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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 33 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

     Armys are not healthy,mentally or physically and they teach you to kill.That can't be normal.Just a power trip for some.


    31 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    By parents,not by strangers with a big stick.By 18-20 it is to late anyway.


    15 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    Ask any old guy that has actually been to war and they all say,don't go.War is just a tool for the rich to take and make money at the youth and poor's expense.And the taxpayer pays.Just wealth transference to the wealthy.


    11 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    Rubbish.It is brainwashing pure and simple and many don't recover.


    Um, you realize that you would be speaking German right now if it wasn't for the "rubbish" "brainwashing" nonsense you are speaking of currently. 


    Amazing how quickly you guys forget. Its not like it was that long ago either. 


    As for OP, I highly doubt he needs to worry about being drafted/conscripted. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Silurian said:

    A little bit tongue in check opinion article...but has some grains of truth.


    "but has some grains of truth."


    This is how things get spun so out of control. Those pesky "grains of truth".


    Take those "grains", add in a whole bunch of conjecture, misdirection, spin, media motivation for "clicks & views" and you get a headline like the one in the OP. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

    Given they've been convicted, why would they need a lawyer? I'd say they've already been assisted in that regard.  He's only asking two questions in relation to Thai law, not about lawyers. :wai:


    I read this and formed an opinion based on the context in witch it was written:


    On 12/12/2016 at 10:03 PM, Kvanting said:

    Now, everyone in the group are convicted to pay 400 000 THB each or serve 10 years in prison.


    You probably know more than me about Thai Law, but that statement ^^ does not sound like a 'conviction' it sounds like a settlement option offered under a threat of 10 years. 


    To me thats not a conviction at all. Hasn't even been decided by a court. Its an offer to make it go away. 


    Personally, 400k sounds like a steal, but I would still advise anyone to lawyer up & shut up. "Friend" or not. 


    I may be completely wrong as well. Its just what I interpreted. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, NeverSure said:
    42 minutes ago, Andreas2 said:

    Is there any information or evidence publicly available, that the "DNC server" was hacked at all and which information from there was used to help DJT to win the election?




    But yet the headline reads:


    On 12/11/2016 at 6:55 AM, rooster59 said:

    CIA says Russia helped Donald Trump win the White House


    This is the thing that aggravates me. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, sotonowl said:

    Well if he only has a Thai passport he must have indefinate leave to remain stamped in it or they wouldn't let him back in to the EU


    I dunno about EU stuff, and what your saying makes perfect sense to me (as a layman) but it seemed like OP was concerned about Thailand not allowing him to leave due to a military conscription/draft kinda thing in Thailand, not about re-entering EU. 


    Im drawing conclusions here based on available information of course, and maybe OP will chime in again, but it looks like he's all good in the EU, and he's just worried about departing Thailand. 


    Did I miss something? 

  6. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    If you are talking that i like the junta .. its more a matter of disliking them less than the previous groups. 


    Honestly, I'm out here Isaan way, and just about every Thai I talk to says the same thing. My wife feels the same way. She hates it when I rant about the junta lol but I get it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, balo said:

    22 years in Europe and the only passport you own is Thai ?  Why didn't you apply for citizenship in your new country ?  You went through the school system since you were 5 and you do not speak Thai anymore. I would stay away from Thailand until you get a new passport. 


    Maybe I misunderstood or misread it, but are we assuming he is a thai national staying in EU Illegally? 


    I was thinking he was a born Thai that migrated to Europe (assumed through family) and wanted to return to Thailand on his Thai passport for 3 weeks. Shouldn't be a damn thing wrong with that right?

  8. 49 minutes ago, William C F Pierce said:

    Underfloor cooling is gradually coming into use in southern Europe.


    Do you have a youtube vid handy to show what you are talking about? Just a general principal vid. 


    Im genuinely curious because I don't see how it will work. There are several schools of thought on how to cool a home via 'underfloor' or 'underground' cooling. None of witch are a viable option compared to just bolting in an air conditioner and pressing "on". 


    Can you drop an informational link to what you are looking at? 

  9. 23 minutes ago, William C F Pierce said:

    A home is not a business. You do not equate a profit from everything you ever purchase for a home or it's running costs. Some people do have to consider the running costs of affordability, whilst others do not.


    In other words, the technology just does not exist in regards to air-conditioning a home with solar power. Its not there yet in a household form. The outlay and surface area required to cool a home in tropical climates like Thailand, as well as run all the consumer items in the home, is just not cost effective. Its cheaper to pay your electric bill. 

  10. 50 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I am talking about both EU and Thailand. I am talking about conscription.. not a professional army. 


    The stories i heard about the Dutch army for instance were tales of drinking and drinking and wasted time. (conscription not the Dutch professional army that we have now)


    Gotcha. I can see how it could be a waste of time on the Thai side, unless its a family thing and all the entitlements therein. 


    Didn't know the feelings were like that for the Dutch conscription. 


    Murica' its a good deal to get into the military at least for a couple years. Learn a trade & get a GI Bill. 

  11. 51 minutes ago, bobberh said:

    Can anyone please enlighten me more about this topic? and is there a chance that i would be denied from traveling back til EU?


    Coming in on a Thai passport at like 27-28 years old? 


    I don't know much about the subject, but as far as Thailand is concerned they probably don't even know who you are. Its not like they got mega-records on everyone. Your birth cert records are probably on paper in some dusty file cabinet somewhere. 


    Im sure there will be some people on here that will put the fear of god into you about it, but honestly I would not worry about it. 

  12. 33 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

    Which had nothing to do with this post. If he was driving a car, he wouldn't have gotten pickpocketed either, but he wasn't so I'm trying to stay on topic. He was on a bus with Russians. If his post said he was on a bus with Thais, then that's a different response and a different post.


    OP did the right thing, no doubt. I can't stand a thief. Lowest of the low. Buy him I beer or 20 if I would have been there, and I would like to think I would have done the same thing. 


    Playing devils advocate, nobody knows whats going on behind the scenes. Driver could have known the little shit or his team, called them when OP got off to inform location, and retaliation ensues. These pea-brained knuckleheads are incapable of losing face or receiving any kind of punishment without losing their shit. 


    So all in all, completely on-topic. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, robblok said:

    You don't have to follow our ways at all but people should then accept all the price and it looks like less and less people accept to pay the price. Hence the heavy discussion on the subject in your own country.


    Nope, all the firearm rhetoric coming out of the white house in the last 8 years has re-invigorated americans in support of 2A and self defense, not the other way around, but I can see how people on the outside would see it that way. Dont want to get political but just a side note, the US went full red top to bottom and thats a hardcore win for 2A in itself. Trust me this subject, 2A, is wholly supported in some context or another across the board. 


    I know what you are saying in the rest of your post but its been done to death. Hypothetical situations, self defense, statistics, blame, ad nauseam.  


    I know you weren't trying to insult, no big deal, but it gets old sometimes debating this stuff because the way non-americans view everything on the subject is completely different. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, robblok said:

    The USA is too far gone to now take away the guns from the normal people. The criminals have them already. But in the rest of the world its clear that you guys went the wrong way. (statistics to back it all up). Now I don't see any clear solution (if it was easy someone would have thought it up by now)


    But with so many guns around its so easy for a criminal to get guns so in a way the ease to get a gun is the reason why criminals have so many guns. You created your own problems and there is no real way back now. Criminals are unlikely to give up their guns and by removing the guns from non criminals you make them easier targets. 


    My reply was kinda rhetorical. It wasn't a question really as our constitution was built with the idea of keeping less power in government and more power with people. Im sure there are some that will take that and run with it, but its true. 


    The end of the day, in all honesty, freedom comes at a price. Its really stupid to parrot stuff like that, but it is so very true. Americans can, by law, buy guns and protect themselves, free from prosecution. We can kill another person in self defense, free from prosecution. Now with that freedom, comes the shit you see on the news and why people have this insane idea that the USA is dangerous & crazy. Freedom of speech, it comes at a price, as we have nazis running around and KKK members with membership wallet cards. Freedom of press, same, 4th amendment, unreasonable search and seizure, same, criminals know this and as long as they don't give police legit probable cause, they can't be touched. The laws in the USA are built more on conviction of an actual crime, rather than nannying into every house taking away what the government believes to be "too dangerous" to people. 

    For every good intention, for every decision made, in a population of 300,000,000++ people there will always be a few to take it to some wild ass extreme. Those idiots do not, at all, represent even .001% of good law abiding american gun owners. 


    Now here is the difference between how non-americans see america, and most americans see americas problems:


    You blame the guns, you blame "america", you blame us for being "too far gone". Most americans see it like this: "Hey now, I didn't do shit, that criminal did. Dont punish me for his craziness." We recognize, the police recognize, everyone but some politicians with an agenda, recognize that its a criminal act perpetrated by a criminal. 


    A vast majority of americans, more than a supermajority, fully understand and support 2A in some form or another, fully support the RIGHT to defend yourself FREE from prosecution. There are some that don't, but they are not the majority, not by a long shot. Most non-americans are bind-blown of the fact that regular ole people have have a gun in the glove box and think we should follow their home country "way" and we just are not even remotely interested. 


    You say we are "too far gone" and thats a bit insulting honestly. Your "Statistics" can be spun anyway one chooses. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Lee4Life said:

    Any tips on where we should look as far as having a test done?


    I would be very interested to know this same information because I have looked myself, and came up with nothing other than mailing a sample to a lab overseas, and thats a little bit extreme. 


    The Thais I asked had no idea what I was talking about. 


    In the states the well guys have an expensive kit with ph strips and everything that can tell exactly whats in the water, and how 'hard' it is, and what ppm, but they don't test for stuff like bacteria & poisons, and you don't know if its potable or not.  There are also companies that do comprehensive testing for everything for about $100 and its done by mailing a sample & getting the results by email so you clearly know what you have and the best way to filter it. 


    Thats the problem with filters. Unless its simple iron or 'hard' water or sand, testing has to be done or its a complete crapshoot. Might nail it, might crash and burn. 


    14 minutes ago, Lee4Life said:

    As far as water consumption, we have a 1,500 liter storage tank and a couple of weeks ago there was a problem between the well and the tank, it took only one day and a night for us to run the tank out.


    Sounds about right. Most people vastly underestimate their water consumption until they have a visual aid like a storage tank. 

  16. 2 hours ago, ghworker2010 said:

    One time I had to leave my PP as a bond when hiring a moped bike. I didnt like doing it but it was all ok in the end. Sometimes you do have to give your PPort


    9 Years in Thailand and not one single time have I given up my passport to some idiot behind a counter. And when I do, its just so they can take a copy and hand it back while I bird-dog the hell out of it. 


    They have tried of course, and the scooter thing is one they like to try it on with, but there are about a billion scooter rental places and they will take a passport copy just fine. You just have to vehemently refuse, politely of course, or if left absolutely zero choice, offer to pay an extra 50 baht a day or a slightly larger deposit. 


    But honestly I would advise you to never do that again, as you don't have to. Scooters, Cars, Hotels, you don't have to. Copy is all they need. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    No, not you directly.


    Does it say anywhere that she was drinking?


    I think the post about Fetal Drinking Whatever was highly inappropriate. 


    No it does not. I never said anything about it, other posters did. I agree its perfectly fine to go on a holiday while pregnant but the problem lies in doing it on a backpackers budget in a 3rd world country and not accounting for the life ur carrying around. 

    I also think its perfectly fine to be a backpacker on a small budget, I mean really, who the shit has actually covered their ass to the point of every single possible negative outcome? Nobody. Even the 'hang em high' holier than thou thaier-than-thais on here. 


    Not a damn thing wrong with being young and broke and traveling on a shoestring budget. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    I really can't believe some of the replies here. Young, adventurous people like to have fun. Didn't you go travelling the world when you were young? Many do on a shoestring, after leaving uni, for example. I certainly did and even without insurance but I was involved in making the Haad Rid moon party popular. Back in the mid-late 80's there was only a couple of bar/restaurants and beach bungalows. 40 Bhat a night if I remember right and a meal for 10 baht. Less than 50 people at some of them, then people started coming from Samui to make it more like 100!

     Yes, I got stuck a couple of times and had to go to the embassy and borrow money. Sh1t happens.

    Frankly, Thailand was full of much more interesting people when I moved here in 1985. Now with the internet, we have people meeting their wives online and retiring here after 40 years working in a factory or a tax office. Just remember that if it weren't for the hippies in the 60's who came here searching for beautiful beaches and smoking dope and partying, (even some were as outrageous as having kids), you, and most like you would be sitting in a bedsit in Bournemouth or a trailer park in Texas,  or unit in Urunga, waiting for your pension cheque to come in.

    I hope when I reach 60, I'll have learned not to judge people. 


    Not sure if you were directing that at me, or what but I been more or less defending the chick from the local 'hang em high' alcoholics on here. 


    Totally agree with your post but if ur 3 months pregnant, its time to get your shit together. Maybe she didn't know, maybe she did, but what you clearly miss in your post was unfortunately its not just about her anymore. She has a +1 literally inside her, through her own life choices, and being "young and adventurous" gets put on the back burner. 


    Its very unlikely she didn't know she was 3 months pregnant. Not saying its impossible, but lets be real, its extremely unlikely, and on that front, Im 100% judging. 


    The hospital were being total scumbags as well. 

  19. 7 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

    If you were not there and have nothing to do with it, you are not guilty. 


    True, maybe, but talking about a potential murder case, still likely being investigated, on an open forum, involving "your friend" could un-intentionallly reveal information that could incriminate yourself, and add evidence to the "friend". Even with the best intentions. 


    Its a murder case. Murder. Loose lips sink ships. 

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