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Posts posted by mango66



    the water is not from Vietnam - the most -

    so why shoud Thailand not take also their part;

    PM Prayouth go ahead !!

    Take the amount what belongs honestly to Thailand;

    Voietnam Cry that get salt water in the river,

    this is of that the sea level is rising,

    and all countries which have river to the sea facing same problems !!

  2. someone with power will have them make his or her property the lowest tax level,so they pay zero or nothing.the rest will pay then

    for sure,

    my plot - on an iland- seems nice for resident land -

    but no street access, no water, no electric, no waste,

    will be countes as residence land !

    And the high ones up, they own a complete iland - will claim the same and will pay 1 bht free valuntery !!

  3. The Frenchman figures the bananas are his. Maybe he is wrong. He can not own land in Thailand and so he cannot own trees in Thailand that are growing in the land. The bananas are Thai bananas not French bananas. He is barking up the wrong tree thinking those are his bananas.

    he using the Big flower pots in his garden only !!

    And watering is automated,

    so no work permit needed;

    He dont harvest them,

    so no brake of work permit for harvesting ! 55555

  4. So you want blame abouta scam on jet ski - and go to police ??

    That means you just go to the real owner of the jetskis !!

    And you go to city hall ? 555555555555555

    he is just the co-owner !! 5555555555555555

    Nothing will happen for ever,

    a few weeks quiet,

    and than with full powwer back again !!

    I think PM Prayouth already sucked the head of RTP before a view month,

    But seems the new one took businiss over quiet quick !!

  5. This morning i saw a Thai cop appearing in busy traffic and he ordered a motorcy without helmet to the side of the road. The driver stopped but then pulled away full speed and nothing happened. I followed them and expected another cop further down the road but there was none.

    At a stoplight the driver and his passenger had big fun about it.

    So if you don't stop for the police nothing will happen. Lesson learned, what a joke they are.

    dont thoink so simple,

    maybee the officer have noticed his registration plate,

    maybee the officer will check back in the office the traffic camera -

    and maybee his registration plate are encountable,

    beleave his problems will be much bigger than the funhe had temporarely !!

    If you think this is fun, copy it, drive by red, and you will feel it !!

  6. How is this guy not even in jail let alone able to be in the frame for running the country. He openly encouraged people to commit acts of arson and rebellion. With people like this even pulling any strings at any level the country is going to the dogs (even though it's probably already there now)

    The same you can say about SUTHEP. Why he is not jailed?

    Those questions would lead to nothing. It's only pointing to the others.

    Give power to the people is easy to say but difficult to achieve here. Democracy means also here to understand the other party and work together for the benefit of this country. That does not mean to work forever but for the next 4 years term. I'm sure that corruption even will not be a big issue in that period. Also the army would have no reasons to interfere.

    Of course I can see it's not easy for the participants to stay away from greediness and not being able to fill their pockets. But a coalition between the 2 big parties would be tempting for me.

    He !

    Take your RED sunglasses off !

    Suthep protested and blocked some public areas !

    Jatuporn and Nathawit bombed demonstrators, sniped to demonstarators

    and burned down GVT halls and business centers !!

    There is - sorry a " SMALL " difference !! within this guys !!

  7. I have to rise the question,

    what qualification do have this rescue teams and first aid in Phuket - and thailand,

    we know in europe , how many sucessfull rescues we have, stil when the victim where drown for minutes ;

    But here people still alife, but just sespiratry problems,

    but all what seems this lifeguards know to do, is to wait the ambulance -

    and ambulance propably also not equipped, no emergency devices, no doctor,

    they just obliged to bring the victim " death 2 to the hospital for exhumination ;

    Very Said !

    Phuket seems to be also a HUB of drowing !!

  8. Most of the cars sold for 3 years !!

    so 2 years are left -

    but left with the manufacturer or the sales , but not with the customer !

    So when the customer not keep this " lease " for another 2 years "

    and the seller cant lease it for another 2 years as used car,

    the seller have to pay the tax !!

    So its not about the consumers ,

    its about the manufucturer or seller who did the lease !!

    money always stays remained in the pocket of the BIG guys -

    this is this nice Thaland !!

    when a revolution will rubb out this feudalistic system of the rich for rich ??

  9. I view these numbers with some skepticism... 1000000 Chinese per month. Many arrive on B737 or A320 style planes, so about 170 per plane. Some come on larger panes so lets say 300 per flight. That is 3333 planes per month or 111 planes a day. That's more than 8 per hour, just from China.... If the numbers of djjames graph are correct, the 2500000 per month would be 8333 planes per month or 277 per day. They all have to leave as well so that is 554 flights per day....mmmm

    thai mathematics -

    100000 or 1000000 is same same - at least similar a lot !

  10. That will help get the numbers up to the predicted 28.8 million tourists although going by tourist arrival trends I feel 28.8 million might be a bit under stated.

    If one cannot deny the facts showing record number of tourist arrivals the next logical step is to denounce the quality of tourists.

    I for one hope this offers a strong boost to Thailand so the tourist sector can continue to prosper as it has done since rebounding in May last year.

    And you probably think more Chinese will travel when their money is getting devalued also? Heheee

    You seem to forget that most Asian currencies including THB already devalued against the greenback so with the recent devaluation of the Yuan it is on par with the Asian currencies and at the same exchange rate as a month ago!

    baht have still to follow to get what it is worth !

    The q af bar girls have not increased, so why we should pay more ??

    I still wait for usual Thai promotion,

    buy 1 get 1 free !! :-)))

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