactly, has the USA done to effect you personally, and in any real notable way? 

  20. 4 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

    Perhaps TV should run this survey again at the end of 2017, or in 2018, when Trump's economic plans have caused substantial increases in inflation in the US, weakening the USD, and the exchange rate for the THB is in the mid-20s, and consumer goods from the US cost double here from the already high levels because of retaliatory tariffs imposed by Thailand in response to US tariff increases on goods from Asian countries.


    So you are saying that the USA should adjust its policy not for the good of Americans, but for the good of Thailand and American Expats in Thailand? 


    Naaaaa. Ill pass. 

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