Well said! I'm browned off with the dirty noisy nuisance creatures. My next door neighbours for about seven years have recently moved out, thankfully. They kept nine (r) nine dogs in their garden. The new owner has two. Another neighbour moved a few days back, he had four dogs, the new owner also has four dogs, so no relief there. None of them are restrained, they just wander around barking at people and chasing bikes and motorbikes.
What's wrong with people that they have to keep more than one dog? I know from my own experience of dog ownership that it's easy to keep one dog under control, but difficult to train more than one. They egg each other on.
I'm not a complete dog hater (yet), I like to see a single well behaved animal and usually pet them, but these noisy, undisciplined things which you see wandering around here really put me off the creatures.
I would certainly support any dog caught attacking a person without provocation be put down immediately and jail time for the owner.