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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dan5 said:

    Pot of gold? Interesting. In the USA its just the opposite. If you have insurance, they have to deal with the insurance company and they generally give discounts  to the insurance companies. If you don't have any insurance, they really sock it to you. Everything gets marked up big time. $100 tooth brushes etc.


    Woah- you have that 100% completely backwards.

  2. 1 minute ago, manhood said:

    Well I have my own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! experiance falling sick in USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Before seeing a doctor in hospital i had to pay !!!!!!!

    And yes it was in Thailand a privat hospital: but the hell who pays the unpaid bills?????


    If you went to a clinic (not a hospital) you have to pay to see a doctor. If you go to an actual hospital emergency room, you are not pre-charged. You do not know what you are talking about. Im sorry but I have to point this out. You have no clue at all. 


    In a private hospital the hospital absorbs the cost. Not the Taxpayer. 


    Please, you must educate yourself before barfing up nonsense like this.

  3. Just now, manhood said:

    So what???

    Thailand has so many touists that can't pay their bills and the country of Thailand (taxpayers) have to cover the costs!

    You think this is fair????

    In USA nobody treat you without prepay the treatment!


    So lovly tourists: take care you have the proper insurance and dont blame anbody if things go wrong as i'ts your (the tourists) responsibility to have enjough money or insurance!


    No. So much. Just No. 


    The hospital was private. Has nothing to do with "Thai Taxpayers"


    In the USA, ANYONE will be treated even if you are a tourist or a completely illegal immigrant. You will be left free to go at the end of your treatment with a bill for services. Dont even need a an ID card for emergency services. The bill will be huge, and yes, the actual US Taxpayer & Hospital will have to absorb the cost, but nobody is going to be held hostage, unlike Thailand. 


    Please, get your facts right. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    55,you do know where you are don't you.When blood is pouring out of you one day and they wont admit you without handing over your passport,what will you do.Will you ask them to drive you to the next hospital 50 klms away or meekly break your countries law and hand your passport over.I would suggest the latter.Reality over rules International law any day.


    Fair enough, but what about if they overcharge you by like 4-5X the amount, hold your passport hostage, threaten you with legal action, all while you are sick & recovering in the hospital and venerable? 


    Nothing like being sick and bleeding and being taken advantage of for it right? 

  5. 15 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    I rekon the low lifes are the cheap charlie tourists that have left the hospital and Thai taxpayers poorer.Will she send the money when they get back to UK?


    The hospital was private. Not government. Nothing to do with "Thai Taxpayers" whatsoever. Furthermore, over 100K baht? For what? Its more than clear that the hospital was gouging the tourist, holding her passport hostage, made her miss her return trip, then backtracked completely under media exposure. 


    10 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    A private hospital on Koh Phangan backtracked on a 100,000 baht hospital bill


  6. 4 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    It was pretty chickenshit of the woman to be in Thailand with invalid insurance and insufficient funds to pay her hospital bill. These are the types who need blacklisting!


    She had valid travel insurance, valid travel documents, probably had tickets, and probably had enough money to continue "slumming it" for the last couple days. 


    Now I don't have a lot of sympathy for the woman, but take it easy. 


    10 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    With friends she explained that she had very little money after being in Thailand for a month but she did have travel insurance.


    10 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    When a bill for 103,319 baht was presented to her it was realized that the policy did not cover pregnant women. She had no money to pay and the hospital took her passport and threatened her with legal action.


    10 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    This happened before she was due to fly home on Sunday and she was unable to leave.


  7. 1 hour ago, Kvanting said:

    Thanks Berkshire for your answer!

    Of course I don't know the full story. Of course there might have been some kind of quarrel between the men where my related person might have been involved. However only one from the group can have shot the victim meaning that only one person be guilty of murder.

    Why the other "friednd" carried a gun I don't know.


    You need to tell your friend to get a lawyer and you need to stop talking about this on an open forum. I know you want info but a murder charge is huge. 


    Everyone involved, and everyone that knows anything needs to shut up and only talk to a lawyer. Nobody else. Only a lawyer. Thats what they are there for. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    Taking the passport or not is irrelevant.  Try leaving a hotel with any amount due whether true or not, and watch how fast the old security guard tries to stop you and if you resist some cops show up pretty quickly.  You won't make it down the street or to the airport. 


    Fair enough, but with the passport securely in pocket, just defuse the situation by going back to the room to get the 'rest of your stuff' and book it out the stairway or whatever. 


    I also never check out of a hotel all in one go. I always come down early to clear the bill before clearing out the room. Never just pack up and sit in the lobby with all my stuff. 


    Honestly I never give a passport for a hotel, car, scooter, etc. Never Never. If a photocopy isn't enough, there are plenty of places that will take it. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, Morch said:

    Thanks, a rarity on this forum.


    However, we're still left at an impasse, because non of your previous posts explains the odd position that Trump be given a free pass. Every president (or president elect) gets a lot of coverage, and a log of criticism. Some more than others, for a whole lot of reasons. If Trump is hailed as an unusual leader, and is also recognized as having flaws - what's the big deal with him coming under scrutiny?


    Further, regardless of how acute a threat some see Trump, it is perfectly legitimate for those opposing him not to be supportive of his politics, policies, conduct and agenda. The expectation that he be given a chance to prove himself is relevant only for those not seeing this very thing as a potential threat. Trump supporters sometimes come up with such pearls as "you just want him to fail" - well, duh... on some matters of course I (and others) do. Trump's version of what makes America great is not scripture, and holding different, or even opposing views does not make one anti-American.


    I see what ur saying. I get it. I feel the same way about HRC. 


    As far as the free pass thing, well, the pass does not exist, free or otherwise. Trump is president elect. The media and progressives are going to use anything and everything, any little bit of meat on the bone, to stir shit. As far as the MSM goes, they don't give a shit if its the 'entire truth' or flat out misleading. Thats all I have been seeing for months now. If thats the kind of legitimate scrutiny and coverage ur talking about, then its a bunch of garbage. 


    All I'm saying is for the "resistance" and any other hysterical people to take a breath, have a xanax or something, calm down, and save it for something meaningful. Right now its nothing. Nothing has happened. But the liberal agenda is to scream FIRE at any opportunity and flail around like a fish out of water. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

    and the hospital took her passport and threatened her with legal action.


    Never, EVER, give up that passport. 


    Single most important thing to a foreigner here in Thailand, second is bug-out cash and credit cards. They get you by the balls (or uterus).


    Also its a real chickenshit maneuver/probably illegal to take someones only travel document and hold it hostage. Let alone its wasn't even an official person, just hospital people. Pretty pathetic on the hospital and infuriating just reading it. 


    As for the rest of the topic, well, Full Moon Party, 3 months pregnant, no money..... 


  11. 6 minutes ago, Keith Bennett said:

    it’s just that I’ve seen so much unnecessary negativity and nastiness here.


    Dont let it bother you. You just read through the junk and look for the good stuff. Cant be too sensitive or people will see you as a target and dig right in. 


    Its all good, hopefully you got the detergent thing sorted out. 




    If not, let me know and I can ask the wife or something for ya. 

  12. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Because when the oil price goes up the pump price goes up, and when the oil price goes down the pump price doesn't go down as far as it should. Just a huge rip off industry.


    The problem is that most of the "easy" oil is already either gone, or the wells are currently producing. The more difficult to get at oil costs more to harvest and thats the real reason prices go up. It costs more per barrel to get it. Then add in everything else. 


    The prices are always going to rise, always. The cheap fuel is great while it lasts, but its put me out of work for a bit and that sucks, but be prepared, its gonna rise again. 

  13. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The sooner oil is superseded by a better form of energy the better. I hope I can see a certain country go bankrupt and never recover again in my lifetime.


    Not even in the next 5 lifetimes honestly, and it will probably take about that long for the world to find an actual replacement for it where people don't have to do without. 

  14. 34 minutes ago, eyecatcher said:


    I find it hard to believe anyone let alone the OP out in the boonies is likely to be using 1000 litres a day.

    be sensible, most houses struggle to use that much in a week.


    Ok; I do appreciate you may be referring to systems capable of that capacity in general.


    Take it easy, you clearly missed it. An RO system capable of a MAXIMUM of 1000L per day, Maximum. Yeah sure most days just showering and taking a shit you won't use 1000L per day. Hell 1000L isn't even that much its only 1 m3. 


    Im out in the "sticks" with a 1000L tank on city water and my last water bill was 19 cubic meters. Thats 19 tanks for 219 baht. Now I water a little patch of grass (pathetically small) with that, and spray off my porch and whatnot occasionally, but for the sake of argument a simple Farang spot uses 10 Cubes a month. That puts the RO system at about a 33% duty cycle, couple more cubes and ur at 40%. 


    Its not about using 100% of the maximum output per day, otherwise you would be burning the thing up and doing maintenance twice a month instead of maybe once every 3 months (or longer). 


    Now, I don't really care what you appreciate as I was trying to give genuine thought out advise to OP that will, infact, work. You are using 100% pure speculation. I been through this whole house filter deal so many times its unreal both here, and in the states. 


    35 minutes ago, eyecatcher said:

    I thought the regular blue/chrome/plastic rocket style filters had a number of filtrates in them for different purposes, one of which is always carbon and managnaese which is the one for filtering calcium out..isnt it??? or not??


    Carbon does not remove calcium. It is an ineffective media to remove minerals from water. 


    "manganese" is something you REMOVE from the water, as in its something, like iron, you want to remove. So no. 


    43 minutes ago, eyecatcher said:

    Not saying they are cheap though.  the blue whole house filters are around 8k for a 14" diameter and the mazumas chrome ones are ridiculously expensive for half that capacity.

    Even the small multi blue plastic ones are 4/5k each and you need 3 i think?


    So basically for the same price, or MORE, you are getting something that you are not 100% sure will work, is not 100% drinkable, and is 100% unknown. Seems legit. 


    44 minutes ago, eyecatcher said:

    But in the long run, its a wise move to have one installed. two reasons i had one installed was i dont want my washing machine clenaing clothes in dirty brown water and I dont want to be showering in the same or with some local hazardous farm chemicals that have found their way into the water system.

    If like me you were having to strip the wc cistern every 6 months because the pipes were clogged with crap or every week the hard water and soap made a nasty scum that blocked the basin outlets every week then go for it.

    money wisely spend i.m.o


    What I'm recommending is nothing more than the 1 baht per liter water machines dotted all over Thailand filtering city, well, and klong water to drink. To drink. The same system, without the enclosure and coin counter for around 12-13K baht. 


    Ill be installing a simple RO system soon at my house, along with your "blue filters" to remove sediment and the outlay isn't that much more than a filter/resin combo and the benefit? You KNOW it will be clean, and you KNOW it is drinkable. It will remove minerals, iron, etc.. 


    All filtration systems require DIY knowledge & filter changing, there is not a way to filter water without paying for it in outlay and maintenance. Filter or RO. 

  15. Reverse Osmosis gets everything pretty much but its a bit pricey for a whole house setup that can make about 1000L a day. Last I checked it was about 13,000 baht on lazada. 


    The same system used in offshore vessels to make freshwater out of saltwater. 


    Requires regular maintenance and cleaning, but the water is completely potable/drinkable/clean.


    At home in the US we got so many filtration systems, its not a problem. They do actual tests on the water supply to see what exactly the contaminates are and at what ppm so they know precisely what filter & size install. There is no guessing game at all, here thats all it is - an expensive guessing game and usually the systems sold here are so undersized its unreal. 


    I would give RO a look. 

  16. 24 minutes ago, wayned said:

    The active ingredient in Frontguard plus is fipronil (10%). Frontline plus also contains fipronil (9.8%) which supposedly kills adult fleas and ticks.  Frontline Plus also has methoprene (8.8%) which supposedly attacks flea eggs and larvae.  I was just asking if anyone has had any experience using it as there is zero information on the internet which is very unusual.


    I dunno I never used it - how much different is the price? 


    Once a month frontline isn't all that expensive imo id stick to that. 

  17. 4 hours ago, NeverSure said:

    I see what you mean but I disagree. I've read and reread his post and he's asking just how familiar and sure people are of this matter. He didn't ask for anyone's name. He's taking a survey and he wants assurance that people really know what they are saying.




    Maybe I was hasty. 


    To contribute - I know 2 people that are teaching here with completely fake degrees right now. I have known 3 more in passing all in the same area. All foreigners, all caucasian, but not all were from native english speaking countries IE were accented but well spoken. Government schools. These are the ones I know 100% for sure are using fake university degrees to teach. 


    By doing this, the schools assisted with visas & work permits and paid a measly salary of anywhere from 18k - 35k a month.   


    To answer another of Scott's questions - Yes the use of fake degrees is a serious problem in Thailand. My employment is outside Thailand, so I don't know how the subject pertains to non-teaching jobs for non-Thais, but yeah its a serious problem on so many levels. 


    But the bigger problem is the root cause that allows these things to happen. There would be no market for fake degrees and teaching if corruption was not so ingrained in the DNA of government schools. These schools have zero intention on finding qualified teachers to teach the children of their homeland, opting instead for an unqualified white person to make their outfit "look good" for the cheapest possible price - even though the "Director" can "afford" to hire a legit teacher from the UK/US/AU/EU, they won't. 


    A person from my wifes family just graduated from uni with a real (thai) degree, and wanted to get into a teaching job. After "applying" all over the place in several provinces, she found a job. 


    The price tag was 222K baht. No word of a lie. Family gladly paid and had a "party" over it.


    Yeah fake degrees are a serious problem, but its a symptom of a much larger disease. 

  18. 10 minutes ago, ktm jeff said:

    I get what your saying , but that stupid little trick may involve bleeding out the trapped air by holding the caliper at different angles so the air - if any - can rise up , and out. The rear caliper on my Aprilia RSV is funny , like that !. Im still liking "that" fuse   LOL.


    The stupid little trick I was referring to was the "Fuse" not the crazy-angle-caliper-ziptie-using-all-fingers-&-toes-deal. 


    But hey maybe I'm wrong. I probably am. But Honda is pretty good & I highly doubt OP tipping his caliper at just the right moons alignment will resolve his issue. 


    Its gonna be way more simple than that. 

  19. 19 minutes ago, ktm jeff said:

    Sounds like the OP is doing that. I think the problem is in that  CBS system , either caused by a bad hydro dynamic design or requiring "that" fuse removed.


    Hey now, Im not saying its "that" fuse. Im just trying to help. Im not a bike guy per se, but I'm pretty switched on and can knowledge battle pretty well. 


    You are probably right with it being the "CBS" system, or bleeding sequence wrong, as it was better before OP started, and mechanically its more than likely sound.


    This is how I problem solve. I do not think unbolting the caliper, wedging the pads, zip tying the brake, holding it at a certain angle, above the rear MC - Will resolve the issue. It won't. 


    Its either a sequence issue, or a mechanical failure, or a stupid little trick. 

  20. 7 minutes ago, Morch said:

    You go on about hysterical people. I didn't sign up for any hysterics. In fact, got told off on this front by a couple of the resident "resistance" members. So pretty please, with sugar on top - spare me the petty nonsense labeling. 


    Ur right. My apologies. Ur a good poster and I wasn't really attacking you, just ranting AT you and it was a bit undeserved. 


    There are things to be concerned about with Trump, and I get it, but its the hysteria that boggles my mind. 

  21. 33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    No, the reason the electoral college was created was to allay the fears of the slave states that they would be outvoted by non-slave states.



    Ur quoting an opinion piece from the washington post. Its a deep subject. You should do better. 

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