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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. Back from Jomtien Immigration with my Cert of Residence. No queue, in and out in less than 5 minutes at 10 am. Was told to return at 11 am for the cert, which was ready and waiting for me after a nice breakfast at "Cheap Charlies".
  2. I'm now 77 yoa and I can honestly say that I've never once seen a non-white be racially abused. I keep hearing about it from the woke thinkers, but it is always conveniently generalised and people never quote exact examples. It's too easy to bang on about institutional and subconscious racism without giving actual examples. I've been verbally abused countless times in my life, especially when I lived in your part of the world and when I was in the army. I took it as banter and gave as good as I got. If I was a non-white, I could easily have assumed that it was because of my colour.
  3. I assumed you presented your proof of residency to immigration or embassy to get your Certificate of Residence. I've never been asked for a separate one by the licencing office, that would defeat the object of the Residency Cert and deprive immigration of their brown envelopes. As it happens I'm off to Jomtien Immigration this morning to get the very thing. Hope the queues aren't too long.
  4. It's a cultural thing in the Orient, even before Covid, many people wore masks in the cities. It seems like no hardship for them. Now wearing motorcycle helmets which could really save your life .......
  5. Because they can and don't need other expats' approval to do so.
  6. Strange on a forum where most people are "getting on a bit" that we have ageism at all. Maybe they're similar to me, who at 77 yoa still thinks everyone else is an "old feller".
  7. "It doesn't matter what your age is, if you're Incompetent you're going to have an accident, MANAGE yourself people, stop blaming others, be Accountable. " How about the many reports on this forum of Thais dying after coming into contact with low hanging cables, they can't all be incompetent. Trouble is, you can't see a cable camouflaged against a dusty background until you're right on top of it. Can't believe there are people on here who blame the rider for being garroted by cables that should be high above the road.
  8. Well said! I'm browned off with the dirty noisy nuisance creatures. My next door neighbours for about seven years have recently moved out, thankfully. They kept nine (r) nine dogs in their garden. The new owner has two. Another neighbour moved a few days back, he had four dogs, the new owner also has four dogs, so no relief there. None of them are restrained, they just wander around barking at people and chasing bikes and motorbikes. What's wrong with people that they have to keep more than one dog? I know from my own experience of dog ownership that it's easy to keep one dog under control, but difficult to train more than one. They egg each other on. I'm not a complete dog hater (yet), I like to see a single well behaved animal and usually pet them, but these noisy, undisciplined things which you see wandering around here really put me off the creatures. I would certainly support any dog caught attacking a person without provocation be put down immediately and jail time for the owner.
  9. I'd go even further. Any unrestrained dog on the street should be put down, because people, especially children, don't know if it's friendly or vicious. Also, the owner (if they can be found) should be heavily fined and if the dog's attacked anyone, prosecuted and possibly jailed. I'd also like a law to be brought in against barking dogs, they're a festering nuisance.
  10. That doesn't look like a very sharp bend to me which makes me suspect that if there were no mechanical or health problems involved, the driver either fell asleep, was speeding, or was playing with his phone.
  11. The fact that you're in Chiang Mai is well camouflaged under the large headline. Probably why you're getting so many replies regarding Suvarnabhumi.
  12. I had the same problem earlier this week, after years of trouble-free logging in I wasted two days attempting to receive the access code. In the end, I clicked the button to contact them and it gave me the option to change the method of receiving the code. One of the choices was the google authenticator app which I chose, and on using, got straight into the site. The Google 2-factor app is a good tool to have on your phone if you haven't already got it, lots of sites are asking for it these days, especially if you invest in shares, crypto etc. It only takes a couple of minutes to download from the Play Store and is very simple to use. By the way, my phone provider is AIS.
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