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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 2 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:
    On 9/12/2016 at 6:58 PM, Strange said:

    Make sure that you get the land chanote in your wife's name. This will confirm that there are no liens on the property and it is free and clear. Will also help keep other peoples hands out of the pot as well. Plus has the added benefit of adding to your wife's assets - witch in turn adds to yours in thailand. The property can be used by your wife as collateral for bank loans and further mortgages. Also for car loans. End of the day get it in your wifes name. 


    Second, when she does the land transfer into her name you will probably be required to sign a document that says you have nothing to do with the property. Its hers and any money used to acquire it was a gift. 


    Other than that, nothing needs to be done, just build. No permits, drawings, etc. 


    His added assets in Thailand? HUH?

    If he is paying for the house to be built (his dime), not property, then only added benefits are if he goes to have a contract made up to include the house portion covering his investment. If he has a solid proven marriage that has and will last the long term, then no worry. But I find this far and few between of the foreigners who have this in that style of a comfortable mode with the Thai Mrs. I am one of the lucky, hope y'all are too.  


    Property is another deal that has nothing he can do..  Lease 99yrs to show bigger connection?? His wife will choke on that though, unless she doesn't trust her family.. Never know...


    Calm down and read what I wrote. I don't speak on to the men that have untrustworthy marriages. Assuming that the marriage is strong and trustworthy, assets in the name of the wife are just as good as in the mans name. 


    My very first sentence says to get the chanote in the wifes name. Transfer the deed to the wife from the mother in law or whatever relative. Then build. This secures the property from the hands of the in-laws selling the land (House included) or taking out a loan (On the value of the house and land) right out from under you. 


    Once the land (Property) is in the wifes name, and you build, the value and equity stays with the wife (And the husband by default) and can be used as collateral for another mortgage, car loans, personal loans at decent interest rates from the bank. All in the wife name. 


    Once the property is in the wife name, forget the relatives in thailand, unless you do not trust your wife, then just rent. 


    McDonalds is NOT the number one restaurant for westerner. McDonalds is not a restaurant at all. It simply a fast food franchise and nothing more. 


    You have to understand that most westerner can eat a lot of different foods from many different country not just burger and thai food. 


    Most Thai people only like thai food and that is ok. No problem. But most western people grow up eating a lot of different kind of food from many different country. 


    Also, just to let you know, McDonalds is an american franchise and the burger they have there is not a real burger. It is a cheap thing like you can buy at 7-11. Not real food. 

  3. 22 hours ago, Busagon said:

    Tom, does your country have perfect roads everytime?


    How many time you fix the hole in your country yourself?


    When you go and fix your country make it perfect then come back and complaints about Thai people,


    My country has very good roads because they are maintained properly, the police will pull over large illegal trucks and make them pay ALOT of money and will take their trucks from them for creating very unsafe road conditions as well as costing the tax payer a lot of money for repair. The governments are not corrupt as they are in thailand and the money that gets sent for the repair and maintenance of roads actually goes to the roads and not the bank account of the person in charge. 


    I have never repaired any road in my country and I have never seen anyone do the same. Because people pay state tax, property tax, and federal tax, this money is send to repair the roads and many other things like Fire Protection, Emergency Service, and Police Departments that will come to you if you call them. 


    No country is perfect, but to improve Thailand, you have to stop thinking people are complaint about Thai people, and that everything is insult Thai people. You have to look at things that are being said, and be able to see what the problem is without your feelings getting in the way of what you see. 


    You think that we complain and insult thai people, but you misunderstand, because all the corruption, cheating, stealing, is hurting YOU, Thai people. Farang are not doing this. 

  4. Can anyone tell me their experience with the these parasites, and (hopefully) the recovery process? 


    Im becoming a hypochondriac on behalf of my dog. 


    Had dogs my whole life in the states and never in my life have I seen anything like the way animals are treated at some of these Animal "Clinics" in Thailand, and the diseases the dogs die from here. 


    Just lost a dog to Distemper (supposedly) and the process was AGONIZING. Dog got all vaccinations, boosters, de-wormers, etc, on time. Brought the dog into the vet due to white gums, lethargy, and lack of appetite and was told "Blood Parasite"... OK Took the dog home, administered the medication, and within 4 days, was having seizures, appeared to be blind, couldn't walk and when it tried to it would walk right into the wall like it wasn't even there. I had the dog in and out of the "Vet" daily, brought him in very early when the lethargy/pale gums presented and he just seemed tired and uninterested. I did nothing wrong on my part. In the end, he was "Admitted" :rolleyes: to the hospital, given an IV, and slowly deteriorated. The last 2 days of his life were spent in a constant blind seizure, covered in his own feces and urine, but he could still smell me and hear me and would try SO HARD to get close. The entire last 48 hours of his life I was BEGGING the vets to euthanize him and they WOULD NOT do it, and in the end after so much pleading they agreed to prepare the phenobarbital ONLY if I was the one to actually press the plunger into the dogs IV, because they are heartless selfish bastards and don't want to get "bad luck" from "killing" an animal. Do not care about the cultural aspect of it, its retarded and cruel and selfish. 


    So, now, I have a another dog that has come down with the same symptoms, Pale gums, Lethargy, loss of appetite, and dropped everything, drove 350 kilometers to ThongLor Pet in Bangkok. Don't care about cost, please fix my dog. They ran preliminary blood test that showed low platelets, preformed 2 other blood tests, urine and feces, blood smear and SNAP test. 


    Results are that apparently it was caught very early and that he has Regenerative Anemia (cause of the pale gums, lethargy, etc....) witch is cause by E-Canis and Anaplasma parasites from Ticks. So after all this, I'm 99% positive that my other dog did not die from Distemper, he died from these parasites and the heartless vets at the animal "Clinic" used this as a cop-out. 


    Now I've got to stay in a dog friendly hotel in Bangkok for a week to administer the meds and take him in for another blood workup to see if he is recovering or if we have to switch meds. 


    Vibramycin (Doxycycline)


    Drontal Plus for Dogs (De-wormer) 

    Ferro-B (Blood Supplement) 


    I swear to god if a dog lives to old age here in Thailand, its like surviving a dog apocalypse. 


    Anyone else's dog have these parasites and the dog survived? Is there anything else I can do? I Trust ThongLor Pet and don't care about the cost, but geez.... 

  5. 11 hours ago, JAFO said:

    I have always been amazed how much emphasis many people put on food and eating. It is not that big of deal breaker for me. I used to joke with my colleagues back in the US as I would say "I only eat because if not, I would die". But for some its everything. They eat to a rigid schedule; 8-12-5 everyday without exception. Miss a time slot and they become irritable. Used to frustrate me a lot as I would go places with folks and the first thing they did was search out their eating plan and agenda. I have been on quite a few cruises and all the couples we went with did nothing but eat and eat. 


    Man I just eat when I am hungry. I have expectations on the food quality I do eat, but it never ever drives my day.


    For me its not just the food thing by itself, its a culmination of several different factors. I do like to eat on a schedule 90% of the time, but for me the issue is when I do actually want to go out and splurge, the options here are pretty crap, and in places like BKK where there are different "Cuisines" most of the places are more of a novelty than anything. 


    It does not make thailand a deal breaker, but it adds to the list of negatives imo.  

  6. 3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    I blow up like a balloon during trips back to the US.  I let myself go and indulge for maybe the first 2 weeks, sampling all my favorites - Carl's Jr., various "Mexican" fast food joints, Denny's for breakfast, Butcher Shop prime rib, Coor's Light, Dos Equis beer.  It's wonderful but man, I feel it packing on in almost real time. 


    Takes me about 2 months to re-regulate when we return to LOS, replacing Fritos and bean dip with fresh fruit and vegetable snacks.  Get out and perspire heavily in the heat/humidity doing the daily garden chores, can almost feel the sludge oozing out of me that first week back.   Ugh!


    Coors light..... In a cooler full of ice..... Fishing for redfish in pristine flats with no trash, tourists, touts, pollution.... Coming home all sunburnt and having fresh fish with more beer.... Achieving a full day of independence without hearing a single "YOU YOU" "FARANG" or the locals giggling at you wondering if the "farang" is capable of anything in Thailand because "This is Thai-lan"

  7. On 9/26/2016 at 9:04 AM, moon47 said:

    I know it is not complicated however I do not have tools or a shop to work in.


    I built one of these at school when I was back in the states and had access to a metal shop.


    Below is a schematic with bends and two 3D models. One is half the frame that needs to be bent out of one piece of material. Then the two half are joined with couplings and held together by the tension of the pack itself.


    The schematic linked here is for 3/8" aluminum as it was easier to bend for the prototype I made for my final project as it was just for demonstration and not actual use. The aluminum was way to soft for practical use and could have been easily bent out of shape.


    The first frame is only a prototype so anyone could make it with the right tools. 


    I will still need to find a shop that can do the work as I would like to make a small run of about 50-100 of these as well as a shop to do the sewing but those are all over the place and I can find that. Finding a shop to do the bending is not as easy as not everyone will have the tools to do this.


    Schematic of the bends for 3/8" aluminum bar:


    3D models:

    Full frame couplings not shown:


    Half frame:



    Ive been studying your sketches for a minute now, and the only variable that I do not see from your schematic is the Bend Allowance. I see what your end goal is, but you can achieve, for example, a 90 degree bend with any length of pipe. Im sure there are people that can deduce what your allowance will be, but the sketches should be clear in all variables. 


    I will have a better look at it later, but its not that complicated if you want to use cold roll for the prototype. 


    A simple Jig on a welders table and some hand made "dies" to form around should be enough. 



  8. 4 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    The difference is most Americans don't have a team of tax lawyers and accountants looking to game the system.  Do  you think it's ok for Trump to pay less taxes than a middle class family?  Or for him to hide his assets overseas?  Or to take advantage of tax laws meant to help small businesses?  There are many other wealthy folks that don't try to scam the system the way Trump does, even though they can.     


    Does not matter what I "think" or "feel" because the fact remains that businesses are going to do whatever they can do to increase profits and if its legal, its not "gaming" the system. 


    Trump pays more than a middle class family. 


    Its not "Scamming" the system if its legal. 


    I would love to see people that support Hillary give up their Foreign Earned Income/Physical Presence Exemption. 


  9. 1 minute ago, CaptHaddock said:


    Naive.  If legality were all that mattered, he would have released his returns by now.  But, guess what, human beings also care about morality and fairness, which is why he is never going to release the info.




    "Morality" and "Fairness" 


    My personal standpoint - Happy to pay what I legally have to pay and nothing more. Not a charity. 

  10. Whats wrong with looking for legal ways to increase your personal wealth and business profits from studying tax laws and pursuing avenues that will legally keep more money and profits? Any one of us on this forum that are american and living in Thailand are doing it right now. 


    Key word here - Legally. 


    The IRS is not a charity. 


    Flame suit on

  11. 4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


    Trump getting the support of so many Republicans comes simply from his being the Party's nominee. I'd noted this before, that Republican 'somewhat' conservative voters are simply voting based on partisanship.


    One network had a focus group in Ohio that included four Trump fans, three Clinton supporters and three undecideds.


    A white haired lady with a gruff voice said after the debate: "I'm voting for the conservative party. If it's a jackass that's leading the parade, so be it."


    This is the Republican Party of 2016. The Great Republican Train Wreck of 2016.


    I don't think thats the case, I think ALOT of people, regardless of party, support trump simply because of the dislike of hillary. 

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