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Posts posted by mango66

  1. the announcement was never aprupt,

    They did know it 6 months in advance !

    But this is thailand !!

    This country have been the only one, never been under colonialisation !

    They never learned in their lif means law and order !

    And they will not, if you not stay with a gun behi nd their neck !!

    And also the officials will get week again and hopefully EU will enter the ban !! 5555555555555555555

  2. The only reason this dickering over settlement is going on is duel of the RTP involvment. The job of a policeman is to enforce written law and protect and servie the general population /residenys (includinhg tourists)

    The settlement between potential claiments in any action which could lead to ligitagition in the courts is absolutly non of their business nor corcern..

    This settlement would settle the civil case. I still don't quite see if she hasn't broken any laws, why she actually has to settle anything........

    the law side she have settled already ! RTP officer have spend the money already !!

    therefore she now short with the funds for the family compensation !!

  3. Why is she even walking about, she KILLED someone, she should be in Jail, or in ''Custody''.. ???

    How could you live with yourself, after doing something like this, and going about your day to day stuff ???

    beyond me....

    As Thai you can,

    because it was a bad ghost who interacted on her steeringwheel !!

    Therefore she went after also to the temple and funeral,

    to ask help from the good ghost to hunt down the bad one;

    And she have already reported,

    that she have peace now with the ghost of the victim !!

  4. The only reason this dickering over settlement is going on is duel of the RTP involvment. The job of a policeman is to enforce written law and protect and servie the general population /residenys (includinhg tourists)

    The settlement between potential claiments in any action which could lead to ligitagition in the courts is absolutly non of their business nor corcern..

    In no any Democratic country which have human laws ,

    A killing or similar criminal act would be possible to settle by ligitation !

    This is done only in Jungle or in pure capitalist countries which counts a human life only by money !!

    For us Europeans, a human life is the highest wealth which god gave us and you can't count by money.

    In US and many other countries,

    yes - in some countries - human life is worth not more than 1 US$;

    In US - its hundred of millions,

    as they are able to put Nuclear bombs and chemical weapons on other people !!

  5. If it was a young biker that was in question here, what would the settlement be...?

    Why is the payout from insurance capped at 1.2mn? The policies cost the same as the west?

    The offence is worth more than 5mn...someone died. This is the start of evening up Thai society.

    A simple question, what would a Thai pay.....?

    Folk here want to bury someone cos there is a farang BLOOD involvement....

    Just tell me why..?

    Since by settling it out of court, the ability to pay comes into it. A Thai should pay the same. It's a dumb system in Thailand but if everyone paid the same, maybe driving quality would improve. 10mn for an accidental death would be fair enough, but who can really put a value on it.

    Put it like this, if it was a relative of mine, enough to bankrupt them would be fair number.

    If it was completely accidental, why pay anything?

    How much you would pay in EU ?

    Correct you would not pay privat any cent !

    Court will find your fault or not;

    Insurance obligatory will pay a lump sum for the expenses ,

    and will pay a rent to the wife,

    and up till the age of 27 a stipend to the childrens;

    Than the insurance will try to refund from the driver - if he were guilty;

    The police which did not the alco test would be sacked to no-where !!

    The rent and stipendi will be always the same, never mind if the driver was a police man, or a PM, or a farmer;

    The court penalty would depend on the wellnes of the fault driver -

    ( But even in Europe - if the fault one would be a famous person - financial penalty would be higher -

    but jail term would be lower than usual !!

  6. My father in law was also an actor,

    he would not be able to pay more than 1.000,thb;

    She have an mercedes - worth ??

    we don't know her wealth !

    In general for a normal Thai the request would be too high,

    on the other side for a wealth family maybee not too much;

    The court should clear this !!

    2 kids will still need a lot of money for school and education !

    But as he was policeman with a low income,

    and with Gen. Prayouths anti bribe campaign he also would not have an higher selary

    to sedn his kids to another school than public to getr an officer on Bribe - oh - sorry Brobe !!

    How much paid that teenager which pushed the Van from the highway and killed 7 people ??

  7. Yes, the world wants peace, but doesn Iran?

    Cooperation between world powers and Iran hardly. Iran through its actions since the deal was signed has pretty well summed up how things will play out. Sanctions will be dropped, frozen billions will be returned, oil will be pumped(hurting the frackers in the process) no inspectors will be allowed on MILITARY sites as outlined last week and mentioned on TV then America and its allies(the ones still on board which will be almost none) will have to start the whole process over again. The Iranians in the past have proven they are liars and have no intention dealing with "infidels" The timing will be just right Obama will look like an emperor with no clothes and the Repubs. will take the white house. That's when all hell will really break loose. The poor will be flattened ordered to get a job within a year or starve, women will loose all rights over their bodies, the military will double in size. The Koch brothers will no doubt be a package deal as the next presidents personal advisers and that kind of states it all. The the evil twins will finally have the "America" they want labor unions will be like dinosaurs. The police state mentality now in its infancy will mature and blossom. "God Bless America" it will truly need it.

    A shit on US !

    They are the liers No 1 on our globe !

    Where r the radioactive material from Irak ?ß where ??

    They bomb down any nation , eny population which hinders them to grap all oil over the globe,

    Who have ever drown 2 nuclear bombs on civil people ??

    whoi have most civil people killed in the 2nd world war ? US bombings

    who have killed most civil people in wars against Irak, Vietnam, Afghanistan ?

    Its alwas the US which you will get as answer !!

    where every day white police killing innocent - unweapened other skinned youngsters ??

    what the president swared he will do in obe of his first action in presidency ? he will close guantamo !! what he did ??

    He is one of the first liers in the world !

    And if the next would be Bush 3, we will have wars and bombing again !!

    When the worl will wake upo and give all this back in 1:1 to US ?

  8. Its very well known !!

    US lawmakers are the war machining factory and Oil gas Mafia of our Globe;

    Who not follows US rules, will be bombed and trampled down !!

    Who ever used a nuclear bomb on our globe ?

    who ??

    and not only once !!

    And they will use it ever again if they like !!

    If they like, not if they would need !!

    This country have no law right and no moral right to forbid any other country to have them !!

    Hope one day another nation will show to US what they did in Hiroshima and h´Nagasaki !!

  9. Just brilliant I tell ya.

    I know a guy who did all of this right and had it sewn up for life. That is until his now ex girlfriend's "brothers" showed up and convinced him that a new "health" issue demanded that he clear out and not come back - ever. The GF sold the house and what is he to do when he doesn't dare even go around there?

    We don't have the same rule of law or other protections in LOS as we do in our home countries. If there was a sure-fire way to own a house in Thailand for life it would be done every day but it isn't. Some guys just think they do - for now.

    "Don't invest anything in Thailand you aren't prepared to walk away from."


    Another bar stool story from somebody who not only doesn't have first hand experience of the issue but also doesn't live in Thailand, never has and one who takes every opportunity to bash any aspect of Thailand that he can get.

    "If there was a sure-fire way to own a house in Thailand for life it would be done every day but it isn't". How do you know it isn't, if you talk to people at any Land Office they'll tell you it's a very common occurrence.


    Could not cut it here and now he needs to justify that.. nothing new here seen it often. I know of a guy in the US who had his family killed in one of the many mass shootings. Now does that mean the US is a bad place ?

    with or without shooting !

    I would count US as one of the worst place to live !!


    I have also seen some of worsed !!

    Kim Jong Il, KJ Un - 3 times !!

  10. As you can see on that picture,

    the beaches in Pattaya and jomtien still full of ambrellas under the trees ,

    and only parts of sewage beach are left free - as free parts of the beach !!

    This country is cheating and cheating until the last tourists are gone !!

    LOS will not stop before;

    Hope is only Myanmar starts to open their shore tourism soom,

    1000 more of beautiful beaches and ilands as you can find only polluted ones in Thailand !!

    I think my septic tank is more clean than some beaches in LOS !!

  11. Would they, like normal conscientious/informed purchasers, require a sample shipment of, say, 100, to be inspected/tested/verified

    before placing the major order ? Have they vetted the maker ? Or, and I am afraid it is, just another Golf ball detector or Drunk-o- meter- story to tell one's grandchildren ?

    Fred. This hand gun is the number one police force weapon in the USA it was designed as a police carry weapon. It's not a prototype or a small company!

    OK gunny, so, in your opinion there should not not be a State official procurement procedure for these handguns, and it's logical the coppers decide for themselves? Yeah, right! When that would really be so, it would be some shiny pistol in .45ACP, THE male attribute (//penis extension) in Thailand!

    A specialist like you for sure knows many (most?) Sig Sauer pistols are manufactured in the USA (not in Switserland), and, also, that many other, 'excellent' pistols are 'designed as a police carry weapon', with safety as the 2nd top item (just behind reliability), and produced by well-established companies like specialists Glock and Heckler & Koch, or Smith & Wesson MP, Springfield, CZ, and many others (it's a core market).

    It will also not have escaped to you that most first world democratic countries (not 'gun country' US of A!) attempt to reduce to a minimum the number of LEOs on duty(!) carrying a gun, and limit the carry weapons to Double Action Only ones (above a decocker safety), for evident safety reasons, but that here in Thailand it looks like going in the exact opposite direction...

    To be effective to get the target -

    you need - must have an automatic gun,

    the more pullets the magacine can keep,

    the better it is !!

  12. the 150.000 used ones will be granted to the carriers and MPs as a curtesy for their

    honest work in RTP with the pistols,

    and the reminder,

    to put them never in a toilet bag !!

    The PO must go direct from the RTP-

    as for registration of the ser numbers and policeman who receives the dedicated gun;

    If the numbers would go trough an other ministery -

    missuse could occur !

    But With RTP you can be 100% sure, all will be according to the law !!

  13. I once sold real Estate in a beachside Suburb in Western Australia which didn't have any services...ie water and sewerage. Naturally a well/bore had to be sunk for water. and the Local Council Health Dept. stipulated that any well had to be located outside a radius of 100 Feet of any septic tank to be safe from any contamination. Good for the people who developed first but it did.cause problems for some people later as there was nowhere to sink a bore. In these some cases, negotiations were required between neighbours to re-locate septic Tanks

    Good luck in Thailand for this,

    but take care that your neighbour after request will not piss on Y... !!!!

  14. Not to worry, the Chinese will take their places and even over run them all, as evidence from what

    I see in BKK MD and Suwannaphum airports, wall to wall Chinese and than some, they're literally

    over running the country as New York and other touristy places on earth... there're millions

    of them running around everywhere now days...

    Not everywhere !!

    Have been yesterday in some music famous capita,

    many foreign groups, disciplined and silent !

    But havn't seen any Chinese group,

    so I asked some guide -

    They dont offer ! Cheap packages to chinese operators !!

    They get enough HQ chinese tourists which ready do travell single, pair or family !

    But Thailand like mass mass mass !!

    Thats Asien - and thai behavier -

    nothing speciual,

    just we faron g dont like this style,

    so why we are gere in LOS ??

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