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Posts posted by mango66

  1. Man alive, between them dancing soldiers and bike rides and stuff, one would've thought happiness had been brought back to all concerned. But clearly some jokers never got the memo. Junta needs to do more. First up General PC needs to lighten up a bit on TV. He always looks like he just ate some bad prawn curry. Lighten up man. Tell a few jokes. Like this. "Hey, Thai people, heard this one? A junta, a purty politician, and a tycoon walk into a bar ..."

    There you go. Keep the folks in stitches. Ain't nobody going to be throwing no more bombs in that case. They'll be laughing their head off instead of blowing them off other folks. Give it a shot.

    Yes yes!!

    I was just thinking about how good it was to see so many people wearing the blue t-shirts on bike for mum day.. No divisions of red and yellow all joined together wearing blue. This was a well timed and well planned explosion aimed at injecting a big dose of reality into anyone who might have forgotten what side they were on and why the military is still needed to run the country. I think many will agree with this as I think it is an obvious conclusion. thumbsup.gif

    26 posts -please learn about Thailand,

    and you will know why the junta have to lead Thailand ,

    and have too for a couple of years !!

    Cancer you just not solve by a surgery ,

    you need therapy, maybee all for your life;

    And Thailand my friend, I can tell you have metastases everywhere !!

  2. ;

    3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

    4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.


    I believe the source were early claims made on twitter last night that have since been refuted.

    It's an excellent example of what the resident "intelligence" analysts on this site have been basing their pronouncements upon

    yes these 2 were new to me and they told they have no parts of the bomb as it was complete destroyed.

    Would they have a defused one they would know a lot more....

    police were trampling around like in an elephant camp;

    sure there were, and always is some remains of the bombs,

    but thai forensic police is trainend to find narcotics and botteles of alco when tourists die in hotels,

    in criminal cases they are trainened to find " Nothing " ,

    that makes the envelopes stuffed !!

    And army started to search in morning, when traffic remained !!

    Hampleman of investigators !

    They shoulod look TV Miamy Vice !!

  3. Disclosed information:

    1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;

    2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South;

    3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

    4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.

    When this is not a 'bombing campaign', what is it?

    IMO, who could be committing such criminal acts, starting from the least likely:

    1) extremist 'circles' around Thai nationalists or the military (very crazy because totally contra-productive for them in the short term and long run, but I list it just to satisfy our local denialists who will come up to shrug off any possible responsibilty from their side using that kind of crap...)

    2) international terrorist organisations (nothing pointing in that direction at the time, and I doubt such organisations have 'the logistics' in Thailand to plant 4 explosive devises in less than 24h.);

    3) 'wardogs', mercenary killers, à la 'men in black' (paid by, acting for whom, the same as 'highly suspected' before, and shown in pictures and video?);

    4) some, to becalled, 'rogue elements' within or associated to the red shirts' UDD (which, with their 'master' and 'sponsor', would be evident beneficiaries

    from destabilision...)

    Of course, nothing clear yet, but no conjectures here, only depicting the scene, as IMO.

    Do I count right:

    1 Killer bomb

    2 Sathon pier

    3 Gayson

    4 motorbike

    are we really at 4 bombs, now? That is scary. And the terrorists must be complete idiots with just 25% working

    skill up your mathematics !

    3 of 4 were exploding - that counts in school mathematics as 75% !!

    1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;--Fail

    2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South; OK

    3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike; fail

    4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn. fail

    I count 3 fails and 1 OK=25%

    Even terrorists have problems finding qualified staff that get things done proper.

    one bomb exploded inside the gate - a smaller crater

    2nd one outside on the streed, big crater - burned motorcicles and damaged cars

    3rd one exploded, but not killed peoples,

    Do you count bombs only when they kill ?

    like Irak, Afghanistan, Pakistan Bombings with minimum 50 death ?

  4. Second bomb is similar to Ratchaprasong bomb


    BANGKOK: -- A second bomb exploded beneath Sathorn bridge sending passengers and visitors running in panic.

    But the explosion did not cause any injury to people.

    Royal Thai Police spokesman confirmed the second bomb was a pipe bomb similar to the bomb used in Ratchaprasong.

    The explosion at about 2.25 pm was near the Sathorn river pier which is the terminal for Chao Phraya river commuter boats and a short distance from the Skytrain station. It’s also a popular stop for Chinese tour groups.

    Residents living in highrise buildings near the river bank reported hearing the deafening sound of explosion which they said it also shook their rooms.

    It was so loud that it sent pigeons to fly away in panic, one resident said.

    Manager of the Sathorn pier said the bomb, which he said might be pipe bomb, was hurled from the overhead Sathorn bridge but hit a railing of the BTS overhead pedestrian overpass and fell into Sathorn canal which connects to the Chao Phraya river.

    The explosion was so powerful that it sent the water into the air for over 10 metres high.

    A surveillance camera beneath Sathorn bridge also showed pedestrians running in panic as the bomb went off and splashing water into them as they were walking up the overpass.

    Explosive ordnance disposal police arrived at the scene and sealed off the bridge looking for more bombs.

    Forensic police also arrived to collect evidence.

    Surveillance cameras on the bridge might have captured the bomb suspect.

    Forensic police said they collected many small pellets which were believed to be part of the bomb.

    It was not known if the second explosion was linked to the deadly bomb at Ratchaprasong or not.

    Royal Thai Police Pol Or Gen Prawut Thawornsiri said the bomb was a pipe bomb similar to the pipe bomb at Ratchaprasong.

    He said the thrower intended to hurl the bomb into the commuter pier but missed the target.

    The place is also a place where tourists will come to board boats.

    EOD police have discovered a big part of the bomb which indicated the bomb did not function fully.

    Soldiers and police have now sealed off the area as they feared the perpetrator might try another attempt.

    ภาพCCTVเหตุระเบิดบริเวณท่าเรือสาทรเมื่อช่วง13.00น.เบื้องต้นไม่มีผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บ เครดิตวิดีโอ:อาสาแจ้งข่าว #ThaiPBS

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/second-bomb-is-similar-to-ratchaprasong-bomb


    -- Thai PBS 2015-08-18

    he will not send a 2nd pipe on the same place, where now 100 of police and army,

    he will do it there, where they are missing now for the minimum check !!

    and we know , it was great luck that not again victims !!

  5. Disclosed information:

    1) the bomb at Sathon pier bounced off of a hard surface before falling into the water and exploding;

    2) the bomb that exploded at Erawan was a pipe bomb with 3kg. of gun powder, 'not consistent' with the ones made in the Deep South;

    3) a second, unexploded, bomb was discovered at Erawan, hidden in a motorbike;

    4) a third bomb was found and defused at Gaysorn.

    When this is not a 'bombing campaign', what is it?

    IMO, who could be committing such criminal acts, starting from the least likely:

    1) extremist 'circles' around Thai nationalists or the military (very crazy because totally contra-productive for them in the short term and long run, but I list it just to satisfy our local denialists who will come up to shrug off any possible responsibilty from their side using that kind of crap...)

    2) international terrorist organisations (nothing pointing in that direction at the time, and I doubt such organisations have 'the logistics' in Thailand to plant 4 explosive devises in less than 24h.);

    3) 'wardogs', mercenary killers, à la 'men in black' (paid by, acting for whom, the same as 'highly suspected' before, and shown in pictures and video?);

    4) some, to becalled, 'rogue elements' within or associated to the red shirts' UDD (which, with their 'master' and 'sponsor', would be evident beneficiaries

    from destabilision...)

    Of course, nothing clear yet, but no conjectures here, only depicting the scene, as IMO.

    Do I count right:

    1 Killer bomb

    2 Sathon pier

    3 Gayson

    4 motorbike

    are we really at 4 bombs, now? That is scary. And the terrorists must be complete idiots with just 25% working

    skill up your mathematics !

    3 of 4 were exploding - that counts in school mathematics as 75% !!

  6. Most of the comments about the man's descriptions were from people who saw him. Not from this imagery. Here's a photo of the guy inside the shrine taken by a Thai on the overhead bridge just minutes before.

    But the PM has just said they think it's a guy from Esan? He's contradicting the police and the witnesses now?

    2 stories-

    one says someone have left a plastic bag under the seat - is this seat there ?

    So maybee the 2nd one brought that rucksack there,

    took the plastic bag which contained his brown envelope with the selary ??

  7. I'm a caucasisn American with southern European roots on my father's side. Thais have often said that I look like a "kaek," so I don't put much stock in this description yet. Early leads in an investigation like this are notoriously unreliable. Or, maybe it was the work of Basque separatists-- speculation leads to absurdity.

    But skilled people (Thai Police??????) could easily tell that you aren't a Saudi Arab. Most Europeans can't see a difference between Thai, Chinese and Japanese, the same for the usual Thai, they can't see the difference between an Italian and a Iraqi.....

    because many thais are Chinese of origin 5555555555555

    and many thais are Laotians 555555555555

  8. If it weren't so stupid it would be funny. The southern Muslims didn't do this. This was political. The Reds have been far too quiet and their discontent can only be put off for so long.

    RIP to those poor souls enjoying a holiday or visit to the shrine. Terrible.

    Please post proof of your claims, as you dont have any lets wait for the investigation.

    My contacts in the NE provinces say the dogs have been barking for a number of months that terrorist acts were likely to break out at any time. No proof just gossip. But where there is smoke there is fire and possibly explosions. This would fit in with Thai police concentrating security up in the NE. How many Uighurs and radical muslims in that area?

    The junta groupies continue their unsympathetic comments for political gain. I knew they were pretty low to support a military takeover but to blame their opponents for no other reason than wishful thinking is despicable. It would be astounding if the reds were to blow up one of their main shrines, kill loads of Thais and tourists and expect to gain politically. I don't know who was responsible for this, but it's a terrible act and I'm sure if it was connected to the redshirts they would lose a lot of support, including mine. Even then, I would never be a cheerleader for a military junta. I'm ex-British Army and I wouldn't trust the brass that I was involved with to run a bacon slicer, let alone a country.

    I see , you beleaved the brass of your army in Irak or afghanistan !!

    On the daily bombings there you can see, what you with your support have brought to this country;

    Nothing else similar was there before !!

    (( like here in thailand this was not similar before TS !! ))

    No nuclear material at all !

    But you still " proud of that " what nonsens you have done there for your ass - sorry Brass you said !!

  9. I find it surprising that the PM has decided to remain silent other than issuing a statement through his officers. He clamours for this face to be seen on a daily basis - but with such an outrage he has gone to ground? Or am I wrong - has anyone see him make any announcements on local TV?

    The PM should be amongst the first on-air appealing for calm and assuring the populace that he has this under control (no matter how unbelievable that is).

    He is not Blair and blarring first !!

  10. the fact that they targeted the shrine rather than a major tourist area suggests a religious bias, and as we are all aware the majority of muslims may not be terrorists but the majority of terrorists are muslim

    Ratchapraisong area stays for what ?

    Red protest area

    Red bombing site for several times;

    who alwas made there troubles ?

    yes, correct, the " REDS "

    so why you think now trhat this were other groups ??

  11. The U.S. Embassy in Bangkok issued an emergency message for U.S. citizens, advising them to avoid the shrine's area.

    Bit late! How can anyone say if, WHERE or when another attrocity will happen. Short of staying in bed and never leaving the house how can one be sure of being safe?

    The cowards that did this, if caught, should not be executed, but taken around the country in a cage to show the people what truly evil people look like.

    If the perpetrators wanted to destroy tourism they would have struck at Phuket, Chiang Mai or Pattaya. As they did not, I think the motive must be political.

    RIP to the innocent victims, and my sympathy to the innocent wounded.

    they already around in the N - NE of Thailand;

    The south they would rearly survive;

  12. If you take a walk down memory lane and count the bombings and the spent bullets you might find the military and police has caused the most loss of life when it is in their best interests. Their statements of misdirection are timely to distract you... It is their abracadabra before the trick. If this goes unsolved or void of political scapegoats then you can be pretty much certain those wearing uniforms are responsible.

    better you say: did wear a uniform,

    but in future not allowed any more !!


    At least 16 killed, up to 100 injured by biggest attack



    A Sene from CCTV

    BANGKOK: -- A LARGE bomb rocked central Bangkok's Ratchaprasong area last night, killing at least 16 people and injuring dozens more last night.

    The blast - perhaps the biggest attack in the country - was the first major violence following the May 2014 coup. It appeared to target the city's Erawan Shrine, which is popular with Chinese tourists.

    National police chief Pol General Somyot Poompanmuang condemned the fatal attack, saying the suspects were very cruel and had every intention to kill innocent people.

    "I want to condemn the attack and the attackers who were brutal as they attacked the Erawan Shrine at about 7pm, when it is usually packed with foreign tourists and worshippers," Somyot said.

    Roads leading to Ratchaprasong Intersection would be closed until noon August 18 so police can collect evidence from the scene, he said.

    At the time of the blast, Ratchaprasong and the Erawan Shrine were packed with motorists, tourists and worshippers.

    The National Council for Peace and Order, which is led by Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, called an urgent meeting following the blast.

    Somyot said a Chinese and a Filipino national were among those killed. Earlier, unconfirmed reports claimed four foreigners were among the casualties.

    Somyot said initial inquiries showed the suspects had planted an improvised explosive device under a chair close to the fence of the Erawan Shrine. It was a 3kg TNT explosive with a capacity to damage a 100-metre area.

    Somyot said he had informed Prayut as well as Deputy Premier and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan of the incident, adding he was not ruling out any possible cause for the attack. The authorities have ordered police to ensure public security.

    Initial reports said at least 15 were killed and 100 injured in the explosion that occurred just before 7pm. Somyot said another suspected bomb was found by a bomb squad in the same area.

    The Police Hospital asked for the public to donate blood for dozens of injured victims. Most of the injured were Chinese tourists who were believed to be paying respect to the shrine when the blasts took place.

    "It was a TNT bomb... the people who did it targeted foreigners and to damage tourism and the economy," Prawit said.

    Witnesses believed there were two blasts, with the first bomb detonated on a motorcycle parked on the street, while a second was near the Erawan Shrine. The usually busy Ratchaprasong area was immediately sealed off.

    Former deputy government spokesman MajGeneral Sansern Kaewkamnerd said Prawit was assigned by the PM to take charge of the situation. He said it was too early to pinpoint the cause.

    Security sources said the incident was believed to be politically motivated, and may involve the move to strip former PM Thaksin Shinawatra of his police rank, the draft charter, the looming military reshuffle, and the spillover from unrest in the deep South.

    "I was having dinner at the Hyatt Erawan when a large explosion shook the building," said Eric Seldin, an office worker told DPA. "When we were allowed outside 15 minutes later we saw several bodies covered under white sheets and damage to a nearby shrine."

    TV footage showed emergency workers assisting survivors and body parts scattered on the road. A bomb crater was visible in the courtyard of the Hindu shrine.

    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/At-least-16-killed-up-to-100-injured-by-biggest-at-30266798.html


    -- The Nation 2015-08-18

    Read Read !

    Somyoth have informed PM that there was a bomb in BKK !!

    And that he have no IDEA about it !!

    He counting his days to retirement only -

    maybee he should be put on an inactive post INSTANTLY !!

  14. Govt: Security situation around Rajaprasong under control

    BANGKOK, 18 August 2015 (NNT) – The government has issued a statement regarding the bomb blast in central Bangkok on Monday evening, urging the public to be vigilant as investigations are underway.

    Deputy Government Spokesperson Maj Gen Sansern Kaewkamnerd hosted a special telecast to inform the Thai people of the situation at Rajaprasong intersection after the area was shaken by a powerful explosion. He revealed that after the blast, which occurred at around 7 pm Monday, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has expressed condolences for those who lost their lives and promised to conduct serious probes into the case.

    So far, the Deputy Spokesman said security officers have been able to keep the situation under control. All of the wounded were sent to nearby hospitals. Concerned authorities are trying to verify the identities of foreign victims and contact their families at home as soon as possible.

    Maj Gen Sansern urged the public to help keep an eye out for suspicious individuals or activities and report them to security agencies immediately if found while also closely monitoring reports from government sources.

    Meanwhile, Deputy Government Spokesperson Maj Gen Weerachon Sukhonthapatipak said the total number of casualties and injuries shall be confirmed once emergency services are able to provide verified information. He affirmed security officials are taking every possible measure to secure the site of bombing and conduct investigations while emergency services are in full response.

    Maj Gen Weerachon deemed it too early to determine who and what motivations may have been behind the attack but insisted that authorities are following possible leads.


    -- NNT 2015-08-18 footer_n.gif

    yes, please people look around - the bomb layers for sure there still around !

    It tooks police 1 day to find out that there were 2 bombs in detonation !

    Very fast for RTP !

    When there will arrive some real experts -

    did they call them from Koh Tao ??

    first ferry boat in the morning , than first flight from Surat Thani -

    so they could have arrived already !!

  15. Thailand reporting !!

    one headline says 19, the next tile 18, the 3rd one 19 - in the same articel

    than : nearly 100 injured,

    in next line 123 are injured,

    Bomb at the erevan shrine -

    if you look on some pictures - its on the street,

    some pictures show near the fence ,

    no one shows the place where it should have taken to many reports - in the erewan shrine;

    How a motorbike would be parked inside the shrine ??

    terrible reporting,

    but comparing some pictures - seems 2 bombs ?

    One on streedt where the bikes,

    and a 2nd bomb hole just beside of the fence - inside the fence, so not out on the street !!

  16. My wife work in Cooperation with AIS - but not on fibre cables !

    You deal there with many companies !

    AIS is Marketing - and sales -

    all other is outsorced,

    therefore left hand dont know what right one promises;

    But I hear DTAC do the same;

    They all work hard on G4 -

    all pronouncing -

    but licenses will maybee sold end of this year !!

    You are in Th !!

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